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  1. .....looks like it has a valve on the way out too............and is it actually a superdog.....or a concotion of used parts to re create a superdog?....either way good too see .
  2. some damn fine supys ............love it
  3. 610 turbo's are shit........................go for a 525 turbo and turn the fuel up.......................and if your mp10 is bloweing the e9 i wouldnt be worrying about a turbo id be r ebuilding the e9 or getting it tuned correctly.mp10's are gutless buckets of crap.................all our v8's blow the fuckin doors off em...........including the so called 685's................volvo inspired fuckin junk.
  4. hehehe.....i confess sir......i do the same........lmao
  5. all 18 bobtail......wtf?......drive it like a 8 speed ......
  6. put a 2118 in it
  7. i just dont understand what this guy really wants to know?
  8. lmao.........who told ya to put that oil in that motor grant.......it aint a diff bruv......who ever it was wants rippin a new one
  9. 15/40 grant...........good too see you at paganellies yesterday!
  10. any luck guys?
  11. hi all......we need a e9 rebuild kit for a e9 v8 .......any help will be appreciated.
  12. so she's all working out then grant.......ya gotta be relived
  13. yep skip everything is there ,86 model mate and a 12 speed.
  14. e9 is in kal mate, still in one of the superliners were wrecking, as for history we havent got mush mate, it was running fine then dropped the oil cooler about 4 months ago,good oil preassure and good coolant temp.worked the truck for a long while, truck is currently in pieces.......13 grand or nearest offer and some one can have the lot minus berliet rear end but a new pedastool and spring packs are thown into the deal! i aint got enough room in the new yard down south for all my bloody projects plus the bastards we are running so a big cleanout is on the cards
  15. YOU CUT E9 PUSHRODS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JESUS CHRIST GRANT!...... i got a 400 em9 here you can have for 5 grand needs a oil cooler.it will be easier to get parts for than that bloody thing ya got in there now......check out ebay too there is a 866 for sale on there for 5 grand as well. cheers bryan
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