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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. I stopped back by the auction yesterday and we had a couple more arrivals. I'm definitely going to try and see what they go for.
  2. Sounds like somebody "PLOOFED UP!!!!"
  3. So basically you have no lights at all? If it was just the high or low beams I would say check the dimmer switch in the floor... They're pretty bad about going bad.
  4. Okay, stupid question: My RD runs 24.5 rubber on spokes, just like this truck. I've noticed over time that the hubs on the back drive axle have thicker spokes than the hubs on the front drive axle. Same case with this truck, except on the left side, it looks like somebody did a brake job and got the hubs reversed. I always just thought my truck had something mismatched on it, or is this the way Mack designed it, seeing as the rear axle does most of the pulling?
  5. They told us it's a 13 speed.. I haven't been up there to look at it yet, though. My bet would be 15, though.
  6. Yep.... I think they're asking $17,000. It was bought new as a dump truck by Jimmy T. Woods in Memphis. They've always been known for taking great care of their equipment. They pulled the bed off a few years ago and started pulling bridge beams until a month or so ago when they traded it and another truck in on two new Western Stars. I sure hate to see this one go to Africa....
  7. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=4113315
  8. Sorry about the neck-breaking iphone novice picture posting, guys
  9. I actually know where a Diamond T cabover just like that, same color and everything, is sitting in Memphis, TN. It was a couple of years ago, anyway. I'll try to get some pics next time I'm up that way if anybody's interested?
  10. I'd love to build an r/c MH or Cruiseliner out of a Tamiya Globeliner kit. Don't think my skills as a model builder have reached that level, yet, though.
  11. I went by the world renowned backgate farm auction in Stuttgart, AR, the rice and duck capital of the world. I saw this truck sitting on the other side of town a couple of months ago but didn't get a chance to go check it out. Looks like a 2 valve 300, spicer transmission (6 speed? No splitter,) Hendrickson pad suspension, and spicer rears on buddy's. just like any Cruiseliner I've seen, the dash and steering column was just before falling out in the floor. It didn't come with a tach or fuel gauge. Not exactly my kind of truck, but still pretty neat and not something you see everyday anymore.
  12. Looks like the front end of a TS 14 or 24 painted red on that CL. I've put alot of hours on those loud a$$ machines!
  13. People just don't have a clue, man. Kind of like the ones that pull out right in front of a loaded truck just so they can make a right turn a block up the road. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
  14. Welcome aboard!
  15. If I'm not mistaken, it's sealed. I'll be sure and take a closer look here in a little bit. The joints at the steering gear aren't sealed, though.
  16. That simple, huh? Good deal. I'll get the parts ordered and let y'all know how it goes. Thanks for the info!
  17. Yep, still available at Mack but around $250 the last time I bought one. They're right up there with floor mats. Anytime I mount a radio in one of those, I always brace up the back with a piece of plumbers' tape bent into an "L" shape and a 1/4" bolt drilled through the plastic. Most of the old Macks I've been in that didn't have it braced up would usually end up with the radio flopping around, cracking the console, and ultimately, falling out in your lap. LOL
  18. I've been hearing a little squealing noise when I turn the wheel on my '96 RD688S. I've never had a steering column apart before, but I assume there's a couple of bearings in there? Are they lifetime lubricated or can you oil 'em up? This is, I believe, the last year for the big black plastic steering wheel. All the '97's I've seen have the little wheel with metal spokes. How is the best way to go about pulling the wheel off?
  19. Looks good, man! It reminds me of an old pic of my '87 R model I started out with.
  20. I'm gonna say I've had to have a little ''tug'' maybe 4 times in 3 years? It's never been buried, most of the time I'll back in on wet grass, dump, and then lose traction. Mud's not really a problem with the waste hauler cross lug tires I usually run, but for some reason wet grass is it's biggest enemy. LOL
  21. The most outrageous thing I've done is swapped out the factory bumper for a 6" oilfieild-style pipe bumper that a buddy of mine gave me off his old R model. I had to cut out the back of the bumper and weld in a new plate with holes drilled to match up to the RD mounting holes. It was all warped up on the back from pulling on it, because on an R model it covered up the factory towing pins, but my RD has towing loops made into the front spring hangers, so it works out pretty good. I keep a shackle it one loop to keep a chain from cutting into the cast iron too bad. And of course, the "Phantom 309" decal! At one time I did away with the factory muffler and went with a 5'' straight pipe, and it sounded pretty good. Not too long after that during the first summer that I ran the truck, my A/C went out, and funding was a little low so I ran almost all summer with both windows down, and I couldn't stand it any longer. As soon as I got my bank account padded up a little bit I went back with a new compressor, lines, expansion valve, condenser, coil, dryer, control panel, and A/C control cover. I also went back with everything factory from pretty much the turbo back, but put a 5'' ''bull hauler" turnout on it.
  22. Just about a 6" strip of 20% window tint across the bottom of the windshield. I don't know if it's legal everywhere. It sure helps in the summertime with glare coming off the hood and at night to shade some of the light from those ultra-bright LED turn signals.
  23. Nice. Looks like a late model DM bumper, maybe?
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