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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. I was thinking congratulations to the seller for that kind of money!
  2. Man, I know it. I'm sorry. The wife's got an iPad but I've never used the dang thing. I did this off my iPhone and even tried to anticipate which way they were going to get turned, and tried to edit them so they would come out straight, but it didn't work, obviously. Even being generation x'er, I'm better at working on old iron than I am at computers.
  3. I got lucky enough to get the chance to run this beast the other day. It was built in place on the Mississippi River dock at Planter's Service Fertilizer in Helena, Arkansas in 1965. It has an 8v71 running the drums and a 671 running a generator that runs the electric swing motor. It has air controls and a 9 yard clam bucket. I had never run a friction rig until the other day, but I had seen a youtube video or two. It was all together different from a hydraulic machine, but wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. They're working on getting a new dock set up that would incorporate a new hydraulic excavator, so after fifty years the old American is getting phased out. I told the plant manager if he'd let me learn a little bit about it, I'd run it for free if they got in a bind, just for the experience. Hope y'all enjoy the pics. I apologize in advance if they're sideways.
  4. I have had to tug on them to get a little slack before. Try pulling your speedo and tach panel loose. I can't remember, but you may be able to peek in from behind the tach and see what's hanging you up.
  5. Turckster, you were right. The low water sensor in the reservoir fixed it. After you told me that, I unplugged it and jumped it with a wire, and the light went off. Do I replaced it and everything is working like it should now. Thank you very much. MACKS, try unplugging yours and jumping it. I bet it will solve your problems, too.
  6. They're not that hard to change. The oil line screws off the back of the gauge and the water temp should be electric, so there's only 4 wires to take off with a 5/16" or 3/8" nut driver, unless it's a manual sending unit, in which case you have to start at the water manifold and work backwards to the dash. If I can do it, anybody can. Your dash looks good. I'm a fan of keeping them original for the most part, but what you did looks just as nice.
  7. I wanted one of those Rossi trucks bad, just didn't have the means at the time. I think they were asking $80,000 for the truck and trailer together. Not a bad deal at all. What would a comparable rig run today? $180,000? My biggest concern was if you'd have 18 new dry rotted tires to replace.
  8. Happy birthday, my friend!
  9. Our county got a surplus D7 just like it but with a cab a few months ago. Are they G's or F's? I can't tell them apart.
  10. Yes it is the shutdown light. Thank you, Turckster. That explains a lot. I assumed if the low coolant sensor was unplugged, the light would go off. I'll check that next and let y'all know if it fixed it. Thanks again!
  11. I'm with you, I like the looks of my R model much better than my RD, but I'm afraid it's more trouble than it's worth to change it over. It is for me, anyhow.
  12. I usually wrap a couple of fan belts together and loop it under the hub, then pull it off. It works best with two people.
  13. Just curious, but why do you feel it's necessary to change it over? It can most definitely be done. The easiest way is to find a donor truck for your hubs and brake drums. The spindle or axle wouldn't need to be changed out. I prefer the spokes on an old Mack, myself.
  14. Would a '59 model be direct drive or powershift? I'd like to own an old 955 or 977 one day.
  15. I have a '96 RD688S with a manual E7 350. The warning light that goes off for low oil pressure, low water level, or high water temperature has started going off for no apparent reason, and it usually only stays on for a few minutes before going back off. I unplugged the low water sensor in the reservoir, to no avail. I replaced the high water Kysor alarmastat on the back of the water manifold. Still going off. I'm guessing the oil pressure sending unit must be going out. My question is, does the light get its electrical feed from the oil pressure gauge itself, or is there an electronic sending unit on the motor somewhere? The gauge is manual and fed by an oil line off the oil filter base.
  16. I think I'm going to go with my original plan and trade trucks with a fellow BMT member. It will be going to a very good home. I posted it on CL today and got a call from a 13 digit phone number. The guy could barely speak English. I asked him if he was an exporter, and he said yes. I told him no thank you and hung up.
  17. Mueller? Yes sir, it almost burned down a couple of years ago but it's back up and running again.
  18. Wynne, Arkansas
  19. Well, as bad as I hate to, I've decided to sell the Valueliner. E6 350, T2090 Mack 9 speed, 4.17 rears on Neway air ride. New door and window seals. I've got a new heat and a/c unit that I need to install. I've got another deal pending and I'm waiting to see how it works out. I'm just seeing if there's any interest right now. $12,000 OBO
  20. Why not use a 453 or 471?
  21. I remember my dad having a Valueliner with an air starter but I don't remember how it worked. Was the ignition switch essentially a valve or did it activate an electric over air solenoid?
  22. As simple as it sounds, do you have a piece of hose on the drain sticking through the firewall? I didn't for a while and had the same problem.
  23. If ranchhopper needs the fuse cover, that's fine. I'm not in bad need of one.
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