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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. If it wasn't for your quick action I wouldn't have that truck! So everyone else is first behind you! sorry guys! BULLHUSK
  2. GOD HELP US!!!!! Another new motor by Caterpussy when they still havn't fixed the Accert motor an now they are tryin to flood the truck market with more junk!! They should stick with bulldozers. Why would anyone buy a truck put together with spare parts from International an Maxforce!! BULLHUSK
  3. I talked to a UPS driver yesterday an he told me the new Macks aren't doin to good an he would rather have his International back! Are things that bad that you would want a International over a Mack!!
  4. I maybe could use another R-700??? OK OK OK!!!! I just got voted down by the CEO (that would be the wife) she said I have to finish the 3 Brockways ,the RL-700 and the Superliner first! DAM she rattles those trucks off better then me! BULLHUSK
  5. What has become of the Mack Hayward CA plant?? BULLHUSK
  6. I have never delt with such nice people, Frank Horwith would give you a truck, send you over to Allentown Brake an Wheel for a PTO to be put on and tell you to take the truck if you don't like it before your first payment then give it back! If you doubt that story just ask Billy Hiller from Jersey. The two girls run the place now Shelia and her sister two great ladies I deal with Shelia she is just like her father a good business person !! I would not be afraid to send anyone there cause I know they would be treated right BULLHUSK
  7. Can ya send this over to the GOP an maybe someone over there will wake up soon.... Very soon before its to late!!
  8. I just love the older an higher H's!! Bullhusk
  9. Mine is doing the same thing my 04 did not do this! I'm told its the EGR problem I also think there is some way to by pass the EGR if anyone knows of this let us knowThanks BULLHUSK
  10. I could remember my dad an uncles telling stories about trucks waitin at the bottom of a hill with a chain hangin on there bumper for someone to pull em up the hill cause they did not have the power to get over! I can remember this one garage my dad did work for the guys ran mostly Chicago an mostly all single axles I guess it was around 1963 cause the owner of the place had a new Pontiac red Bonny with a black conv. Top. Most of the tractors were H models he had 1 G model tandem some B67's an a real cool lookin LJ single axle that was a owner operator name Stanly his brother also had his own rig a H Mack with a 205 hp turbo Mack motor! It was a great time for me as a young truck lovin kid!! But the thing I remember even more then the trucks was the way some of the owner drivers dressed, with the cow boy boots hat an the chain hooked on there belt (let's not forget the buckle ) to this big wallet that came up about 3 inches outa there back pocket they all smoked Camels, most guys sat at the desk waiting for there trip leas an advance and would carve up these big round pills 4 ways like a pie ( I found out years later what West Coast turn arounds were) LOLBULLHUSK
  11. Great picture Mark! Ya think Volvo has any pic's a there trucks from way back! BULLHUSK
  12. sorry! but l'll be back in a couple a weeks an i'll call u guys BULLHUSK
  13. Joe Dithhkus and Ernie DS with our better half's at Long Horns in Del Ray Beach Fl. spent 3 1/2 hours talkin about thucks we had a great time with great people !! Thanks Joe !!
  14. I think it's got a series 60 12.7 from a Wester Star also a W S frame?? So I've been told oh God I sure hope its not a Volvo in a Huskie!!!!BULLHUSK
  15. There were so many MB 400 an 600 Mack's in Jersey back in the 70's all the garbage guys an APA an hell everyone who had a truck seemed to own one!! But now a days ya can't find one?? BULLHUSK
  16. Now dats funny! I'm just wounderin when Fix It Again Tony an Mopars are gonna team up an bring there class 8 Iaveco' over here with big power an call it a Ram ??
  17. I sure do remember this Brock. It was based outa Elizabeth NJ. On I think it was Dowd Ave Or Division St.BULLHUSK
  18. Just show me where to find 35 360U's an I'll trade em all in tomorrow no more DEF and get rid a 2 mechanics! But I will say this My w-s an Freightshakers run real good so thats why I buy them on the other hand the Macks an Petes did not work well for me, it seems like the Macks are working real well for you guys and thats good! Ya know I always bought Mopars and most a my friends bought Chevys, cause you could buy parts for them in a druge store! an cheaper then the Dodges! Well in 1978 I gave in and bourgt a new Malibu classic wagon with a CB radio an all the works! I could not go on a long trip with the thing without breakin down!! my friend had this Chrysler New Yorker that he couldn't keep runnin so I traded him heads up....Well that freekin Chevy never let him down!! an the Chrysler 1977 is still runnin today with 300,000 plus mi on her! I do have 2 Macks that I love, one I bought new in 1988 that runs every day and a Superliner E9 500 that I'm settin up for flat bed work! Good Luck with your Macks BULLHUSK
  19. Well like I always say to anyone who's throwing the dice 'if your winning don't change the dice' so in your case ya gotta stick with makes you happy an what gives ya a good return for your money! But I'm still sticking to my story put em out there an run em like they did back in the day with the weight an road conditions and I'd say the Bull Dog on the new Mack with the Volvo Motor will be laying down on the hoodBULLHUSK
  20. And how long before you have a computer problem?? Or a censor goes bad an you gotta get towed off the cross Bronx and the Brock an Superliner go by an yell out the rolled down window with the wing vents open 'there's always hope when you can fix it with wire an rope!!' See ya!! Of course you will not hear the guy yellin from the 360U LOL There was a write up a few years ago in I think it was Overdrive about company drivers leaving there Volvo's on the side of the road an walkin off the job cause they broke down so much they couldn't make any money! Any remember the art.?BULLHUSK
  21. GGII put a V6-92 350hp silver they are cheap to buy an there are still a lot of them out there reman or new! Adlemans in Ohio alway has a shit load of US surplus stuff BULLHUSK
  22. I think the big thing here with Volvo is that it seems like they look down on the US trucks and that they are here to teach us how to build a real truck. Now this is just the way I see it so don't think I hate Volvo but what they did to White Motors an Autocar an now with Mack just look at the way they handle themselves, they took the greatest name in trucks Mack 'Built like A Mack Truck' and are tryin to make it into a Volvo and the proof is in the pudding all ya have to do is taste it! Now did anyone ever hear this...'Built like a Volvo Truck' NO!! And you never will!! Volvo builds trucks all over the world but they have never built trucks for the US market and that my friends is the proving grounds for heavy trucks, just put a new Volvo and an older Mack Superliner or a Brockway 360U with a V-12 loaded on 6 axels gross em with 120,000 like the old days and run em from Brooklyn to East Hampton LI every day or up an down the NYS thru. for one month and then lets see who wins?? And at the end of that month have all the Volvo guys on one side and all the old timers (the ones that are left) from Mack and Brockway on the other side, and then let's see who starts takin notes??? Any body want to guess?? BULLHUSK GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THE TRUCKS THAT BUILT AMERICA AND THE BULL DOGS THAT HELPED WIN WW-1
  23. To much cow shit between J.K.s shouldersBULLHUSK
  24. In the mean time China continues to F-Up the whole world an we keep buyin there shit! Including myself!! I am forced to buy there truck tires that ware like iron an are 90 bucks cheaper!!Bullhusk
  25. The second pic looks like one of the Bolder Dam Mack's with all the open air style hood an grill 120 would be nothin on a summer day!! BULLHUSK
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