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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. That is gonna be one slick lookin' rig, my friend! I hope I get to see it when I come up there to swap trucks with you! I've just about got that worked out, by the way. May wait til it cools off first, though.
  2. Saw those on FB... You ever go through AR anymore? I'm not far at all from Jonesboogie, Rockinsaw.
  3. Good deal... So you're relocating? How do you like it down south so far?
  4. Sorry to hear you're not well, but glad they got you took care of! Take it easy, my friend!
  5. Got the roll bar, blade, and belly pans back on it. I've been using it to strip grass on an acre pond I'm digging, so it's earning its keep for now. Hopefully she'll get a new coat of paint this winter.
  6. Daddy, the track came off!
  7. I always liked those little trucks. I doubt I could fit in the cab though.
  8. Yeah, $6500 seems a little on the optimistic side.
  9. Isn't the cab on the right on those old JD's? I wasn't knocking it, I liked ours, I just know I couldn't run it now that I've got used to excavator controls. If you swapped it over I bet it's alright, though. They were some stout old machines.
  10. Bulldog, have you ever had any dealings with James Coleman down in Mineral Wells? He seems to be a real good guy and it looks like he specializes in Macks. I think he used to work for Tri State.
  11. That's funny! When I was working for AMW in Memphis I showed my boss 5 matching '95 DM triaxles that came from a paving company in Richmond, Indiana. He ended up buying them and I drove one for 3 years. They looked just like M and H's DM's except they had a green stripe instead of a blue stripe. They all had 7 speeds and when we'd get a new driver I'd usually be the one to show them a little about the trucks and maybe let them make a round or two with me. I couldn't count the times I had guys tell me, "There's something wrong with that damn ten speed. When I come out of 5th into high range and back into 6th, it grinds like a SOB." Even had one idiot tell me, "We should get rid of those ragged ass macks, and get some quad axle 379 Petes. You can't tear those things up." I may be somewhat biased, but it seems that everybody that has ever told me they didn't like or appreciate Mack trucks, turned out to be a straight up knuckle dragging retard. Reckon there's a connection there?
  12. Welcome aboard, my friend. There's a lot of knowledge available on here... These guys have helped me out of a pinch on several occasions. Good luck to you!
  13. Other than having backwards controls and the cab being on the wrong side, a 690b is a dang good machine. That's what I learned on when I was about 16.
  14. Not yet, Mr. Paul... right now necessity is messing with my hobbies. I had to buy a trackhoe the other day so it will be a little while before I can do anything on it. If any of you are interested, though, I'd be glad to give out the guy's info. I'd much rather see one of you guys get it than let it rot waiting on my broke ass.
  15. Are y'all talking about the V8, two stick six speed '74 model?
  16. I agree 100%! I've always been afraid to buy anything from him, but he comes up with some interesting stuff!
  17. Nice truck... Random rant: Have you guys ever heard somebody say they didn't like DM's or U's because the cab was too narrow? I've had the argument with several people who thought, and swore, that the R model cab was 2 feet wider. I usually just get pissed off and walk away. You can't fix stupid.
  18. I heard about that on the radio this morning... If only it was a barn full of new B models....
  19. Nice one, Mike! I would have figured a western truck like that would be geared up a little higher. Reckon it pulled a little oilfield duty back in its day?
  20. I see you got you pup trailer home. I bet it rides a lot better now. Looks good!
  21. According to richiespecs, a 215 weighs 36,000 and a 315 weighs right at 37,000. I haven't had a chance to weigh it to confirm that yet. I think it just looks heavy because its so bulky. I was right at 13'6'' and 8'6".
  22. It should be under the dash on the left hand side. Mine works occasionally but the light works all the time. I really don't mind being broke, because it beeps with the turn signals when it does work.
  23. I went and picked up a 215 last night about 3 hours away from here. I'm here to tell you... a 215 is probably not a good idea on a tag trailer, but everybody with a lowboy was busy for the next few days so I went after it with my rig. It's gonna take a little TLC but I believe it's a pretty good old machine. I'll post some more pics just as soon as I get a chance.
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