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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. Does anybody know if the black OEM style insulation is still available anywhere? The interior in my 96 RD is pretty clean except for the cracked up, dry rotted piece of insulation under the dash. The local Mack dealer can't find it in his system anymore. I've seen people put black carpet over it before, but I really don't want to go that route. Thanks!
  2. I know it.. Mike posted a couple of pics of it a few weeks back.. I haven't quite got the hang of posting yet but I'm working on it! Anyway, we decided it best to wait until spring to come after the truck, seeing as it's in the back of a pasture with about 4 feet of snow on top of it. We're just gonna take my buddy's 05 Vision to pick up his trailer. I appreciate all of yall's input though!
  3. Clean truck.. just not a fan of an automatic...
  4. Superdog said there weren't any southbound scales on 61 going into MO. There's a big gap between IA and AR that I'm not sure about though. Lol
  5. Dang, I didn't know the empty trailer for someone else world be considered for hire. I'll definitely have proof of insurance and a bill of sale, though.
  6. I heard that too. I'm not really sure what the best plan of attack is gonna be.
  7. Well, I've got yet another stupid question for all y'all supertruckers out there. Whenever (IF) the weather breaks, I'm heading north to Superdog's to pick up a truck, then another 20 miles or so to pick up a hopper bottom a friend just bought. I've always just run local and never drawn the first line in a log book. This is going to be a 9 hour drive one way, and I'm just wondering what would be the best way to at least appear legal? I know better than to ask our local revenue office about the subject... It's hard enough just getting a tag renewed every year. Should I try to figure out what each state requires as far as drive out tags are concerned, stop at the scales to buy a 72 hour permit, or just play Arkansas dumb and outlaw it home? I'll only be going through Missouri and a short piece into Iowa. Thanks!
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. An r or dm just doesn't look right without daytons. I catch alot of criticism for that preference for some reason down here.
  10. Looks like you're running 22.5's, am I right? I may be in the market for a set of 24.5 spokes in the near future. If I do, I'll have a set of budd hubs to trade.
  11. Well it's a project. Probably hasn't been pulled in five years or more. We settled on $1800 or 3 loads of sb2 delivered.
  12. My 96 RD didn't eat alot this year. Two rear ends going out simultaneously the first month I had it in late 2010 was fun though. I'm gonna guess I spent about $1,000.00 on two new front springs, and maybe another grand on general up keep. I put about 25k miles on it a year. I'm anticipating new injectors and a pump rebuild coming up pretty soon, though. My big wallet drain this year came from my 943 Cat track loader. $10,000 on a new undercarriage, $350 on cylinder packing kits, $1500.00 on a used bucket, $500.00 on pins and bushings, $2,000.00 on a pump rebuild, and $500 on injectors. It's ready to go for spring time though!
  13. I gotcha. I'm about to swap 3 loads of gravel to a farmer for a '79 model steel fruehauf that looks just like yours. Some of the curved ribs are rotted out at the bottom, but the floor is straight as can be. I don't think it ever hauled anything but beans and a load of gravel here and there.
  14. Nice looking trucks, man. Are those Fruehauf trailers?
  15. Let us know how it turns out. I need to do the same thing to my 96 e7 350.
  16. After you get the leak fixed, and if you do replace the thermostat, take note that there's a weep hole that should be facing up when you install it. It lets air 'burp' its way out of the system. I had the same problem a few months ago. I bought a thermostat from NAPA, but it didn't have the weep hole in it. Went with a Mack part and it's been working ever since. Hope this helps.
  17. There's a Superliner for Superdog
  18. That's the plan! If I don't I'm sure it'll get the torch. Apparently I'm the only guy around here that wants a cabover.
  19. I had an '87 R model that did the same thing. The govenor's wore out. I spent $1400 on a pump rebuild and it ran like a new truck.
  20. That's about what I figured. It's a pretty clean old truck though. I'm guessing it's an e6 300, 9 speed fuller and 34k camelback on budd wheels. They're asking $3500. Sound reasonable?
  21. Stupid question.. I test drove an '83 Cruiseliner the other day. It runs and drives great, and I'm considering buying it, but everytime I hit a bump, I thought the dash was gonna fall in my lap. I don't know if it's broken loose from its mounts or what, and I'm sure the guys at the mack place would laugh me out of the store if i was to try to buy cab parts. Question is, was that a common problem on these trucks?
  22. Never seen that brake setup before. Is that just an early s cam?
  23. Looks clean. Any idea what they're asking?
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