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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. What part of LA are you in? I've worked down there a little bit. Can't beat an Ox bed!
  2. What a shame. A couple of years ago, I tracked down the owner of a pair of clean little daycab F models, but the guy said he'd never part with them. I went back a couple of months ago after I picked up the western F, just to see if they were still there, but they were nowhere to be seen. I found the guy's number, and he said he sold them for scrap iron a couple of months prior. I wanted to slap the guy over the phone, man. I almost teared up.
  3. I bet it was a tad heavy on the steer when bobtailing.
  4. Highballin, I believe?
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. Yep, 15w40 rotella and maybe a little Lucas in the summer. I guess the 30 weight does better up north? We rarely get below 20 degrees down here in the dead of winter. Also, turns out the glow plugs were fine, but I changed them anyway since I had the valve covers off. The glow plug relay was the real problem.
  7. Yep, runs like a top and holds good oil pressure. With 84,000 miles, I'm sure it sat most of its life. I didn't get to meet the previous owner, so I'm just going on assumptions.
  8. When do y'all reckon that pic was taken? Just by looking at most of the trucks, I would say mid 80's, but judging by the Freightshaker FL70-something-or-other moving van, I would say mid 90's? Also, what company was it that ran the green and yellow Freightliner cabovers? I remember seeing them around here all the time when I was a kid, and a local construction company ended up with two of them under dump trailers. One got wrecked, the other one is still sitting out in his boneyard, mostly intact. If only it was an F model........
  9. Ok, I bought this truck at an auction the other day. I noticed right off that the valve cover gaskets were leaking and the glowplugs weren't working, so the other night I changed the gaskets and plugs. I noticed alot of oil in the intake where the blow by tube is routed. Also, the dip stick tube was loose, so I put a new o ring on it, along with a little dab of silicone. It's still leaking there, and you can see the blow by coming up from where it goes in the block. Could it be that the catalytic converter is stopped up, creating backpressure? It has plenty of power though?? Also, this truck is pretty tight and only showing 84,000 miles. The motor does have a reman tag on it, though, so that kind of makes me wonder....
  10. I'm in love with your old 4 door one ton! My dad had a couple of '89's with 302's and 5 speeds in them when I was a kid. It's what I learned how to drive in. I always liked the hub caps and the chrome strip down the side. Just looked like it was built to work. How much did a truck like that set you back in '89?
  11. I've never owned one, but drove a couple. The most recurring problem I've seen and heard about was the self-destructing dashboard. Every one I've looked at or driven, the dash was just before falling off in your lap.
  12. Nice truck! I had a '97 dually powerstroke with a 5 speed. It had well over 350K on it when I got rid of it last year and the farmer I sold it to is still running it everyday. I picked up this '95 flatbed at the auction when I bought the red and white F model the other day. Only 84k on it and I got it for $700. I couldn't believe it. I'm going to have to paint the top of the cab where the paint is peeling and put a set of valve cover gaskets and glow plugs in it, but other than that, I think it's going to be a good little work truck.
  13. I run a 96 RD 688S tri axle everyday. Manual E7 350, 8LL, 44k camelback, 18k front, 15.5' Ox Body bed, with 550,000 miles, and 30,000 hours. I've had it going on three years, and it's been a good truck.
  14. I've seen this truck sitting at a farm headquarters for years, but finally caught somebody there and had time to stop and ask about it. It's a '76 Allentown F model. The man said it was a running truck up until a couple of years ago, when a man he knew stopped by needing some parts off an old pickup truck. He was granted permission, but he stayed back there for a long time, and when he drove out, he left in a hurry and didn't say anything to anybody. The owner went back behind the shop to look, and this jack ass had taken a sawzall and cut through the front of the cab, the bumper, the grille, and all just to cut the core out of the radiator to sell for scrap. The owner called him up and threatened to call the sheriff if he didn't come make it right, but two days later the SOB fell off a roof, broke his neck, and died in the hospital a couple of months later. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, huh? Instant karma! Anyway, I'm going to try to work a deal with this guy, because other than the obvious damage to the front, it's got the cleanest cab of any F model I've seen around here. May even try to swap him out of his old 3T D7.
  15. I'm not sure, man. It was parked in line about halfway between the two trucks that I bought, and I missed it when it came up. I don't really think there were any exporters or scrappers at the sale, I believe it was mostly farmers and some contractors. Maybe it won't get made into a Honda Civic anytime soon.
  16. Yep, A/C and a green (or red, in this case,) leaker
  17. Hey, look at the bright side. That bed already has a head start on dumping a load. I'd call that a productivity booster.
  18. Well, I'm 27 but I wish we could go back to those days. I'd gladly trade in my iphone for the chance to buy (and pay for) a brand new R model. I'm really worried about the overall sense of entitlement that people my age and younger seem to have. Let's go back to the times when if you didn't work, you didn't eat!
  19. Yep, I need to do that. I don't believe that the spring broke, I think something in the linkage over centered for a second. I need to tilt the cab to get a closer look at it, but I haven't quite figured it out yet. It's not like my '74 or '79 F model. I did notice on the driver's side, the cab hinge is bigger in diameter than on the right side, and it looks to have splines inside. Is there some kind of gear reduction crank system going on to get the cab up, or am I missing something?
  20. Welcome aboard! I'm working on an F609, myself.
  21. That sounds like a plan right there, Mike! I got her home today. Only had brakes on one wheel, but I was having pretty good luck gearing it down, until I caught a red light, popped the throttle to get it out of gear, and it stuck wide open. I ended up sliding through a red light and thankfully the horn worked. It's going to get an S cam swap before I get it back out on the road again...
  22. Happy birthday everybody!
  23. No, Mike, I didn't. I don't think it brought much at all. The local rice dryer stopped dumping flat bottoms this year and everybody in that part of the country is having to go hopper bottom. That place was covered up with old flat bottom grain wagons. I'll get some numbers off the motor tomorrow and see if we can confirm its identity. You think you may have enough parts laying around to get the linkage for the compound shifter back in operating condition by any chance?
  24. Stood out in the rain all day and probably caught pnemonia, but I drove a '95 Ford F350, powerstroke, 5 speed home and am headed back in the morning to pick up my Tacoma and a '66 F609. It's got wedge brakes, a non turbo Mack engine of some kind, (I'm guessing 711 or 673, how do you tell?) and a triplex that's missing the compound stick and linkage. This guy's just been driving it like a 5 speed for 9 years, and said it was like that when he got it. It's running old wore out 10.00 22's on budds. The cab's not horrible, but it will need some attention. The only major rust is on the bottom of the compartments under the bunk. Oh, and I even got a pic of a '79 U model that was there as well. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to bring this little guy home.
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