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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. I like the blue and white. Here's a pic of a green r700 that was for sale a while back.
  2. I'm pretty sure I saw that truck at the '05 ATHS show in Auburn, IN.
  3. Very nice! How far south?
  4. I'm with '84. Never seen a trailer truck stand up. I bet the driver had to hunt some clean drawers. Lol my dad ran alot of single axles when I was a kid, and I remember stumps and broken up concrete hanging up and before you know it you're looking at clear blue sky. Lol
  5. I'm pretty partial to the '86 with the two stick six speed, but it's just a 237. The '94 with the 300 and 7 speed will probably have a bit more get up and go.
  6. Yeah, I haven't very many times, but it has happened. Aw, it's going pretty good. We had a bit of an ice storm blow through, and now it's thawing out and the ground is rotten everywhere. Gonna try to start a clearing job in the AM. How about y'all? You still coming up here to look at those DM's anytime soon?
  7. Just something to make what we're running now ''obsolete." Anybody know what a replacement rotor and shoes would cost? I can't imagine them being cheaper to service than drums. Maybe I'm wrong?
  8. I've been around dump trucks my whole life, and I have to admit that on occasion I have forgot to shut the tailgate. It's pretty embarrassing to back up to a machine, and be almost loaded and have the gate swing open and two or three yards of material hit the ground. The man I bought my RD from came up with what I thought was a pretty neat idea. He put a brake light switch on one side of the air gate switch, and ran it to a red PTO light in the dash. When it's open, the red light is on. When you close the gate, the light goes off. I know everybody here is a professional that would never forget to close their gate, but I've never had an 'accident' in the three years I've been running this truck. I just thought it was a neat idea and that I'd pass it on to my fellow dumptruckers.
  9. No connection, just thought it was cool. Pretty rough, though. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Other-Makes-Mack-jr-Standard-1936-1938-mack-jr-cab-and-chassis-restore-or-ratrod-/261347363816?forcerrptr=true&hash=item3cd9844be8&item=261347363816&pt=US_Cars_Trucks
  10. That's a good question. Any F I've seen or owned here in the States had the shift tower mounted with the chassis, and the shifter(s) stayed with the shift tower.
  11. Can't do that! I like my R model, just not the a/c. Lol
  12. I've never been around an R model with a very good air conditioner. Two years ago, I changed the coil, control panel, expansion valve, lines, and condensor on my RD, but it still leaves alot to be desired. I'm going to Dynamat the interior, and I'm sure it will help. I hate to get away from everything being factory, but I'm thinking about replacing the heat and a/c dash unit with an older style R model heat only box, and installing a Red Dot unit that bolts to the back of the cab, between the seats. The guy that bought my last R model did it and that thing will freeze you out when it's 100+ degrees outside, which it tends to do in Arkansas in the summer time. What do y'all think? Good idea or should I leave it like it is and tweak on something else?
  13. Kyle, as for the float situation, I believe if you use up to a 315 22.5, you can use the same rim as you world for an 11r22.5. I know we had 425 floats on a DM with 20'' dayton hubs, but it was a much wider rim than normal.
  14. That's awesome. Wish I had $17,000 laying around.
  15. I try to grease my truck at least once a week, and I always just put 10-15 shots in the trunnion. I've heard that you're supposed to jack the truck up where the weight is off of the springs, but I never do that. I may be messing up, I'm not sure.
  16. Mike, that single axle g model down here I was telling you about has a top loader in it.
  17. Yeah, I've run into folks like that on occasion. A John Deere engine? I see that monstrosity being on Craigslist in a couple of years with "One of a kind" in the description. What a waste of a good truck...
  18. Here's the only pics I have of the '86's.
  19. I'm not sure. Money always gets tight this time of year around here. I think my dad is pretty set on one of the '86's, but that leaves 2 other ones that are up for the taking. PM me and I'll shoot you some info.
  20. Maddog, I liked your post because you had 666 likes and it was making me uncomfortable. Lol That is a nice cab. Was that truck a gas burner? The tanks look different.
  21. I saw that, too. I wonder what they mean by "custom interior?"
  22. I have a feeling that finding the padded upholstery is going to be next to impossible. I've yet to see a junked F model with a great interior. I hope I'm wrong, though. I'd like to know what an upholstery shop would charge to redo one.
  23. Welcome! Yep, you can't beat an e7... or a superliner, for that matter!
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