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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. That's sad... Wish it was closer.
  2. I just changed them on my RD the other day, and the old ones had been driven in, then they hit the spindle with a chisel and created a burr to hold the cap down. I guess if you tack welded it and it's still popping out, though, a chisel won't help...
  3. Yeah, she'll hold a slope pretty well! Haha thanks for the kind words, guys. I'm no painter at all. I think you could smear Cat yellow on with a stick and it would still look good.
  4. Thank y'all. Maybe I won't skin it up too bad right out of the gate now that it's yellow again. Lol
  5. Yeah, man. My girlfriend lives about 3-4 miles from their yard. Kirk Witcher is a super nice guy. They're always taking old trailers and sprucing them up, and seem to do a nice job. I'll be up there either tonight or tomorrow, I'll stop by and check it out and report back. If you buy it I need to borrow it. Haha.
  6. It's just the bumper.
  7. No problem, man. I just hate to see it sit around. Countryboy, I'll see if I can get out there this weekend and get some pics. It's aftermarket, but I think it's actually a little heavier than the OEM bumper. I believe it had 3 bolt holes for each spring hanger. Can't remember for sure, though.
  8. I'd have to respectfully disagree with that statement. My '96 RD with an all manual E7 350 rolls coal like a freight train.
  9. 10-4, Ryan. I guess the interior changes would be padded dash to plastic dash and black perforated cloth headliner and back of cab panel to gray vinyl?
  10. Hey, R686st, I've got a brand new chrome angle RD bumper sitting at the house that I only had on my truck for a week or so. I decided to put my 500 lb steel pipe bumper back on, because apparently I decided the dang thing wasn't heavy enough at 30,500. Anyways, it's just gonna rot if I don't do something with it. I've even got the brackets that go between the bumper and the spring hangers. I gave $500 for it but I'd probably take $250 for it. I bet it'd look good on your truck.
  11. True that! Knock on wood, I never did! Or just haven't yet... I probably shouldn't tempt fate by talking about it... Er, no habla english...
  12. I started in the dirt moving business a little over 2 years ago when I bought this machine from a paving company in Memphis, TN. It had sat up for 5-6 years at that point and was pretty tight but the bucket and undercarriage was wore slap out. I limped it around for a year until I paid it off, then I bought a good used bucket and put on a new set of rails, top and bottom rollers, and sprocket segments. I bought a set of idlers but I'm gonna run the old ones until they fall off first. I finally got around to shooting some paint on it this week. I took all the sheet metal off, jacked the cab up, and pulled the radiator out to get it boiled out. It turned out pretty well, now I just need to get some decals ordered. Sorry if the pics are sideways. I'm minus a computer at the moment.
  13. I'm a diehard Mack man, but have y'all seen the '69 W900 in this month's Wheels of Time? That guy bought it in like '71 and has owned and drove it hauling cows ever since. I sure hope I can make my RD last that long. That thing is just the definition of cool, if you asked me. The 6 and 4 double over really makes it. I love what he said when they asked him how fast it was. "It's fast enough to scare you."
  14. I thought I'd seen the question asked but I couldn't remember what the answer was. Thanks, man.
  15. Stupid question: is the cowl on a '92 and up RD the same as an RW?
  16. I never thought about that, but you're right! That would be sweet behind a 5.9 or a 4-71. Not that it's not cool as it is...
  17. That's awesome. It looks like there's more motor under the cab than under the hood.
  18. I believe it's under the dash, on the firewall on the driver's side, inside the cab.
  19. Welcome aboard! That's a fine looking high binder you got there. I grew up on Internationals before my dad bought a Value Liner when I was about 10. Nothing wrong with an IH!
  20. I've never been stout enough to buy new. I always recommend a mid 90's RD or DM. Another big thing to consider when spec'ing a truck are local weight laws, as I'm sure you already know.
  21. We get the annual pleasure of chicken sh#t getting scattered around here every spring. I like the way a cow truck smells when it blows by, but chicken is a whole other story.
  22. I've never run a Bibeau, but I've run Davis, Hilbilt, American, R/S, Heil, and Ox. The Ox is my favorite, but it's heavy duty compared to the Davis and Hilbilt style. The previous owner of the Ox I'm running now refloored it with 5/8" plate front to back, side to side, and changed the channel cross members out to 3" square tubing on 6" centers. It's heavy as all get out but it's straight, and I haul some pretty rough stuff ever so often.
  23. I've used the SEM paint before. I got it at a Sherwin Williams store. It's almost an exact match, and it sticks to the plastic parts very well. I can't remember the name of the color, but I want to say it was medium gray, maybe?
  24. Very nice. I wonder why they didn't slap a little gold paint on that 237? Everything else looks great, though.
  25. I like that old G model, too, Mike. I think I may be getting the cow hauling bug. I guess I'm getting bored hauling stuff that can't kick the shit out of you. LOL
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