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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Horwith had two new F-Liners with sleepers, an they both had factory tag axels! The computer automatically adjust the weight, so if your drive starts to slip the computer automatically adj. your air to the drive plus or minus! I spoke to one of the drivers who has one that's about a year old an he likes it, I guess we'll see? Bullhusk
  2. R there any here in the US ? Sharp lookin truck BULLHUSK
  3. M&M Transport in Newark NJ had a bunch a B 67's Firetruck red with Bud wheels also Peter Roselle & Sons had about 100 MB's with 25yd Leach body's Also a Co in NYC called Esenfelt I think there name was? Charter Bulk in Newark had a bunch a R's LJ Kennedy From Kearny NJ Getty Oil an Sunoco on Doremus ave Nwk. Miron Lumber in Kingston NY Frank Murphy in SI NY BULLHUSK
  4. I turned it upside down an it said MADE IN CHINA
  5. It sounds like the tractor had an automatic in it? I,ll bet dollars ta donuts it was at the end of the day an they was all liquored up! I myself would never load anything on a trailer like that without it being hooked to a tractor! One a my fav fav tractors a day cab Freightliner BULLHUSK
  6. WOW!! Now that is a well thought out truck build! A nice fender body plus the nice spacer between the cab and the running boards, I would hope it's built on a nice Dodge with a Cummins! U betttt Mark ol boy I would love ta have that one and maybe another one with a Big Horn hood! Ha haBullhusk
  7. TRQ77 Baby Quad! I have a 413 in my C900 Dodge dump with a 7 yd body 5 speed 2 speed double reduction single axle and I have crowned that truck with 3-A modified an she pulls it with no problem, so I think your grandfather is correct ! I think the 413 is 210 hp I do not know what the torque is but she held her own on the hillsBULLHUSK
  8. Like always.....No freekin MOPARS!!!! BULLHUSK OK just hada go back I didn't see the Challenger! A nice 70 Roadrunner would be nice!
  9. WOW clean trucks!! I can't even see em there so clean!HA HA!! BULLHUSK
  10. Has anyone ever heard the story about the two KW's Monford had with the V12-71 twin turbo's that they were tryin out?? I was told they were monsters but couldn't break 2mpg so they scrapped that idea!! It all came about when Detroit Allison wanted to pair there trans up with a Detroit engine. Also Coors beer co had a fleet of trucks with the big KT Cummins and I remember reading an art. I think in OD Mag. about them havin a KTA 600hp that would go up those W-Coast hills @ 40 plus MPH loaded! back then! today we have trucks that can do this with no prob. BULLHUSK
  11. I like this idea, now all we need is a few investers with some $$$ and I think it would take off BULLHUSK
  12. looks like a Rex 770 barrel maybe 8 or 9 yder not a small one BULLHUSK
  13. I use ATF and blaster 50/50 it has never let me down... use mystery oil if u can't get ATF BULLHUSK
  14. I had a MB400 with that 465 Mack motor couldn't pull the skin off a hot dog!! BULLHUSK
  15. I have often thought about the same thing with the later Brockways with the Mack cab and the tilt nose?? It would not be difficult to reman that Broc. hood and with a few mod's on the cab (turn the roof around and change the cowl and dash thats all it would take) ..... Why not a glider kit? Boy I'll tell ya what!! Ha they do it with Cobras an old Fords!! BULLHUSK
  16. I took a day load down to US Pipe one day an pulled over an spent a good hour climbing all over that Hains truck an talkin to the guys in the shop monster truck !! Try an guess the weight on that thing!! Geez!BULLHUSK
  17. Mark, They were JUNK!! MTS outta PA had about 6 or 8 of the ones like in your post and all of them had a pipe from the bottom of the corner of the dash to the floor board to keep the dash from falling on the floor!! BULLHUSK
  18. Ain't never gonna see those records will we??? Locked up??? Wounderin why???Ya think he was born here??? Any other questions?? This man (and I use that term loosely ) is the president of the USA!! And was re-elected!!
  20. Buy a Western Star with a 13 liter 470 hp Detroit, the motor is I think? the only motor on the market built for 2013 Ems. from ground up and I have not gotten any bad feed back, I will be buyin a couple a new one this year, but the glider kits with the pre EGR motors that I have run better then an get better fuel mi then an are lighter then the new ones J M O BULLHUSK
  21. Remember the towing guy in Bordentown NJ he had 1 or 2 a those, also there is a guy in Boonton NJ that has one with a Cummins motor an a tandem chain drive! He has a yard full a old A-Cars an a building full a old tractors! The shame of it is the Sterling is just wastin away! what a shame!! BULLHUSK
  22. I used to del. Diamond RM in S-Island back in the 80's when Toby was still runnin about 4 Brockway 759's with mixers on then (like new they was!) BULLHUSK
  23. 'I shall return'.......And he just did!! One of the greatest, my dad hated Truman for what he had done to a great General who never did die...but like an old soldier he just faded away!! Ernie DS
  24. Well It sounds like the formula u are using works for you! But.... That dosn't mean it works for everybody! some of the older and even the new comers with lack of funds arn't dreamers at all they but they are chasing the American dream and that is owning your own business and with the way fuel and rates are today sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is in fact a train!! So what do we do?? we get back up an plug along for the next new day! I have in fact helped some of my drivers start there own buz. by selling them the truck that they drove for me I got them all back but one and that guy tryed to take one of my customers and did in fact take a driver from me, who has quit him! BULLHUSK
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