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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I had one of those D8-K'S 77V ser. # non spacer D342 motor it was a good machine but when u worked it hard u would have to stop an let her cool down I did everything including pullin the rad.! The International TD25-C same vintage that I had could out push an slope better with the 2- speed steering and never ran hot I thought it was a better dozer but u couldn't beat Cat's PSR and could still get any part on that machine u need BULLHUSK
  2. If you read some of my past posts I say the same thing, why if we drill on fed land or private land should we in this country be part of OPEC? Where is the benefit for the American people? We The People!!?? I know what I spent in fuel last year, and it was uncalled for when we have so much of it, but when will it be a plus for the people instead of selling it off to the highest bidder and we get no break? Please tell me where my thinking is distorted ? BULLHUSK
  3. Ya gotta listen to Mark Levin on AM radio he makes me roll over laughing when he talks about Harry!! My wife calls me the old man when I listen to AM talk radio lol !! BULLHUSK
  4. The nice thing about W/S is that they will build you anything you want, and if you want a non pollution truck they will sell you a glider Kit BULLHUSK PS I've done it
  5. I have seen a lot of Sunoco stations closing in Jersey (domestic oil) being replaced by Exxon Mobile (middle east oil) BP and Sunoco on rt 31 north of rt 78 are always cheaper then the the Volaro and Hess the Sunoco is now Mobile and more money BULLHUSK
  6. I do know that they are built in Mexico as well as my Dodge pick and that's why I was buying the W-Stars but with all the new pollution stuff I had to go for the alu.cab (Coronado's ) but my point was, (so I'm told) is that the plant in run mostly by transplanted US workers as well as the Germans, I was told the same about the Chrysler plant and the new Ram Pick up's A lot of American company's are sending jobs to mx but yet the keep coming here for work?
  7. quote name="bullhusk" post="238995" timestamp="1395627338"]Well now here is my question for all the Volvo lovers out there? Now this is just a very simple question on why and what Volvos intentions are here in the good old USA.............Here goes Why did Daimler Benz come to America and by out Penske Detroit Diesel redesign and build jointly with Detroit Diesel and the Germans the new generation Detroit Diesel and keep Mfg. in Detroit USA and then buy Freightliner,Western Star,and Ford trucks then turned Ford into Sterling and then pulled them, then concentrate on makin Freightliner one of the largest sellin road trucks in the US and W-Star one of the best heavy hauler dumper mixer trucks in the US and they did this without ever importing one Mercedes heavy truck into this country?? On the other hand... Volvo comes to the US buys White Motors Autocar GMC Mack, closes White GMC is forced to sell Autocar to keep a CO model truck and floods the US market with Volvos. Then takes Mack Trucks and takes anythink that has a Mack history on it and slowly starts to eliminate them eg E9V8 EM7 E7 Mack designed and built motors and starts to replace them with Volvo built and designed motors and lets Mack engineers not have a hand in it I'm gonna stop there. Now I did not say I didn't like Volvo or any disrespect to the company but do you see where I'm commin from so how about some answers? BULLHUSK PS It woulda been nice to see a new long nose Autocar dump with a ISM or ISX Cummins or maybe even a new GMC Astro or a new White Road Comander! So why wouldn't we be seenin any a those in the 2014 model year?? OK here we go, You answered my question in your third sentence 'they wanted to promote there own Volvo name' BINGO!! And.... In doing so they disrespected the American public by takin out one of the oldest truck mfg. co's' in America White and GMC and also A-Car! So why couldn't they build an assembled truck like a White Road Boss using a Volvo motor or a Cummins Or a Detroit ? Nooo instead they did it slowly like 'White GMC Volvo', Autocar Volvo and then before ya know it White GMC Autocar are no longer on the truck!!! It just says Volvo!!! ....Are you kidding me Scania?? They came to this country with there own product and tried to sell it and they didn't buy out any US companies and liquidate them like Volvo did to cut out the comp. and use our tec. and US truck names to promote there product!! why? because Scania respected the American trucking co's and owners in this country! and as far as Freightliner building trucks in Mexico?? Who do you think is running and building the trucks? Mexican's? Volvo does not respect the American trucking manufacturing industry and if you think I'm crazy? Then just look at what they are trying to do in the heavy construction market in this country! Look I'm just tellin ya like it is! An another think stop tellin me how Volvo saved Mack!! If it were not for the great Mack name that Volvo has been riding on over the past couple of years Volvo would be gone cause the Mack name saved Volvo not the other way around!! Now there I said it!! And that's all I'm sayin BULLHUSK!
  8. When shit head took office in 08 from (as he said Bush and his oil barons) the national av was1.78 for a gal of gas on shit heads watch the national is 3.74!! Do ya see anyone call him and his buddies oil men when he's got his buddy Warren Buffet haulin the oil outa the mid west on his railroad instead approving the pipeline !!??!!?? Bullhusk
  9. Well now here is my question for all the Volvo lovers out there? Now this is just a very simple question on why and what Volvos intentions are here in the good old USA.............Here goes Why did Daimler Benz come to America and by out Penske Detroit Diesel redesign and build jointly with Detroit Diesel and the Germans the new generation Detroit Diesel and keep Mfg. in Detroit USA and then buy Freightliner,Western Star,and Ford trucks then turned Ford into Sterling and then pulled them, then concentrate on makin Freightliner one of the largest sellin road trucks in the US and W-Star one of the best heavy hauler dumper mixer trucks in the US and they did this without ever importing one Mercedes heavy truck into this country?? On the other hand... Volvo comes to the US buys White Motors Autocar GMC Mack, closes White GMC is forced to sell Autocar to keep a CO model truck and floods the US market with Volvos. Then takes Mack Trucks and takes anythink that has a Mack history on it and slowly starts to eliminate them eg E9V8 EM7 E7 Mack designed and built motors and starts to replace them with Volvo built and designed motors and lets Mack engineers not have a hand in it I'm gonna stop there. Now I did not say I didn't like Volvo or any disrespect to the company but do you see where I'm commin from so how about some answers? BULLHUSK PS It woulda been nice to see a new long nose Autocar dump with a ISM or ISX Cummins or maybe even a new GMC Astro or a new White Road Comander! So why wouldn't we be seenin any a those in the 2014 model year??
  10. Well Said BULLHUSK
  11. The MB with a 238 2cy Detroit exactly 4'' shorter so it just might work for ya? Just give me the OK and I'll send my feelers out! BULLHUSK
  12. My Superliner with the T2090 4.64 11R24.5 had no prob goin in the mid 70's BULLHUSK
  13. It looks like an A model tilt nose? A Cummins or a Cat?? How $$$$ where at? BULLHUSK
  14. I had one Joe, with a 20 yd 2R Leach only mine had a 465 baby Mack motor with a TRD-77 push pull, OMG the truck had a top speed of 45 M/T and about 35 loaded!! It was a tandem with 44 Mack rears BULLHUSK
  15. OMG Your killin me Smalls!!
  16. I think I'm gonna stay with the DD13 on the new trucks and keep with the 515 12.7 and the 550 575 14 liter non EGR with the Glider Kits haulin 80,000 gross but we are in the hills of upstate NY & PA also I am specing them with 3.90 and not the 3.34 that they tell u to go with. My new W-Star with the DD 15 505 hp has those 3.34 rears and it is not good on the hills! They tell u not to shift it and bring it down to 1100 but RPM'S are speed so you are pulling and still have the torque but u are pulling the hill slower! BUTTTT this is how u save fuel and that is what is most Impt. in todays world Regards BULLHUSK
  17. Thank You for the info on the DD 13! Would you opt out for the DD 15? Instead? I am a power nut an like to see my trucks first over the hill! But in today's world I have to think about the dollar cause its slim pickings out there!! I have had no issues with the Stars they remind me of the Autocars an the old R-Mack but they are steel cabs and are heavier then the Coronado's these will be my first ones I always bought Classics and they are working well my oldest Classic is my 1994 that I bought new from Brooklyn Freightliner with a 12.7 470 Detroit!! So we will see how the Coronado's do Thanks Again for your imput BULLHUSK
  18. see if he has a face book act and send him the pic that way
  19. Non egr 550 & 575 1850 lb ft of torque, I'm getting better then 6 mpg with them 13 double O with 4.10 rears running on 11R24.5's they pull better then any of the new ones and no DEF or PT Mufflers to deal with! just gotta find a truck built with that motor so u can feed the info to W-Star so they know how to drill and wire the truck BULLHUSK
  20. try Pittsburg Power if your going to put a egr motor into a glider you can do it
  21. No beer or Jack at Franks (I was gonna use the term hard stuff but it just wouldn't look right when your talkin Franks Chicken House) LOL just a pun BULLHUSK
  22. Thats them, I always delt with the guys that worked in the yard and they treated me pretty good! Don't know about the White collar guys up at the front office, cause I never had to deal with them we only delt with the Cement co who also paid us! BULLHUSK
  23. How many of those trucks do you have? I'm running about 30 (give or take a few ) but if I had 5 or 10 of those I'd be outta business!! Just for Ghit an Siggles I have or had 4 Classic's with Cat Acert 475 duel torque motors I will be trading them in soon (3 left) one sucked a valve cause of Cats poor design rocker assem. you know the one they sent out a bult.on the one year ext. warn. if the rocker failed in one year of the notice it would be warnt. but they would not change it if it did not fail????? HELLOW MRS LUBNER ARE U IN THERE!!!! well mine failed and took the head cam and turbos (2) another Cat brain storm after about 14 months........ So I went to Cat for some help and basicaly got the the door shut on me!! Annnnd if you get 4 mpg on these pigs u are lucky! I think a Cat Reman motor is close to 30K plus the core and my core is NG so u park the PIG and build a power glider with a 575 14 liter Detroit!! I did have a sign made that sits over the garage (I'll have to post it) that reads NO Cat people only ones with 4 legs ones with 2 legs will be beat up an fed to the junkyard dogs stay OUT!! BULLHUSK
  24. He used to have a bunch a R700 V8 tractors one with a 318 Detroit Suffolk Ready Mix I used to del cement to them a bunch a nice people to work with!! BULLHUSK
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