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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I was talkin to one of my buddies in the dump buz and he told me his Pete guy told him that Detroit was going to bring back a smaller V -2 cy for there baby 8's with no EGR or DEF could it be pos.?? BULLHUSK
  2. I say let her just make a fool outta herself like like she always does! I mean just look at the things that come outta her post's! Any one with a little smarts would know when to shut up and not keep digging themselves deeper into s--t. It just goes to show you how stupid the far left really is, not that we don't know already!Bullhusk
  3. Mark, You just said what I have always thought to myself! It's nice to see a little bita touch up an paint on a workin truck with a nice greasy 5th wheel an spit shined finish with some Mothers an Speedy an Rain Dance! An that's the tough truck the workin mans truck!BULLHUSK
  4. So sorry for your loss my friend Ernie
  5. 03 and older, no EGR BULLHUSK
  6. Thats right we started it and we'll finish it as well! NOW GET BACK IN YOUR CAGE!
  7. I've worked myself up from nothing to extreme poverty! (Groucho Marx) BULLHUSK
  8. Good job there Maddog!! We might be needin you guys in SS- Heights soon! BULLHUSK
  9. Apparently YOUUU are a very prejudice person because you are pre judging and that is what the word means. How do you know anything about these biker people? As many of these brave men and women fought in South East Asia during the 60's and 70''s and I am without a doubt sure that they have seen death and many things in there younger life that many of these younger kids would cry for there Mothers and wet there pants if they had to take a gun and or napalm and and have to use it!! And by the way smoking and drinking just might be a way to soothe the hearts and soul of these once fine young men and women of this great country, and by the way are now the very brave fine older generation that I myself see trying to save this once great country that is now in the toilet because of people like you and Jane Fonda and Obama (by the way are you related to Jane?) or Nancy Pelosi maybe? God bless these Bikers and the HELL with the young and new BLACK PANTHER Party!! And also there are many fine young black kids so why would you bring race into or onto this site? What there couldn't be a bunch of young white kids? or Yellow, oor red?? I can see just where you want to go with this, well we aint gonna take your bait! And once again you have proven yourself to be a pletheror of usless information BULLHUSK
  10. Wouldn't you just love to see these guys show up every time those black panther fellows show up? Like that time in Philadelphia
  11. I think it was flat before the USAF got there!! LOL
  12. Pretty cool that the owner spected it with 2 different stacks? That truck has been for sale for a while now BULLHUSK
  13. I just ordered a new Western Star 4700 with Detroit's 13 liter 470 hp motor, I also ordered another W-S 4900 glider but this time we're gonna get it with the motor (Power glider 575 hp non EGR Detroit) and put our trans and rears in. The rolling glider we did last year so far is workin out OK and the fuel mi for a 575 hp motor is good (over 6 mpg). There was a time I would not buy anything but Mack but they just would not stand behind there product! Why? I don't know! I don't like to knock Mack on this site out of respect to Barry and Watts Mack, but it is frustrating when you try to be a loyal Mack guy and they( Mack PSR) turn there back on ya? I just don't get it?? BULLHUSK
  14. Detroit Diesel in Vinny's U!!?? BULLHUSK
  15. Sorry! but I think you got your answer, It's just a way to vent the pressure in your crank case, in a case where your rings are worn the compression would by-pass your rings an and compress your crank case causing 'blow by' sometimes if the vent is not clear it will even blow your dip stick out! I don't know if that is the trouble with your engine, but it was just a thought, again I'm sorry I didn't get back to you!! BULLHUSK
  16. Now tell me....... Is that not one bad ass U360? and that's not the only one he had, I do not remember how maney he had but they where awesome and you could just hear em and say 'here comes Underwald's Brockways!!' Thanks for the mem's! BULLHUSK
  17. Thats the guy!
  18. Just put a W-Star on the road yesterday and it seems to be workin out good so far! I got trucks goin up 80 to Stormville everyday prob. them BULLHUSK
  19. bullhusk


    My dad used to tell me a story about a guy that worked for liquid carbonic years back he brought in an overweight ticket and said to his dispatcher, it's impossible for me to be overweight I'm carrying helium I would fight this ticket!!!LOLTrue story BULLHUSK
  20. B M Underwall from Linden had some nice V- 12 Brockways and nice Autocars back in the late 60's and early 70's BULLHUSK
  21. I'll ask again as I have asked you in the past, can you please list for all of us no nothin faux news zombies all of president Obonehead accomplishments??? He is so quick to bomb Syria but yet one year later and he has done nothing about the injustice in Benghazi go figure???BULLHUSK
  22. the man thinks he's god, he don't give a rats shit about this country and tha stupid people in this country gave him 4 more years!!?? I just hope we can make it that long!
  23. Get yourself a good dog (I like the big ones) thats if you don't already have one, I've got 3, 2 Shepards an 1 Pit all are good dogs and trained, and all I want them for is to let me know when someone is out there cause they know when we don't and that gives me or my wife that lead way to get the fire power ready esp. at night when we are asleep, those guys are on duty and they hear an sense stuff that we can not! Those 3 guys are with my wife 24-7 they go to our office with her every day, one sits next to her (the Pit) and the 2 G-S sit in the back of the Suburban It's just a little peace a mind for me when she's on the road and at home alone BULLHUSK
  24. If any a you guys know Lefty V ask him about Don Tedesco and how nice his Autocars where, and maybe just maybe he would have some pictures of them! I know it's a long shot but what the hell!! I also remember when Lefty bought a new Pete tractor with a big HP 8V-92 Detroit, there wasn't many guys passin him on the hill's I used to load at Clayton's Elizabeth rail yard and McCormick's in S-Amboy back in the 70's and 80's I was King of the road (think not!) with my A-Car tractor with a 238 Detroit and a 4X4 with a Montone dump trailer haulin about 80 to 100,000 of sand to Colonial's JC and Newark and Eliz. yards (the truck was owned by Colonial not me) they was some good times and good money! I sure hope before I die we can start to see some of these days again! And do any a you old timers remember the Tug boat strike in 79? that brought out all the dump trucks an trailers!!... OH well there I go rambling on again! sorry guys BULLHUSK
  25. Summit NJ he pulled out of Houdale's Quarry in Summit on Shunpike RD. I don't know if Lefty Veneiro is still around but he was good friends with him and Heiller and Yannuzzi.Another blast from the past would be Albert Scalitti from Pompton Lakes NJ he started with the Fords and then want to the DC9964 Autocars with HRF6-195 Cummins motors (he was also the mayor of the town) BULLHUSK
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