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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. Who's the jackass steering wheel holder that abandoned the truck because a turkey got splattered on the windshield? Ever heard of windex? "Drivers" these days.....
  2. Painted army green and singing Phantom 309?
  3. Happy birthday buddy!
  4. Well, no snow to haul in Arkansas. Y'all need some help up there? Have dump truck, will travel. LOL
  5. How about the' '72 R model in Mississippi with one aluminum budd (painted white, of course,) and one steel on the other side for $10,989. That place deals in alot of old Macks but I get a bad vibe from that place.
  6. My dad was talking about the same thing the other day. He said he remembered my uncle owning one back in the 60's and my grandpa pulled it. He described it the exact same way Dougsr did. I guess before hydraulics caught on, everything was cable, just like construction equipment.
  7. Welcome aboard!
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. Very sorry to hear about your father. 1959 Mack what? B model, I assume?
  10. Wow, I've never seen a Mack t bar. What did they go in?
  11. I think the Rawhide has to be the nicest looking truck Mack makes today. Really just a classy looking ride, especially under that bull wagon! Let me know what all you do to your blue truck, Mike. I'm getting 4.8 mpg out of an E7 350 and getting passed by everything. I'm going to run the rack and check for boost loss, maybe get the pump pressure checked... Not sure if I need injectors or not, yet...
  12. Yup, T309 is a manual trans. Just drove one the other day. 7 years old and 600,000 and it's jumping out of 4th and 8th gear. If you meant you were going to swap in a T309, I think I'd find something else, personally. Your best overall bet would be just sell your truck and find one spec'd the way you want it, unless you had a wrecked donor truck you could rob parts off of, such as clutch pedal and linkage, floor board, bell housing, transmission mounts, driveshaft,etc.....
  13. Well damned if it ain't! I guess I'll be changing another housing out in a couple of years, then, huh?
  14. Welcome aboard!
  15. My old western F model has the dark green interior in it, Mike. It's the first one I ever saw. Was it kinda rare?
  16. My 87 had the padded dash, and it was busted all to heck, so I got a new one from Mack. It was hard plastic. Al, I always liked the tan interior better, too!
  17. Welcome aboard!
  18. I'm 27 and I still remember the first Mack my dad ever bought, and the first ''real'' truck I ever drove. I was 11 years old and the truck was a 1984 Value Liner. 300, T2090, 34K camelback rears and a 13' 6'' Davis dump bed. It's safe to say I've been hooked ever since.
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. That sounds like something that folks around these parts might say about me!
  21. When I bought my RD the rear housing had been busted and repaired, then cracked again and leaking when I bought it. I assumed it was cast, and I didn't even know there was any other kind. I bought a used housing (also cast, I assume,) and swapped it in. It hasn't leaked ever since, (going on two years.) I did notice, however, upon swapping the housings out, that the one I bought was actually a front housing. I just stripped the spiders off of the old housing and mouted them on the new housing. Does anybody have a pic of a steel manufactured housing? I'd just about swear that mine is cast, but I'm not sure.
  22. Backgate Auction in Stuttgart, Arkansas.
  23. Cruiseliner had a 2 valve something or other, 9 speed fuller and mack rears on a slung-under camelback. The MH had a 4 valve 350, T2100, and mack rears on 38K camelback.
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