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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. I found some stuff on eBay called Rattle Trap, I believe. It's about half the price of Dynamat. Has anybody used it?
  2. Yes it does. I like the old Cruiseliner in the background, too.
  3. Are you talking about Jordan that had a pit over there off of Goodman Road between Olive Branch and Southaven? If I remember correctly, that truck used to be white with a red Ox bed, then it got painted a teal green with a black bed? It was pretty sharp.
  4. Those are nice finds. My first pickup was almost an old IH just like that. A '73 model with a 6 cyl and a 3 speed in the floor. Couldn't make a deal so ended up with a '98 Ford Ranger, aka "danger ranger" instead.
  5. Glad to hear you're doing good. Killed any hogs lately?
  6. I called about them a couple of months ago, and that's supposed to be truck and trailer. I don't think they want to seperate them.
  7. Here you go, Ryan.
  8. Yeah, those got mentioned in the Chicago thread a few months back. I figured they'd be long gone by now. If I didn't have that newly acquired trackhoe note, I'd be very tempted to have a sit down with the banker about one of those. I bet you'd have to front 18 new tires right out of the gate, though.
  9. I say go for it.
  10. I think those CL quads weighed 25,000 with twin steer lift axles. My RD tri weighs 31,000. Heck, that would be a 27.5 ton payload for you TN boys. I don't think the single tire steer axles weigh much, basically just a truck front axle with kingpins. I run a dual tire rigid axle on mine, but I've heard of some of AR's highway patrol catching guys like me going around corners with the pusher up and handing out weight tickets as if you were a tandem. That's why most people over here run steers. I've seen several with a rigid dual axle in front of the drives, and a single wheel steer in front. I don't really see the point in that setup, myself. Hey I know alot of people would probably take offense to this, but that big bad blue superdog would look pretty wicked rigged out as a quad dump. I doubt you'd want to go butchering on your baby, though. Lol
  11. Randy, the top knob has three ports. A supply, an output, and an exhaust. The range valve just has a supply and an outlet. I didn't have to add any lines. I just shortened a couple. I'm sure the same thing I did would work for an 18 speed.
  12. I stopped and looked at that truck the other day. It's right down the road from my girlfriend's house. There's six r models and one dm there. They're all pretty rough, and it appears they all came from IL, by the lettering on the doors. The guys that have them are super nice and honest people, though.
  13. Quads are pretty popular in AR nowadays. You can gross 73,280 versus 62,000 on a tri. I ran a quad CL with two steerable axles, an 18' aluminum R and S box, and an 8LL. I really liked it. I'm not too big on the aluminum bed because I do alot of demo work and it'd last about as long as a snowball in hell. I'll keep my eye out for one, though. What do they let you carry on a quad in TN? I thought we were allowed to scale out at 74,000 with triaxles when I was working around Memphrica. There's nothin like working for yourself! I never could get ahead working for "da mane," as they say.
  14. I have a friend looking for a cab for a '92 CH.
  15. Well, I got the splitter and knob in yesterday, so I slapped them on today. I may put the deep reduction on the dash eventually, but this was the least invasive option for now. I was worried about not having a lockout on the double low when in high range, but as it turns out, no air goes to the double low switch when you're in high range, so as far as I can tell, there's no danger of getting it in a gear it's not supposed to be in. I may do away with the colored air lines.
  16. Randy, the round knob used to split the top gears in a 13 is listed as: FULA-4491 Selector Valve 9 10 or 13 speed shift knob old style eaton fuller. The push-pull high/low range valve is listed as: eaton fuller style Hi/low shift range valve.
  17. Sent you a message. Got a price in mind yet?
  18. I posted the other day about swapping a white 20" wheel out of an old F model on to my RD model. I'm just curious, what's the best way to go about pulling the wheels off? Once I get the horn button and the nut off, is there a certain kind of puller that works best?
  19. I don't think that's a 75 model cab...
  20. Yep, I worked for a company once that had about a '95 model Palmer dump trailer that had inboard drums and budds. I thought it was a weird setup.
  21. Mack, that's right. His name is Robert. He's a pretty cool cat. He ran for congress last year but didnt quite make it. Channel 3 news came out and videoed one of his campaign speeches with him standing on the track of a 450 John Deere dozer with a couple of R model dumps in the background. Alot of those trucks came from Dave Moore at Dand M Grading. They use to have a couple of hot pink R models, and at least one was purple, I believe. I know it sounds awful, but they actually looked pretty good. Just gotta be secure in your manhood to drive a pink dump truck. Lol
  22. Hmmmm.... I'm gonna have to go with the Midliner. Haha, just kidding. A long wheelbase LTL sporting a Cummins, duplex, and a brownie would be purty nice.
  23. I think somebody said that was a low air buzzer?
  24. I've got almost that exact same pic on my phone from about 3 years ago when Willbros had Michaels come bore a 42" line under the MS river at Helena. I was hauling for Willbros, which is non union, and they sent me over to Michaels, which is union, to haul cuttings away. When those guys found out I wasn't in the teamsters, they sent me and my little red R model packing. Oh well, that stuff was nasty anyway. lol
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