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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. This was from back around the middle of January of this year. This machine went dead in the water on Thanksgiving day, and it sat out in the swamp for two months before the insurance company called my friend to come retrieve it. He had me bring my Cat excavator out and help. We ended up with two 4x4 farm tractors, a log skidder with a hydraulic winch, a 6x6 military rotator wrecker, and my 312. We were there 5 full days and I bet there were 30 people there. We still ended up ruining the cab because it slid over on its side and there was just no way I could get out to it to keep it upright until we got it up on hard ground. The only good thing I can say about it is we gained some experience on that one.
  2. Holy cow. It was about $200 the last time I bought one. I believe it was early 2011...
  3. Man, that's just flat out beautiful. Nice work!
  4. The overhead console was still available at Mack a couple of years ago, and I know the door handles and cranks are.
  5. I would say most likely a 300, being a 686. A 685 would be a 237.
  6. Is that single axle an old Roadway truck? Wasn't somebody looking for one a while back?
  7. Man, some people would bitch if you hung 'em with a new rope. That's a nice truck for the money, for sure. I'm sure you're tired of hearing this, but I'd take it off your hands if you were about 1,500 miles closer....
  8. Well, I had one with almost 400k, and it ran like a top. I bought one last year with 85k, and it has a ton of blowby and slobbers oil everywhere. Must have had a hard life?
  9. Very nice! Have you thought about a little 6-8 yard dump bed? That would be as handy as a pocket on a shirt for delivering topsoil to people's yards.
  10. Man, I wish you were closer. I need one for my '95. I got a whole truck bought for a grand, but with 200k+ on the clock.
  11. I charge $85.00 for a triaxle load here in town in Eastern Arkansas. We're in the Mississippi delta down here, and alluvial top soil is easy to come by. Once you get up in the Ozarks and it gets rocky, clean topsoil fetches upwards of $200.00, or so I've heard.
  12. Got any pics? I'm not seeing how that would work. I'm a fan of the idea, though.
  13. I don't know about where you are, but here in AR I stay in state and therefore don't have to fool with any mileage reports, IFTA, DOT numbers, random drug tests, etc, etc. I did for a while and the paperwork was ridiculous for what little bit of running I did in Mississippi so I changed my DOT number back to intrastate and haven't had a minute's trouble. I just run a straight Arkansas tag at the cost of about $650 a year. I'd recommend at least starting out simple. I despise paper work and red tape, though. LOL
  14. That's awesome, Trent. Very nice work.
  15. Just go for it, man. I was in your exact same spot about 6 years ago when I was 22. I didn't have money or much credit or anybody to back me, so I found a couple old junk R models I bought cheap, and I built one good tandem dump out of the two of them. I worked on them while I worked driving and operating equipment for other people, and I finally quit my day job and went out on my own May 5, 2010 at the age of 24. That was 4 years ago and I don't think I could have made it without going in debt free. If I had had a $1,000 truck payment I probably would have been out as soon as winter hit.
  16. You mean the trunion? No sir, it should be fixed solid to the truck. The springs pivot on the trunion.
  17. Bronze or rubber trunnion bushings? If it's bronze most likely the rubber insulator pads between the springs and the axle housings need replaced. See if you can stick your finger through the hole in the spring cap and if you can wiggle the top pad most likely the bottom one is collapsed. They do walk a little side to side when turning but 4'' is a little excessive. When they get really bad you can feel the ass end of the truck swap sides when you hit the accelerator/brake.
  18. Man, that's a fine machine right there. 84, if he gets ready to get rid of it I'll arm wrestle you for it! That thing would look right at home sitting next to my blue '96 RD triaxle. We both have tall spokes and Ox Body beds, too. Was Ox making beds like that in '79? I've seen Rogers beds that old but I'm not sure about Ox. Maybe the box got swapped out later in life?
  19. I've got the same truck, same year, same engine, and almost the same mileage. When I bought it 3 years ago, if you ran it hard it would use a gallon a day. After about six months and ALOT of Rotella, it just stopped. It may use a gallon every two weeks or so now, but nothing like it used to. I guess it had a ring that came unseated and finally slipped back into place. Mine still cranks good all the time, though. If it weren't for the hard starting I'd say get all the life you can out of it. I'd love to freshen mine up, but I can't afford to do it if there's another 2 or 3 years worth of running left in her.
  20. That's awesome, man. Very nice.
  21. Did all CF's have the old style metal dash like that? Very interesting.
  22. Like the black perforated ones? Or tan? I'm about 95% sure you can't get either one anymore but I bought some dark gray vinyl ones a couple of years ago from the dealer in Memphis. They match up with the late 80's gray/black interior pretty well.
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