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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I remember when I was a kid half of the garbage in the winter was buckets a coal dust from the coal fur.!
  2. No body back in the dayes before trucks wanted to pick up garbage! But when the Eyetalians came to this country they saw an op. and they took it!!! so today my friends the job that nobody wanted back in the day belongs to the Italians! and good for us!! BULLHUSK
  3. TD 14 IH?
  4. VOLVO SUCKS!!! Every time I see one of these new CO A-Cars it just pisssssssses me off!! Say what ya want but at least the Germans let F-Liner and W-Star live on!! Not like the Sweeds'Our vay is da better vay' And you are right! The first thing they did was take the DK an DC out! When I was at Mack a couple a weeks ago the salesman was tryinto tell me thet the new Mack motor was a joint eng. build between them and us! Well it sure don't look that way to me? But maybe I'm wrong and if I am then I stand to be corrected! BULLHUSK
  5. The other thing is, there are a lot of single ax tractors around for a lot less then the tandems esp. Penske & Ryder the hp is a little lower but you would still get a 12.7 or 14 L Detroit and they could be turned up! So if you could splice a air tag with a lift it just might work! For me anyway. I got a lot of feed back here and mostly pos.! Thanks !! BULLHUSK
  6. Joe it would be a tag, just a 3 axle tractor and one rear and the tag behind the one drive rear, so it would be a 3 axle total tractor
  7. Mark, Do you remember when Public Service ran the bus lines in Jersey back before NJ Transet took over? Well they had a big old tandem L series Mack! I do not know what happened to her but the truck was like new and only had a couple a thousand mi on it! It lasted forever and was replaced by one of those ugly A-Cars with the White motors Hood! and of course now that the tax payers of NJ pay, they get a new wrecker every 2 years!! Ernie DS
  8. I'm sittin down tryin to spec. a new glider and I was thinkin about a rollin glider with a single rear and a tag axle (air ride sup) Now heres the thing WS an FL both have computer controlled air ride that deflates the tag when the drive starts to slip. I saw a new Freightliner in the yard over at Horwiths with a F-liner automatic and a tag axle, the truck is owned by Peters Bros out in PA. and saw how it works! What do you guys think about it? We don't go off road and it does save a lotta weight, and hell most a these drivers today don't even know what the hell a Power Divider is !! BULLHUSK
  9. I was talkin to a Q/C driver yesterday and he was drivin one of there new ones, he said when there grossed out at 80,000 an pullin hard the trans runs hot on a hard pull and a single shaft trany it would make sense! They are new and look good but 309 Mack has a shit load of them over in there yard with or without sleepers that Q/C is not taken! And there priced right from what I'm told! BULLHUSK
  10. I just came across some Diamond Reo cab parts (new) If anyone is int. please email me or pm me on the site BULLHUSK
  11. Thanks otherdog!! Husky.....My Fav. truck!! BULLHUSKY
  12. I was told the top speed on the Dodges was about 35-40 mph and I think they had triple frames on them! They would make nice glider kits as some of those trucks have a heck of a lot less mi then that one! Bullhusk
  13. Don... Why are we always a day late on the Brockway stuff!!! LOL Your Jersey friend BULLHUSK
  14. What was the trouble with those twin turbo 864's?? I think I might have posted this once before but there was a guy who had a BU-T jet black 700 years back that ran a dump trailer outta the Houdalli pit in Bound Brook NJ. It almost took him to the poor house! One day Mack in Hillside NJ called the guy and made a deal with him on a new R600 that was wrecked in transit with a 237-6 speed, he put that in and and the truck still might be out there makin money! Also Cat made a V-8 turbo 325 hp maybe?? ya don't hear about it cause Cat swept it under the carpet, I think it was a 10,000 mi motor on a good day! BULLHUSK
  15. I might be way off base here but I remember seeing a moving van (Mayflower tractor trailer i think?) and he had something called a Sterling motor?? does that sound right to anyone out there? Now this was back in the late 70's and I think he said thats what powered the huge walk in bunk he had built behind his CO Freightliner. He also had a group of batteries he called them 'Golf Cart' batteries hanging off the frame of the tractor! Now this was a long time ago and I'm sure todays stuff is better BULLHUSK
  16. How many more days until Billary is elected??
  17. Wilson Freight had a bunch a those with VT-903 Cummins motors, also they had dummy tag Axel's. Those trucks were only about a year old when they went out of business but I never saw them again? BULLHUSK
  18. Greendash, I had Pete's and I went through the same problem ! Every time I went in for something I got a bill!! I went over to Fruitliner back in 95 with Detroit Diesel an ain't looked back! I use Horwith out in Pa As well as Atlantic DD in Jersey and they work with us on just about everything! Foley Cat on the other hand...... WellI guess if y don't have anything good to say you shouldn't say anything at all..... So I guess I got nothin to say!! Bullhusk
  19. Talked to a JB Hunt local guy about his, and was told they sent a bunch back!! they are not to bad for power but they sure know where the garage is cause thats the place they spend most of there time! BULLHUSK PS How are those Paccar motors workin out?? I don't hear anything about them?
  20. Thats got the same 5th wheel that my Brockway Navy truck has, I think It's rated for 150 ton or somethin crazy like that! BULLHUSK
  21. There ain't an f'in muffler big enough for those a-holes!!! Bullhusk
  22. Boy that bottom A-Car looks like a old Colonial S&S Truck?? Is the main color green? Ernie DS
  23. Oh well!! The story a my life...'A day late an a dollar short!' I had some high hopes for those mufflers I even had a cherry bomb on the drawin board!! BULLHUSK
  24. I'm goin inta the fart muffler business ... Anybody want in on the ground floor??.......... Anybody ??? Hello... Anybody?? Fart mufflers?.....no.. BULLHUSK
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