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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. Welcome aboard, Rocket! I'm guessing the fiberglass cab was just an Aussie thing? I've seen some stuff about them, but never heard of a US version. Doesn't the dash really resemble that of an R model? How did they hold up against vibration? I know my old F isn't very smooth riding.
  2. No, it definitely isn't worth bringing back. It got broke in half a few years ago and they spliced the back end of an old IH onto it. This time, it wadded the frame up pretty good, tore the front axle loose, and shoved the motor through the firewall.
  3. Yikes. Lucky nothing was coming, huh?
  4. 11r24.5's will go in place of 10.00 22's. That's a nice truck, for sure. I like the oversized NYC style cab shield. And who needs a starter? Put some clean fuel in it, fill 'er up with air, and pull start that bee-otch. LOL I've done a bunch of em like that.
  5. I hope your surgery goes well, and we look forward to seeing some progress on the old dog!
  6. I thought the same thing. He couldn't have hit it any more dead center if he tried. After all the dust settled, I bet the bull dog said ''WHEW!''
  7. Finished product
  8. That's a nice little truck. Is it a 5 speed or a two stick? I've got a '66 with a 711 and a triplex.
  9. I thought the same thing, Mack! Have you ever seen their salvage yard? As of a few years ago, they had all kinds of DM parts, and they were willing to sell them really reasonable, too, since they were phasing out the DM's and going with new Vulvas and Granites.
  10. This belongs to a good friend of mine. He's as good a man as you ever wanted to meet, even if his equipment leaves a little to be desired. Mostly, he just can't find good help. He runs about 6 or 7 old R models. I was hauling for him the other day, and this is what I saw when I pulled into the neighborhood we were working in. We were supposed to be pulling up a very steep hill, stopping on the incline, dumping, then pulling the rest of the way up the hill empty, turning around, and heading back down. This guy decided he knew better and pulled past the dozer, turned around loaded, and headed back downhill. He didn't have enough oil in his hyd. tank to raise the bed on such a steep downhill slope, and as he was trying, all his air bled away, and with only two axle parking brakes, down the hill he went. He told the owner he couldn't get it in gear, so he just shut the motor off. That oughta tell you a little bit right there about the caliber of help we have down here. He made a couple of hairpin curves, then nailed this tree right before going into the side of a house. He had a bruise on his chest, but nothing serious. It knocked the motor and trans loose and it hit the ground. He had about 2/3 of a load of SB2 in the bed and it got sheared loose from the hinges on both sides. Luckily, nobody got hurt. The world is minus one more R model, though.
  11. Hey, Mack, I stopped at James Coleman's place in Mineral Wells, MS the other day to pick up a new DM door, and Jordan had three R models and a CH hauling broken up concrete to a crusher set up at the concrete plant in Mineral Wells on Old 78. Now, these trucks aren't based in TN, and these photos weren't taken in TN, but I could have thrown a rock across the state line. Does that count? I think the teal green one is the one that used to be red and white. I could be wrong though. It appears to be in the best shape of all of them.
  12. Hey, Randy, don't go feeling like the lone ranger down there. We've been bone dry all summer and I've been digging a pond for the past three months. I think the rain today is finally going to make me have to buy a pump.
  13. Welcome aboard and good luck!
  14. Ruh Roh! I'm glad y'all made it okay. That must have happened right around the time we talked on the phone.
  15. You're talking about an R700, I presume? We're gonna need pics.
  16. Man, that's a sad deal. I sure hate to hear about Harry, but like Mike said, at least he went out with his boots on. You've got a heck of a truck to remember him by.
  17. Ain't that the doggone truth!
  18. Is that an Iranian R model like kscarbel talked about? I like it.
  19. I've seen that truck somewhere before... Is there a startup video of it on youtube or something? I love the long wheelbase. It just needs to be put underneath a cow trailer and a cowboy hat on the dash and it's on!
  20. Welcome aboard! Sweet truck!
  21. I found something I've never seen before today... A Wilford dragline and a U model with a Detroit, all within 20 miles of my house. The U model serial # is U626ST1430. My picture taking expedition was cut short by the torrent of yellow jackets I turned loose when I pulled the hood open, but not before I noticed a green valve cover on each side. It had Eaton rears on 4 spring suspension and an Eaton transmission. I'm not sure who owns it and the dragline yet, but I heard they're just before getting scrapped. The truck looked pretty solid. I'm going to try and find out some more info, if anybody's interested.
  22. Here's a few pics from the other day when the girlfriend and I stopped and looked at these. My favorite was the old '66 R model with the triplex in it, except for the big funky plate welded to the outside of the frame rail from front to back.
  23. That's funny right there!
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