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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. Lookin' good! I've been wanting to change my cab lights over to LED.. was it a SOB to get those old rusted screws out of the roof? I've never had very good luck with them.. Pretty much why I've been putting my little project off.
  2. I had to cross a spindly little county bridge with a 4 ton limit, if I remember correctly, the other day grossing 62,000 on my triaxle. Unfortunately, it was the only way into the farm headquarters I was delivering to. I'm about 99% sure that thing sagged in the middle after I crossed it. Definitely a ''pucker up'' moment.
  3. It's kind of a hot topic... I can see both sides of the argument. I hate to see them leave the country, but the only thing worse than that is to see them cut up over here. Plus, everybody's got to make a living.
  4. Just back off on those boomers and she'll straighten back up! It's a after all!!
  5. What brand bed is it that's on there now, Mr. Paul? I'm sure it's not, but it kind of looks like an Ox?
  6. They had a white '74 just like it for $7,500 a few months ago. It wasn't as clean as this one, though. I guess maybe it pulled a water tank?
  7. That's awesome, Mr. Paul!
  8. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=4284291
  9. I didn't know about it... We're rained out here so I'll see if I can't round the little lady up and come check y'all out! 84superdog, if I see your truck, I'll come holler at you!
  10. Hernia surgery... I've been putting mine off for about 4 years now, but every time I grab a hold of an 11r24.5 to load it in the truck I'm reminded that I need to get on it. Lol How long did it put you down for?
  11. I sure wish there were more '800s in my part of the country. I've only seen one in person, and it belongs to a demo company in Memphis. I'll try to get a pic the next time I'm up there.
  12. That is real talent right there... Looks great, my friend!
  13. Wow. Love it!
  14. I actually remember reading about that a really long time ago, Mike! I wonder what he's asking? It sure looks good!
  15. Vinny's gonna have a cow... That sure does sound a little steep, though...
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. Looks good, Tim! I sold my last 7.3 with 350,000 on the clock and it's still hammering along. Can't beat 'em!
  18. Our local Mack dealer sells Minimizer plastic fenders. I'm not sure how much $ they run, but they don't look bad and I hear they're pretty tough.
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Well, I've kind of grown partial to the daycab, to be honest with you. I'd like to hang onto it, but I've about come to the conclusion that the '66 will probably be up for sale at some point. I'm really not sure about the 300+. Maybe it's a 285? I know it does have the intercooler mounted on top of the engine.
  21. Just wondering what you guys think about my latest wild hair. I've got a '74 western F daycab with a blown up 237, 5 speed, and Mack rears on Reyco. The frame has been spliced and I'm not a big fan of a four spring suspension. I'm about to go get a '79 eastern sleeper cab F with a running 300+, 5 speed, and 38K Mack rears on camelback. It has a heavy duty tear drop frame that I'm alot more confident in than the Hayward truck. However, the cab is pretty rotten. My hair brained idea is to swap the western daycab onto the eastern frame. I haven't had a chance to pull a tape on either truck yet, but they appear to be the same wheelbase, and all of the cab supports look to be in about the same location. If all this works out, I'd like to put a triplex behind the 300+. I know the torque may be a problem, but I'm pretty easy on a truck. What do you guys think? Am I barking up the wrong tree?
  22. Looks like it.
  23. So sad...
  24. Looks good! Hope it goes to a good home.
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