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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. I've got the same engine, just 3 years older and not an e tech. I've noticed it taking a good 15-20 seconds to build oil pressure in cold weather. Is that normal?
  2. Got a shot of the interior? I bet it's as clean as the outside.
  3. Welcome aboard!
  4. Wow.. That's a gorgeous truck!
  5. Fake? I would have never guessed! lol
  6. Looks like they took a blank dash plate and cut a horizontal hole for the radio. I think they were all vertical on the far right stock, but don't hold me to it.
  7. Sadly, it's the same story around here in the Midsouth. There's one guy in Southaven, MS (greater Memphis, TN area) that runs nothing but R and RD dumps, all painted a different color. He has a fleet of about 15 trucks and maintains them better than most. I for one plan on running my RD until I can't buy parts anymore, then I doubt I'll run a truck, just stick with the dirt business and hire owner operators before I buy brand x.
  8. Sweet truck. That's about the cleanest interior I've seen in an old r model.. provided it's original. What are the lines going to the drag link? Is that air assist?
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. That DM was advertised in WOT a few months back, if I'm not mistaken.. Looks good. Looks like a later model cab.
  11. Cummins, I presume?
  12. Welcome aboard! What part of Louisiana are you in? I've worked around down there a little bit.
  13. Is it broken between the battery box and the fuel tank? I've never even heard of one breaking there..
  14. One stack Mack with a broke back!
  15. Welcome aboard! Wait, you bought a new 1961 B61 in 1969??
  16. I've been trying to figure something out.. When I bought my RD a couple of years ago, the doors were shutting up tight on the second click of the latch but the door seals were worn out so I changed them. I'd done it before on other R model cabs with good results, but ever since the door would only shut on the first click and it would rattle your teeth out going down the road. I adjusted on the hinges, installed a new striker and latch, adjusted some more, and never could get it to do right. I finally replaced the hinges and got it to shut on the second click, but you've got to SLAM the living heck out of it... What in the world else is there to do?
  17. I had that argument with my dad the other day. Got in his truck to move it out of the way and about broke my wrist trying to get the door open. His words: "What the hell difference does it make?"
  18. Looks clean on the inside too! Not to be a nitpicker, but your door handles are backwards.
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. I believe those bolts are there for glad hand holders.. I took them out when I painted my DM, then put some new grade 8 bolts back in the hole. I think it's a nut welded to the inside of the cab.
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