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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. Yeah, it is.. they don't have any U's or DM's so they won't ever use it.
  2. They went to a good cause though.... Keeping other old dogs on the road!
  3. Those are some good people... I buy all my rock and sand from them and have a good working relationship with them, but there's probably 25 r models that look like that out there.. Everytime I pull on the scales, I can hear the dog on the hood start to whimper a little bit. LOL
  4. Yep, I guess all sloped hood RD's have the marker light on the side.
  5. Had the chance to buy this little truck a couple of years ago but the cab was rotted out so I passed it up. Another local contractor bought it and robbed parts off of it to keep his old R models going.
  6. Oh I agree, amber to the front and red to the back.. When I bought my truck, I think the lights were stock, and they were amber on both sides... could have been an add-on though, I'm not sure. Don't the LED's last longer though? I like the fact that you don't have to maintain as strong a connection due to the low amp draw, and they seem to be more vibration resistant.. They sure do cost alot more though. LOL
  7. I bought 2 new stock filament type lights that were amber on both sides from Mack about a year ago, and after about 8 months I started getting feedback through the dash turn signal indicators from the running lights, and traced it back to the new lights. I got a set of clear LED's off ebay that are amber on the front and red on the back. I wasn't sure about them at first, but I really like them so far.. Please excuse the filthy truck... I've been running pretty hard so far this week.
  8. Nice. Somebody took care of that truck.
  9. No, I haven't yet.. I was going to ask you guys what the procedure for doing that was. I know to send a donation, but where exactly is this place?
  10. I get SO much crap over actually liking dayton wheels down here. Everybody says, "I don't like that wobble," or, "You can't ever get 'em lined up." I've never owned a truck with anything other than spokes; to quote 2stack superdog, I think they make a truck look tough. I'm glad you guys all agree.
  11. Here's my project I drug home a couple of months back. 237, 5 speed, mack rears on Reyco. It's got a busted block and I'm not sure if I'm going to go the distance with fixing it back up or not. I just couldn't stand watching it rot away in a rice field so I swapped about half a day's worth of track loader work for it and drug it up to my dirt pit.
  12. My guess is, an early version of On Star. You ding the bell, and a crackly voice comes over the AM radio and says, "How can I help you?"
  13. As rare as they are, their were two Hendricksons in my little corner of Arkansas. Both were dumps, both were 671 powered with ten speed roadrangers, and both had Fleetstar cabs. I believe they both had the flip over hoods, and the fenders stayed down if I remember correctly. My cousin owned one of them. It had a six foot canadian spread hendrickson bogie and a 17' aluminum bed. He beat the bed off of it in the mid 90's and scrapped it. The other one belonged to a local guy that hauled asphalt. He passed away some years ago, and the truck changed hands several times, ending up at the scrap dealer in town, but they were using it to move stuff around the yard as of a few months ago..
  14. I never have understood why R and RD model frames are so spindly? I'd love to have a DM teardrop frame under my RD.
  15. Yep, about the only thing rougher than I40 between Little Rock and Memphis is Highway 70 between Little Rock and Memphis... Speaking of which, if any of you guys run down this way very often, you really may want to consider Hwy 70, especially westbound. They're building a new bridge over the White River and it took me about 2 hours to go five miles or so... On the bright side, the road's alot smoother at that speed!
  16. I just found this pic from a couple of years ago on an old phone. This poor guy was crossing the two lane bridge over the Mississippi River at Helena, AR and hit a slight bump a little too fast. The results were as follows:
  17. Love the spokes on the Superdogs! You never see that down here.
  18. Sure will, BCR. I'm not really sure what I'd do with it, but it would rip my heart out if it went to the exporters. The story I got is in '73 or '74 the price of soybeans jumped up unexpectedly and all the farmers around here made more money than they were anticipating, and needed a tax write-off at the end of the year. Whoever bought this one had to have kept it inside most of its life. I mean, I don't think there's a 2005 model around here as clean and dent / crack free as this one is.. Most farmers and contractors down here don't take care of their trucks like you guys up north do, so a truck this clean is one heck of a rarity.. Right now it belongs to a tractor salvage dealer and they've been using it on their farm pulling a trackhoe and dozer around.
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. I just ran across a '74 RS685LST today. It was apparently sold by Tri State Truck Leasing in Memphis, TN. It's a Hayward built unit with daytons. I'm seriously thinking about buying it, I'm just not so sure about a dump truck with strong arm steering.
  21. I have no idea why some of them ended up sideways... Just got my first iPhone today and haven't quite got it figured out yet.
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