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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. They (fountain) went back to cast, back in 06 07 they were stamped an did not last! I do like the no slack An still use m Bullhusk
  2. By a Detroit an ya won't have them problems!! LOL just kiddin don't ya just hate when they say "your the only one havin this problem Bullhusk
  3. It's probably the only truck that starts at -40 I know a 3412 or 16 Cat won't LOL !! BULLHUSK
  4. Roy Garber from Shipping Wars dead at 49 WOW! He was a real pain in the butt on the show but still to young to die very sad! RIP R. G. BULLHUSK
  5. put a 2-4-6-8-12-71 on the floor in pieces an by the end a the day you'll have one runnin!! try that with any other motor! and I'll bet those 4 monkeys could put her together BULLHUSK
  6. It would be a nice U to put a 8 V 92 Detroit in!
  7. F F First of all let me just say there are a lot more guy on this site with far more knowledge them me on Mack motors so with that being said I'll tell you what I do when buyin a motor. First off I think all 237's came with piston coolers cause I don't think they would have made the day operating between 1200 to 2100 RPMS, I know when I was a kid my dad put turbos on some H models that he worked on to make them 205 hp's with no piston coolers and the only prob. we had was with the early 673's with the holes in the rod journels they broke the cranks now this was back in the mid 60's. As far as the 350 hp Mack they were not a high torque rise motor like the Maxi motors also you need to put an air to air intercooler in front of the rad so you need to do a lot a plumbing! But if you find a nice 285 with the tip turben inter cooler you can juice it to a nice 300 or so strong runner! the 4-V motor will have the injector tube commin out the side of the head with a nut on the injector tube the 2-V will have the one like your 237 commin out a the top with 2 bolts holding it in place also the 4-V valve cover is flatter an wedge shaped an not tall like yours is. When I look for a motor I like to find one that I could hear run so you can check your oil pres an blow by from your crank vent tube, if you can't hear it run then check your exhust ports turbo and intake ports for oil also check the vent tube the vent tube is the only thing that should have any oil in it all else should be dry! If who ever you buy it from gives you some kinda warnt. on it then take it back to the shop an pull the pan down an check all your bearings an if all looks good on top put a new setta rods an mains in with a reman oil pump (also check every bearning size an make sure they are all std. or cut .10 - 20 or even 30 under) sometimes just one journal might have been cut so make sure all are the same size even check the mark on the back of the bearing as I've seen the wrong bearing in the wrong box!! (10 under in a box marked std.) I also change the water pump on any Mack motor I have put in my trucks an pull the valve cover an take a quick look inside an change the V- cover gaskes as well! I have paid from 500 to 5-K it just depends on what it commes outa I always liked to buy em from a wrecked truck just make sure it wasn''t a rollover where the motor ran when it was on it's side or bottom side up (no oil lube) Good Luck Regards BULLHUSK
  8. Joe ill be there from the 23 to 30 (Jan.) for a week then gonna go back mid to end of Feb. if any a those days fit? I'm in Del Ray so I'm about 5 min from you you could email me At ernie67rt@aol.com for my cell #BULLHUSK
  9. Wilson Freight had a bunch a U's with VT 903's They were tandem tractors with one live rear in the front and the back axle was a tag air axle BULLHUSK
  10. I think another big thing today is P.S.R. Product service rep. Foly cat gave me nothing but a bill and a hard time! Keystone Mack did the same! Now... Maybe you say ok Cat and Mack wouldn't Warranty there product ??? Well then the dealer should Step up to the plate and fight for you!! No?? Well I've said it before on this site an ill say it again, the Freightliner dealer that I buy from (Horwith in Northampton Pa) a Family operation like our company has always helped us out somehow when the Warranty had expired a short time after our failure or would help out on the labor They do what they have to do within reason to keep you as a customer. BULLHUSK
  11. I can't say if the new Volvo/Mack is mass produced junk because I don't own one, but with that being said, I did in fact own Mack's at one time and was not too happy with them! Being in the cement haulin business is tough enough with trucks that run and service us well and they would be Freightliner Classics an Western Star 4900's with Detroit Diesel's and I will say they don't perform like mass produced junk so We are very happy with them. Being in business in today's economy one should not pay a lot of money to be happy to to be unhappy to be happy to have what we have!BULLHUSK
  12. Didn't think that at all, just covering my bases it's all good!! Bullhusk
  13. Cause it would dig into the Volvo market share !! If these guys over here ever got there hands on one a those it would be all over for Volvo road integral sleeper don't ya think???Bullhusk
  14. That I cannot answer but what I can tell you is that my 12.7 Detroit's as far back as 1990 to have the very same head design as the new Detroit diesels.And that was long befor MB took over, The old Detroit's were designed without pushrods so the valves could be transposed or put on the same side as there manifold was, Detroit is now using Mercedes, common rail fuel system as opposed to their unit injector system that goes as far back as the two cycle engines Also I have been told that the Mercedes computer system was scrapped for the US Detroit computer system I don't know how true this is but I have been told that from a service manager at one of the Freightliner dealerships.Kscarbl Adds a lot of useful information to this Mack site and I do not have an ax to grind with this man I think that he has been very helpful to the website it's just that I have been inside of these motors new and old and I can just tell you the Engine as well old series 55 was the older MB 4000 MB motor and it was nothing like the new 13 15 an16 liter motors , These new motors are based on the older Detroit diesel design which was designed by our US engineers when Roger Penske owned the company. I also think that Detroit's electronics were far better then Mercedes electronics as you know Detroit also used their electronics on internationals DT 466 Engine as well! As you can probably tell by now I'm big Detroit diesel fan and I also wish that Mercedes would've bought out Mack truck instead of Volvo because I truly think that Mercedes gives the US engineers a lot more Input towards the design of their trucks as well as their motors Volvo on the other hand seems to think that we don't know too much so they are going to be the teacher and we the US engineers are the studentsBullhusk
  15. See Superdog (Mike) I bought 2 nice aluminum doors for my RL 700L he sent me pic"s an when I got the door they were like new! BULLHUSK
  16. This is true Mike an ya know what thay say "ya gotta go through hell ta get ta heaven!" BULLHUSK
  17. I always liked the A-Cars esp. the ones we had at colonial! I had a new 1978 DC9964U off set snub nose PT 290 with a 955LL trans it was the best mixer I ever drove untill they gave me a new DM600 285 Maxi with a 6 speed 11 yd MTM mixer! I drove that for about 6months just before i left to go out on my own, the mack hands down was a better truck all around, it did what ever you asked it to do plus plenty a power and a good top speed
  18. email fo them is gsccoll@aol.com phone order # is toll free @ 1-877-450-2100 BULLHUSK
  19. This guy Obonehead is clueless!! Just last month he struck a deal with the very people (Iran) who are supplying the alqueda with bombs an guns an amo, why now more then ever? Cause this clueless bastard lifted the sanctions and freeded up there money!!! ("Friends in Allah") is a fact! Just look at the way things are unfolding in the Middle East right now, just sit back an give it some thought, just look at the timing here? Is it just a coincidence that we free up Irans money an all of a sudden about a month later 2 major cities are taken over? The ones our men an women fought so valiantly for as Iran sat back and new they had a friend in the whitehouse now and it will be ours anyway? We had Iran on its knees and our hands on ther balls (if they have any) all we had to do is pull an squeeze and add more sanctions! But no.. can you beleive this..We do just the opposite! So maybe he isn't so clueless! Please tell me if you think I'm CRA-CRA maybe I'm just an angry old man BULLHUSK
  20. I would look around for a tractor (300maxi) thats got a bad cab or frame an use the whole truck as a donor this way u have all the stuff u need and is cheaper in the long run! They are still out there for less then 4k just gotta look BULLHUSK
  21. I always liked that model cornbinder esp. with the sleeper option! An the dress comes in the same colors as the interior!! BULLHUSK
  22. I say the same thing about the motor in my 361 Brockway, it's a 1974 with a stroked 250 (super 250 937 ci) non turbo?? Why? Now if Cummins put a turbo on her... That would be a monster! BULLHUSK
  23. Nancy P, Harry R, an this lower then low life guy we have in charge would not have lasted this long if guys like Jefferson and the founding fathers where still around!! They would in fact have thrown them in jail along with Eric H are beloved AG for not following our constitution of the United States and lieing there ass off to the people of this country!! We all better get our heads outta our ass an vote these people out!! Just ta show ya how fucked up the media is.... they spent more time on gov Chris C. traffic jam over the GW then on 4 Americans gettin killed on Obama and Billery Clinton's watch and the IRS deal during the election an thats in less then 24 hours!! OK a F-in traffic jam!! more news then 4 Americans being killed, and nothing has been done an no one has been fired! What a fuckin shame!! sorry for the bad words folks but it is just a dam shame! over an out ...BULLHUSK
  24. looks like someone fell a sleep at the build a bear store an forgot to pull the hose off! or are they real?? LOL
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