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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. I'm 30 and we're not all like that, I promise! The scary thing is, all of those idiots are most likely registered voters.
  2. That looks like an Insley. I've got one of those picked out close to the house, too.
  3. I actually found one for free on hcea, but it's already spoken for.
  4. The ones I've seen have been gas. A 10b is only about 17k lbs or so.
  5. A 15 would be nice too... It might even be big enough to get a little work done. I like the idea of a 10 because they're so compact, and it was the first machine my uncle loaded gravel with when he was 14. Would a 15 be a 3/8 or 1/2 yard machine? Maybe close in size to a 350 Bantam or a model K Insley, I'm guessing?
  6. Just texted Mike and he's still kickin. Said the food sucks but the nurses are good looking. He said to let everyone know he ain't dead yet and not to be looking for an auction brochure anytime soon!
  7. I didn't think about them but I bet he would be the man to ask!
  8. You're gonna make me cry! I'm always a day late and a dollar short! Lol
  9. Get well soon, big guy! I'll say a prayer for you.
  10. I'd like to find a 10B Bucyrus in any condition, whole or parts. I've been wanting a small friction machine to play around with and I think a 10B would hit me just about right. Any leads would be much appreciated! Have a very nice original 1974 IH Loadstar I'd trade if any interest is there. Thanks for looking!
  11. That's amazing... Just for curiosity's sake, how much were they asking for it back then?
  12. I really like that bumper. Shipping to AR would be a little pricey though. Where in west PA are you located, exactly?
  13. eBay has a pretty nice selection.
  14. Has anyone here ever replaced a roof panel on an R model? My '83 has a couple of pretty rotten spots around the drip rail. It looks like it's spot welded and caulked on. I'm just wondering how is the best way to go about replacing it? Any advice would be much appreciated.
  15. Couldn't agree more. If you're being treated poorly by the police, why not try not breaking the law, regardless of what color you are? And apparently you're automatically a racist if you call them out on their double standard. I say stop dispatching police to the areas that are most prone to this kind of nonsense and let them work out their differences amongst themselves. (I'm sure they will do it in a peaceful manner, since black lives matter and all.)
  16. Well, I brought her home the other day. Haven't had a chance to get started on it yet. Needs a good cleaning and servicing first, but mechanically I think it's sound. I can't find a leak anywhere and it runs, drives, and shifts like a dream. I forgot how much I liked driving a 2 valve. Anyhow, once I get it cleaned it up, I'm hoping to drop it off at the paint shop. I haven't decided on a color or paint scheme yet. I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions? What's your favorite R model paint scheme?
  17. I'm not chopping any up, partner.
  18. Sold to a good home. Gonna have an easy life hauling hay seasonally on my buddy's farm in Mississippi.
  19. You should really consider a different profile name if you're serious about buying trucks on here.
  20. I can assure you you'll never get one of mine.
  21. The only new truck I ever bought was an '06 GMC Sierra w/t. Regular cab, 2wd, v6, 5 speed. $16,000. Everybody thought I was crazy for wanting a plain jane truck. I owed two notes on it when I traded it in on a 4 wd Tacoma. Dumbest thing I ever did.
  22. Could be a Red Dot, Kysor, or Evans unit. The Red Dot unit is available in its entirety from Red Dot dealers for around $800. The Kysor unit is a little harder to find, and the Evans unit is NLA.
  23. When I worked for my cousin in Memphis we had 4 TS 14's. 4-71's front and back. When you turned sharp you had to lay off the back throttle or it would push the front section up on one wheel. They were great little machines.
  24. Haven't yet. I'll pm some more pics as soon as I get home with some daylight left.
  25. Yes, still have it. What would you like to see in particular?
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