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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jakebrake86

  1. Will pull a 53' dry van anywhere. The hell you say!
  2. I've never been a huge bus fan, but that thing is friggin' sweet.
  3. Yep! Kyle, if that thing was a 7.3 and a 5 speed I'd be racing Randy to Louisiana to get it! Lol Those were some tough trucks, even the gas burners.
  4. Mine is very similar to Jack's. I welded in 3/4'' plate with a triangle gussett laid in at an angle on each side running from the plate to the bottom of the frame. The dump hinge was already welded in so I didn't think it would make that much of a difference. I do wish it was bolted in because I've got a few cracks in my trunnion.
  5. That's awesome, Trent. There's a company called scaleart out of Germany, I believe, that builds an R/C 963 track loader. This thing is dead on, but I heard the price tag is about $16,000. That's more than I paid for the one I load dirt with every day!
  6. Ok, ten four. I thought it was something like that. Sad to hear.
  7. I thought I heard that the man restoring Waylon's truck passed away?
  8. I've got a buddy in Wynne, AR that has everything to put a jake on an E-tech for sale. I don't know if it would work, though.
  9. What they said! I'm just glad y'all tolerate my dumb questions on a daily basis! I've had the opportunity to make some good friends and have gained alot of knowledge from you guys so far! I guess the only other forum I'm on is the heavy equipment forum, and I've got some pretty straight answers on tech problems, but there's none of the joking and carrying on on the HEF like there is here.
  10. My buddy called that red upholstery whorehouse red interior! Lol thanks for posting, kscarbel! I sure wish you could still buy a new truck that looked that good on the inside!
  11. Where you at, driver?
  12. Just curious, but everyone around here usually just takes their heads to the Napa machine shop, and they check them out and rework whatever they need for a few hundred bucks a piece. I haven't had to do it yet, but that's what I planned on doing. Is that a good idea? I've never heard of anybody having any trouble after going the machine shop route.
  13. Welcome!
  14. Very nice. Yeah, I've had a couple of two stick six speeds in R models and DM's, and they're my favorite, by far. I just never could tailgate SB2 lime rock with my R model. Had to have the main in 5th and the compound in neutral for the bed to go up, so when you went to pull up in any gear lower than 5th, the bed stopped going up. I looked like a blonde going through a flashing red light trying to spread rock. LOL
  15. http://oklahomacity.craigslist.org/hvo/4265635782.html No connection. Shawn, you need this one to go with the V8 R700.
  16. I know that the grille on the newer R models were mounted to the charge air cooler, but weren't the F model and western R models mounted to the hood itself?
  17. So what exactly happened to the red RD? I don't think I've ever seen one go all the way over.
  18. They did dang good, Ryan. I wasn't impressed with those Heil beds, though. They were a little light duty for alot of the work we did.
  19. The last pic is about 4 years old, when I owned it briefly. I took the bed off to paint the frame.
  20. This was way back in the summer of '06 when I was 20 and had a brand new CDL. I was working for my cousin's company, AMW Contracting based in Southaven, Mississippi. We were widening Highway 72 in Collierville, Tennessee from the Stateline Citgo at Cayce Road to Highway 385. I found 5 matching '95 DM690's in Truck Trader magazine in Richmond, Indiana, and my cousin ended up buying all 5 of them. They came from a paving company called Ronco, or something like that. When we got them the stripe was a copper color and my cousin had us paint them to match our Peterbilt lowboy truck. They all had sequential serial numbers and the same key would crank all of them. They were dang good trucks. E7 300's, T2070's, and 4.64's on 44k camelback with 16' Heil beds. I ended up buying number 7 not long after I went out on my own, but I sold it and my R model in order to buy the RD I have now.
  21. I've got to get mine fixed, too. Been just dealing with it for about 5 years now. You can sure tell you've got it when you one-man an 11r24.5 into the bed of a pickup.
  22. Sorry to hear that, Mike. I hope you get back on your feet soon.
  23. Looks good, Shawn. How's the interior?
  24. Don't do it! Nice R model, by the way.
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