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  1. cab is in rough shape, back of cab has rust and someone put a hole in the roof for a vent. Sell of scrap price, iron at this time is $150.00 a ton
  2. Pictures of the C95, sorry it has taken so long but I have been out of town. I have all the lights, siren and transmission for the truck, plus what you can see in the pictures
  3. Waterous pump, pump number 23349, do not know the size, was told the pump was bad and that was the reason the truck was taken out of service
  4. It does have power steering, was a diesel automatic, but I used the motor and other parts.
  5. Parting out a C600 Mack Rough shape/been sitting for a long time. Truck in located in central Nebraska Also parting out a 1962?? C95F, also located in central Nebraska You can contact me through this form or at mltdst@aol.com
  6. .My name is Mike, I live in Central Nebraska. Have a 1963 C95 fire truck I will be using for parts.Also have a C600 for parts.The B61 will be a long progect.I plan on using the 673 out of the fire truck because it only has 26k miles on it.

  7. 57 B61 going in for R & R
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