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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. My main truck that I drive everyday is a '96 RD with the black two spoke steering wheel. I'm hoping to do a little revamp on the whole truck this winter, including new paint and taking the interior apart and putting Dynamat everywhere I can put it. I was just thinking, I have a '74 Western F daycab that is currently awaiting a very distant restoration. It has a perfect white 3 spoke 20" wheel in it. I thought about swapping it on to the RD to maybe give it a "classic" appeal. The RD also has an 8LL, and I found out you can still buy the old school round 13 speed roadranger shift knobs on eBay. I was thinking I'd use the two position knob for my deep reduction, and put an old style metal splitter valve on the stick for high-low range. The only problem I can think of, is there won't be anything to stop you from accidentally bumping the deep reduction down while in high range. Does this just sound like a bad idea? Would the steering wheels interchange?
  2. Hey, it flipped over on its right side... I thought they were heavy on the left side...
  3. Is that the one they had on the website for like $14,000?
  4. Wow. Are those single tires on the car hauler? Reckon he speaks English?
  5. The next time I'm hauling in Memphis I'll try to get some pics. There's still a lot of older trucks running around up there. A friend of mine has around ten older R model tandem dumps still running around there and north Mississippi.
  6. Does my RD count, seeing as I bought it from a guy in Memphis?
  7. A Mack PTO? I never knew such an animal existed. I take it they don't make them anymore? Were they direct mount or shaft style?
  8. The floor is the main thing I look at on a dump bed or trailer. If the crossmembers are bowed or broken, and if the sheet metal is "wavy" between the crossmembers from haulin big rip or broken concrete.
  9. That old Phelan would look good behind that B75! There's a ton of those old Phelan lowboys around here, too. Seems like every farmer and his brother has one.
  10. I really like old Palmer trailers. What shape is the floor in? I'm guessing the r model doesn't go with it at that price. Lol
  11. I'm having second thoughts on the Dawson doors after hearing all the bad things about them. I called a friend of mine in Memphis, and he has two OEM Mack DM doors in the crate for $300 each. They'll have to have the channel trimmed off the bottom, but I think I'm going to try to buy both of them. I only need one, if you want one, thomastractor.
  12. It's funny you ask, I just talked to Renee at Dawson about a driver's door for my RD today. I bought one for my R model 4 or 5 years ago and other than a hollow clanging sound, it worked alot better than the busted up one I had. The price hasn't went up a nickel since then, either. I plan on putting Dynamat on the inside to quiet it down a little. I heard a door shell from Mack is close to a grand now. That's a tad much, if you ask me.
  13. Thanks, Vlad. I can't take all the credit though. The guys in the hole may not have been able to speak English very well, but they were bad to the bone at telling me what to do, laying string lines, establishing grade, etc.
  14. Otherdog, can you help us out?
  15. Welcome aboard! That's a nice looking truck. Love the spokes. What does WV let y'all gross on a tandem? 130K or so? LOL
  16. Looks good! I always have used plain old Naxon acrylic enamel gloss black from O'reilly's. Mack sells some chassis paint, but I haven't used any yet. I painted my frame on my RD two seasons ago and it still cleans up good.
  17. It's definitely quicker! I believe it's swinging a 5/8 or 3/4 yard bucket, where the 215 was toting a yard, but it's stupid fast compared to the old dinosaur I was using. As for size, it's 8'6'' wide and weighs 28,500 lbs. It fits on my old Miller tilt top perfectly, and I don't have to have a separate truck and trailer to tote it around. As far as expanding goes, I hope the next big investment will be a shop so I don't have to work on this stuff under shade trees anymore. I want to stick with the one man operation setup, but a lot of people tell me it's impossible. I guess we'll see.
  18. Amen to that.
  19. That is way beyond awesome, Mark.
  20. Yes sir. Poolkrete then a vinyl liner.
  21. I believe it was '91. If I'm not mistaken the sloped hood RD started in '92.
  22. Dug my first swimming pool this weekend. Didn't turn out too bad.
  23. I had to trade off the old 215. It was just too slow and too far gone to keep up. Maybe this little rig will pick up the slack.
  24. That's a sweet ride. When I was 21 I bought my first old r model and rebuilt it. It took me 3 years to put it on the road but it paid off. You're doing right! I've had to do my share of outlawing, too. Must be a southern thing. Lol
  25. I like the old preacher that does Breakfast with the Backsliders.... It's time to turn.... so you don't burn!!
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