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Everything posted by phildirt

  1. Here is the interior of the B75- after the Dynamat went in a full layer of sound insulating matting. The Dynamat covered everything- also inside the doors. It made a world of difference (I chnaged to grey- couldn't stay with the Mack "baby shit green")-
  2. Penn State/ Weather World said in the extended forecast that next weekend- June 15/16 "could be the nicest weekend of the year so far". Yee haw--
  3. In the UltraLiner series (MH 613) of Magnums single or dual exhausts were available. If the truck was orginally set up for an air deflector, only the single stack was available.
  4. Chassis # 001363 and # 006890 got together this morning in the sun to get a few pictures. That is Thunderdog's MH and Phidirt's RW.
  5. Your Pennsylvania inspection sticker meets all the federal requirements.
  6. I have been using the "new content" and "last 24 hours" for a long time- neither seem to work any more.
  7. There are a bunch of independent testing labs out there. I have used a couple of different ones over the years. I am currently using Blackstone. Cost is $25 plus postage, they supply the kits, cost about $5 for priority mail. There are several with affiliations with the oil companies. Have used it for years in the vehicles that use the full synthectic oils- I nearly double the mileage on the oil change interval with the tests.
  8. The kick stand is for me-- I'm 5' 15" and still can't reach from the ground over that fender to the bottom of the lubrafiner to open the drain cock. I will post a copy of the oil results when it back- Monday or Tuesday.
  9. The B 75 is in the shop today for the annual going over: Oil and Lubrfiner change, grease, adjust brakes, change fuel filters, top off rears. Oil sample off to the test lab. Changed electrical system from positive ground to negative. Ready to roll for the rest of the year.
  10. GEOD998- Post the last 6 numbers of the VIN and I will check the database and see if it was built as a Magnum. I also sent you a PM. Unless things have changed, J C Taylor will not write new policies for "big" trucks. Their website will offer a price quote and when you call they will tell you that they won't write the policy. They do continue to renew existing policies.
  11. From the sales material I have have they were were all Mack "Phantom Gray, metallic, with red accent striping and the stylized Statue of Liberty decals". The frame is Imron black. The big push was for front to back, all parts and labor warranty (not tires and filters), for 3 years/ 300,000 miles. "...virtual freedom from repair costs..." Everything I found so far shows ordered in spring/ summer 1986 and delivered in October, November, December 1986 as 1987 model year. Thunderdog has gotten me one VIN, but I'm still looking for more #'s
  12. He is a poor scan from one of the promotional brochures-
  13. I am working on research project to identify the 200 trucks built as part of the Mack Freedom series Limited Edition. If you own one or know anyone who currently owns a MH Freedom series could you contact me? Thanks
  14. Wiring diagrams are in the wiki section of this site.
  15. What is the Mack part number for the bushing?
  16. RW613- I sent you a PM on the Liberty/ Freedom trucks.
  17. I used a Delco 40 MT starter (12 volt) on my engine (ENDT 673) and left the series parallel in place and used it to activate the starter.
  18. The side lights on the turn signals light up the MAGNUM at night- looks real nice. It was done intentionally.
  19. The R Series of trucks included R, RB, RD, RM, RW, RL/RS Models. Model Production: Years: R Model 225,596 1965 to 1990 RD Model 113,673 1970 to 2004 RB Models 7,548 1988 to 2005 RM Models 3,220 1972 to 1989 RW Models 20,220 1977 to 1993 Includes Hayward and Macungie RS/RL Models 27,698 1966 to 1987 Includes Hayward and Macungie Grand Total 397,955 Source- Data from Mack Trucks Historical Museum, December, 2012
  20. Farmer52- If you are truly running without a Fuel Tax sticker you could/ will be in expensive trouble. Failure to have the IFTA sticker is considered tax evasion. You can probably get away with if for a long time, but it may catch up with you. You can get a DOT number strickly for use in situations like getting a fuel tax sticker. It comes with a letter explaining that you "do not display" the DOT number because you are not in a commercial situation. I strickly use my trucks non- commercial (one plated antique, one plated collectible), and was subjected to a full 4 year audit on my fuel usage. The audit worked out fine because I had good records. I got about a $75.00 refund.
  21. Saving a broke Super-Liner with another Super-Liner--
  22. The split was 186 Super-Liner II (RW 613) and 64 Ultra-Liner (MH 613). They were used as a special promotion to introduce the Super-Liner II, Family 10 E9 V8, and T2090 transmission. The entire production was sold out before the production run began. They were all model year 1985- ordered in late 1984 and early 1985 for delivery in 1985. (there were 26 made with the 1070B transmission for deleviery in Canada) MackTucks4 - send me the last 4 of the VIN (PM) and your email and I can check the database for to see if it was built as a Magnum. The white Magnum belongs to Chris Lee in Maryland. It was built as a Magnum. Chris chose to interpret his truck in his own way when he restored it. I have an article written for Double Clutch magazine on the Magnum's schduled for publication late this summer.
  23. Nope- Bob Burkhouse-- Bob Kelly doesn't need anything more- he has enough to work on until 2113-
  24. I was just the swamper on this trip- It belongs to CletracBob in Bradford, PA. He has already been talking to Mr. Zimmerman- seems this is the only FG? The SuperLiner is a working truck.
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