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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. if only the Mack a/c worked as good as the heater!
  2. I found this little sweetheart about 20 miles from the house today. 237, 5 speed, 34K camelback, with 89,000 original miles. They're asking $7500. It sure would look good under a 35 ton detach lowboy.
  3. I believe the valve covers on all four valves have an angled top and are aluminum? , while two valve valve covers kind of resemble that of a small block Chevy and are steel. Also, the injector lines on a two valve go up and over the engine between the valve covers to the injectors in the left side of the head, while on a four valve the injectors are on the same side of the engine as the pump. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. Well, yes and yes. I was trying to bridge across the creek with old broken up concrete and didn't go quite wide enough. If I remember right, we hooked my buddy's old Dodge pickup up to it to keep the front end from sliding in and she crept on out. Not one of my proudest moments. Lol
  7. Thanks, Vinny. I never had a U model, but if I can get ahold of a scanner I've got some DM pics you'd probably like. I know how partial you are to old sidewinders!
  8. Gorgeous truck, man. Is that a 225 on that lowboy?
  9. Even though the soil samples came back hot, I personally really can't smell it, but I'm working on getting my underground tank removal/installation license, so I don't want to get black balled by the ADEQ.. our local landfill won't accept contaminated clay, but there's a landfill in Tunica, MS which is about 45 minutes away that will. I'm going to get ahold of them in the AM and see what they have to say.. Getting rid of this 30 loads of dirt ain't gonna be cheap, though. Lol
  10. Nice. I'm diggin the F900.
  11. That's what I'm thinking, too. Yes, officer, it's just a load of fill dirt I'm delivering. No sir, I don't smell diesel.
  12. Man, I'm sorry. I know exactly what you mean. I worked at the landfill in WH running a trackhoe for about six months a few years ago. I know Tommy, Ricky, and Bob that work there. You talking about one of them? Yep, 201 Poplar.. never been there.. hope I never do! Lol
  13. Just pulled up some pics of my 87 R686ST I rebuilt in '09 and started my dirt business with. Great little truck. Originally had a 4v 300 and a 5 speed, then it was repowered (and backdated) with a 237. When I bought it I also bought an '82 R model parts truck and I swapped the 2v 300 and 2 stick six speed into the '87 model. I painted it, installed new springs all the way around, changed the 34K camelback over to a 38K, put in a new dash, seat, overhead console, RH door, and installed a 13' Heil bed my uncle rebuilt back in the 90's for my dad. Had to part with it after running it for less than a year because I needed a triaxle, but I sold it to a good friend of mine and it's still running around town today. Anytime I need a hired truck on a job in addition to mine, he's the first man I call.
  14. On an intrastate tag and a 72 hour permit. And in a triaxle that weighs 30,500# empty into a state that doesn't recognize a third axle. If we keep on like this I may talk myself out of taking this job. Sitting at the house for a month is good motivation though!
  15. Yes sir, I'm from Helena but I work in Memphis quite a bit. Are y'all still in the dirt business up there? Ok, I'm going to have to check on that.. Were y'all crossing into AR with the contaminated dirt?
  16. Ten four. Y'all are thinking along the same lines I am. The only thing I'm worried about is I'm taking it out of Arkansas and into Mississippi, as our landfill won't take it. Got one set of scales to cross but I've always had good luck with them.. If y'all read about me on the news I guess we'll know if it's ok or not! Lol
  17. Sweet truck. Specs?
  18. I haven't seen the test results yet, myself, but I was told they're not that bad. There won't be a bill of lading or manifest on it, so I'm thinking we'll be okay?
  19. I've got a job bid, but I'm not sure I can do it or not. We dug up an underground fuel tank at a manufacturing plant a year or so ago and the soil samples came back hot, so we dug the contaminated soil out and placed it in a remediation cell on site, as required by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. It has come time to dispose of it, but we retested and the samples are still hot, so to the landfill it goes. My question is, do I have to be Haz Mat licensed as a driver and carrier to haul it on my truck, or do I need to hire it out to someone who is? Just wondering if any of you have ever been in the same situation?
  20. Sweet. Deals like that sure are getting fewer and farther between..
  21. That's kinda what I've figured. I've had pretty good luck with getting them adjusted right in the past, but this one's giving me fits.
  22. Welcome aboard!
  23. Just some pics of my old R model I started my business with (wish I hadn't sold it), my 943 track loader and my RD model.
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