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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Autocar and Brockway are long gone now!! It's sort of sad is it not? I will say this, I was lookin at a heavy spec. Western Star up at Horwiths last week and I'll tell ya that they are the closest thing to what I think an A-Car would look like if they still built a conventional. I like the bolted heavy frame as well as a steel cab with a lotta room, grease fittings on every moving part and not this grease free sh-t!! Heavy X-members with heavy hangers! I know, it sounds like I'm tryin ta sell ya a truck right LOL!!!! well I'm not, it was just nice to see that they still build em right.. BULLHUSK
  2. Thanks guys, as of about two hours ago Ernie JR. Had his resp. (breathing tub) removed and is talking and breathing on his own! I know in my own heart that the power of prayer from all of you folks has helped my boy, I just can't thank all of you enough! Again he still has a long road ahead of him but the fact that he has done so well today will help him tomorrow and then the next day! Thank You all The Delli Santi Family
  3. OK heres an update on Ernie JR.Things went ok with his surgery today,as of 5:10 today he is in ICU at Columbia in NYC. They had to replace two valves in his heart, the pulmonary and the triuspid valve as well ( suprise)! He is still not outta the woods yet but we got him past 1st base an now we gotta get him to home plate! The next 24 to 48 hrs are tough but with the help of your thoughts and prayers I think we can do it! Thank all of you again for your kind words and most of all your prayers! Ernie Delli Santi SR.
  4. I've only seen an air cleaner like that on Colonial Sand and Stone's trucks where did that truck come from? Detroit power and thats all they ran! BULLHUSK
  5. Well mr black there's you answer! No one can beat a man thats been there an done it! Like I said DM 600 & 800 Mack mixers haulin 10 & 11 yds (between 72,000 & 80,000 on three axles) and there still pullin the same loads that the newer 350 to 450 hp trucks are doin! and they will be doin it when the newer ones are in the junck yard! Buy it and good luck BULLHUSK PS if you look at the F mod. Certified mixer, that was a 15 to 18 yd mixer and all that was???? A 237 with a 6 speed Maxi trans and those mothers were over 100,000lb's loaded!!
  6. A good time tested motor! There are some Redi Mix Co's in my area still using them to haul 10 & 11 YDS ! there are some things that will help you along here like what trans, rear end ratio and so on, most came with a 4.17 or a 4.64 and I've seen some of the mixers with 6 speeds and a 5.13 (Ithink) with a top speed of 60 flat out! So your area is the most important, your terrain? flats, hills and so on?? Local flat not many hill ?? buy it! Good Luck BULLHUSK
  7. tractor supply has those tires on the rim,when I got my car trailer the first thing I did was went down to TS an bought one an also bought a star wrench and a bottle jack BULLHUSK
  8. Why YES! Thats sorta like me Ernward R Murro I bring the battle of the Big Mack Trucks Odds and Ends to the livingrooms of all the people without TV! From the roof top of my 361 Brock to hood of my R700 to the battle of the BULLHUSK vs Grrrhl (I forgot your name)! And last but not least I am widely respected in the Port O Potty industry, and still a benchmark used by all the famous Port O Potty users as well ! KSUHLLUB
  9. He was sort of a Bill O'Reilly kind of guy,he was a big journalist during WWII and the McCarthy hearings during the 50's ,spoke his mind weather ya liked it or not (another words he told the truth without the old MSMBC suger coat). I think he used to end his radio and TV show with 'Good night and good luck' always had a smoke in his hand..And thats all I have to say about that! BULLHUSK
  10. And thank You Barry for this web site !! I sometimes feel like Edward R Morrow I think thats how he spelled it? BULLHUSK
  11. Thank you BULLHUSK
  12. Thanks mark,I'm at macungie every year I missed everyone this year!! Maybe next year I will bring a truck but havin grandsons with me takes up all my time! The blue Brock and the R700 are on my send it out to get done listErnie
  13. It sure looks like it! It is the original paint,I will paint it maybe next year Bullhusk
  14. Yep I'll bet that's It went through this with a Cement tanker years back (new spacers new cleets studs nuts) it was the wheel all along! Put the hub piloted wheels on they are the better way to go BULLHUSK
  15. The prayers were the E/Z part Mike! It was you and the Good Lord that did the rest! Glad to see you doin well and hope to be postin a H/B on your 100th! BULLHUSK
  16. Happy Birthday ta all you Bulldogs!
  17. WELL some day when the parts come in from upstate I'll take them back with me!!! LOL (ggII) BULLHUSK
  18. 48,000 Rock's 5.23
  19. Joe wanted 35,000 for that 360 with the 1693 motor!! It was just to much money for that truck! I gave him a little more then I wanted to for the 361 but, there it is! all I did was paint the body gray and wound up doin the liners BULLHUSK
  20. I don't know how the hell that happened 2 pic's on one post?? The black pit (Opie) is the best dog I have ever had! He is gonna be 12 in Sept. unconditional love from all a these guys!! BULLHUSK
  21. Me and the Husky, Cuda,Lexi an Opie (Husky's brothers and sisters
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