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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Does anyone remember Donald Tedesco Autocars? They where blue like Yanuzzies trucks and said Mighty Marie on the front bumper, dam I sure wish I took pictures back then (1960's) The poor guy lost everything cause of back taxs or somethin and wound up goin bad, he would come around the shop every now and then back in the 70's for a days pay, he was a good man BULLHUSK
  2. 5 years ago my daughter worked hard to save up to buy an 85 dollar pair of sneekers, she packed them on top inside her suitcase when we got to Florida they were gone! About 2 months later they got one of the TSA guys shoppin the luggage at Newark Airport!! They are all a bunch a Sharp James boys at that hell hole! The best one was when I saw one of the guys that wheel ya around stop and take out a blanket and start prayin to the east or west or where ever they face!! I shoulda taken him an pointed his ass tn the direction of where the trade centers were! BULLHUSK
  3. ggII built that truck from a single axel plow truck, railed it put a seta tandems under her and put a big hummin Cummins under that big hood! Good job there Don BULLHUSK
  4. Mark, Did they make an e6 400 ? I had a E7 VMack that i bought new, one of the first Electronic motors in my CH 600. Now when I got the truck it burned oil, then it burned more oil, so Mack brought it in and pulled all 6 pistons and found broken rings! They fixed it all under wrt. And after that I had no trouble at all with the truck, I just sold it in Jan. but the motor ran good and had a lot of power 2090 trans an 464 Mack rearsBULLHUSK
  5. An E/Z test, take the plug out of one cyl. At a time get a squirt oil can and a compression gauge, pull your coil wire out and take a comp. test on # 1 then squirt some oil into the cyl and take another comp. test if your comp. Goes up your rings are worn if not it's your valves do one at a time that's how my Pop would check the old gas jobs, also make sure your crank vent tube is not blocked BULLHUSK
  6. My wife wants a horse so I bought her another Germen Shepard! close enough! now we have one Pit and two G/S BULLHUSK
  7. Looks like an old White, I like those double spoked wheels on front!
  8. Are you lookin for D/R parts? I cleaned out an old Brockway/ Diamond Reo dealer parts room last week and got 3 box's of parts and all the old parts books for both co's I know I have the letters and some other cab parts email me if you are interested befor I post them BULLHUSK
  9. I'm game! Well hell I went all the way to WA State for my Detroit Mack BULLHUSK
  10. Post some of them on here! I'm sure there are guys like Mark and myself that would checkem out, I love the toys myself esp the older Matchbox (the big ones like Lang Construction an the Dodge Fruehauf doubles) I still want the Dodge and also the Cooper Jarrett Hendrickson doubles V-12's so if ya have any a them let me know!! BULLHUSK
  11. WOW, Thay musta forgot about me!! LOL Like I said I never got a recall or anythink of the sort and the service manager at Mack new I got a bad deal and he new the trouble with the trans.! But anyway I just thought I would pass it along just so you could stay ahead of the game! BULLHUSK
  12. That's a Rockwell 12,000 lb but sometimes they up the ratings with bigger tires and springs BULLHUSK
  13. Good luck nice nice!! If I were you I would check the top cover of your trans. If it is a T2090, I have a truck just like that but a year older and I also had a Superliner (89) with a 2090 both broke the forks and jammed the trans between the gears and broke the main shaft in the trans! IT IS A MACK PROB. And they make an updated cover!! Mack would not stand behind the failure, and if not for the service man. At Mack at the time I would not even known about the new cover that they put on the trans when they fixed it! I was not charged for the new cover!! So look into it, I don' know if anyone else has had the problem but I sure did! What a beautiful truck!! BULLHUSK PS my old Bull Dog works every day!!
  14. What happened to there show???
  15. Thanks I will get you a pic. And I am going to change that line cause it looks original !BULLHUSK
  16. Ya Ain't missin nothin Mark!! I was in there once, no sour kraut an if ya got any kids with peanut alg. Stay away cause they fry em in peanut oil!! I like Dickie D's on Bloomfield ave in Newark and Ruts Hut An Genies Weines in Branchburg NJ. Dickie D'S has the best Italian bouble HD ever!!BULLHUSK
  17. Twin turbo 12-71 or a KTA-600 Cummins and you Sir would be the talk of the town!......YES!! BULLHUSK
  18. I had to go up to Mack up on 309 in Allentown PA last week and they had a shit load of day cab and bunks on hand ( about 30?) it looks like Q-C (Quality) ordered to many and they are givin some good deals on them! They have the Mack auto trans in them with there MP motors BULLHUSK
  19. I run all F-Liners an W-Stars every day and they spend a lot less time in the shop then my Macks did, thats why I don't by em any more! sorry but I was a Mack man for many years and when they started to go down Mack walked away, just like Cat did with Accert! So I went to brand X and never looked back! BULLHUSK
  20. Sad but true my Mack friend! What a great great truck The A-Car was and still is!BULLHUSK
  21. HMMM... Last time I checked.. I think the Chrysler HEMI was still king of top fuel??? Even if that crazy guy with the Mustang Funny and the hot daughters don't know it yet!! LOL And by the way we can all thank Mopar for the car and the term 'Funny Car' F/X AF/X altered wb 64 65 those Dodges sure look funny don't they! and the rest is history!! BULLHUSK
  22. Every stroke is a power stroke! BULLHUSK
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