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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Ya know I has down at the junk yard the other day lookin at a set of fenders from an International paystar 5000, and thank God I don't need a set but I think with a little work thay could replace the Brockway factory construction fenders and look good ta boot! BULLHUSK
  2. Thanks Vinster come on down an I'll take ya out in a real truck for the day! BULLHUSK
  3. Ready for PA tomorrow,I want down yesterday and loaded her and brought her home I just love this truck!!
  4. Nice!! Boy back in the day KISS trucks "there is always hope with wire an rope" A couple a screw drivers a hammer and a pair a vice-grips and you were gettin home!! Not so todayBULLHUSK
  5. A friend of mine emailed me a utube with this black rev. preachin what's gonna happen when ya piss off white people,I guess if ya googled something about it ya might get the video. If someone out there has it or could get it it would be something to see! This Rev. was a pretty smart guy and made a lot of sence! Even if I was able to get it I wouldn't know how to post it on the site!! BULLHUSK
  6. The Justice Dept. said that Zimmerman was profiling Martin and they will investigate!!!!! The Justice Dept Eric Holder will he also launch an investigation into the IRS profiling consertive right wing groups??? Please tell me when we the people will wise up??I just want to puke when I here people tell me what a good job this a-hole and all of the rest of his crew are doing! If anyone out there can come out and tell me anything good that has come from this bunch of no nothing community organizer and down right crooked dishonest can't ever tell the truth bums (sorry bums) then I'll tell you that you are very misinformed or just plain dumb BULLHUSK
  7. That red one is a 360 very nice truck and and also the other red one and I think the blue one is as well! The blue one might have a 1693 Cat or a V12-71 if it is in fact a U-360 BULLHUSK
  8. Ya in PA I can only load just over 15 ton but so far no prob. cause the only scale is the one on 78 in Jersey and I'm about 5 ton under my 70,000 gross and the load is just about water level so as not to be an eye catcher! It's usually the greedy ones that get caught!! BULLHUSK LOL
  9. This truck has been all over the Brockway site
  10. There was a co called Davidson Trucking years back that had a shit load os those White's! Another truck that Volvo Killed!! BULLHUSK
  11. Mark, It's sorta funny when ya see a new guy come up ta ya..... an It's always the same......... here goooos.. Brock A Way ??? Aint never seeeeeennn a Brock A Way ba fore?? Who makes it?? is it from China??? Brock A Way ? what is that there on the hood?? is that a bear?? OOOOOHH Boy BULLHUSK
  12. OK Guys let's see em! I know I know ... They have there own site, but what the hay!!.... I left my chip at work so I can't post any pictures tonight but my 361 has ben posted here many times (Sorry Guy's but Brockway is still ny fav va fav truck) I've been runnin loads 2 to 3 days a week this past month from JC NJ to Northampton PA about 170 mi round trip one trip a day and the old girl hasn't missed a beat! Not bad for a 74 Brock!! And that was last week when the temp's were toppin out @ 100 + and about 120 in the cab! I always new the truck was gonna make it, I just wasn't sure if I was!! LOL Super 250 Cummins 5X4 Spicer airmatic trans was haulin about 20 ton on 3 axels Heil body top speed @2100.. about 62 mph not good on the hills (I wish the people behind would use there other 4 fingers when they wave at me) but a real torque monster! she will hold ya at 1600 and hold on there for some time,before she starts to drop I guess thats the 927 Cubes, but I still would like to turn it up to 270 hp (I'm told there were 2 HP options on this motor 250 and 270 mine is the 250 motor) BULLHUSK PS ..... I guess I was just tired a lookin at A-Cars
  13. take the valve cover off and clean around the injector an there should be a tag with the # N-70 65 and so on My V12 has N-80's and it sure sounds sweet! By the way would you know of it's a std block and what did it come out of?? BULLHUSK
  14. I think years back when I drove a mixer, thay were going to change from the tubless floats over to 11X24's on the front of our A-Cars but there was a weight rating issue that changed the rating of the front axel. Now these were old school 11yd tandem's that had 11x24's on the back with 475 gl over head water tanks so there was a lot of wt over the front and the 11X24 could not meet the weight rating BULLHUSK
  15. I know there is still a couple of those C-model Dodges around, the trouble with those trucks is that they have a top speed of about 40mph! some of those Dodges had less then 1,000 mi on em BULLHUSK
  16. Got it but the number is no longer in use, so either he sold it or changed his## Thanks BULLHUSK
  17. Paul I did get your email but it was blank! Could you send it again please! Thank You Ernie DS
  18. Did they not run a cab over that had a round Mack logo on the rad. grill? I think I've seen them haul there big Cat D-10's or 11's with them BULLHUSK
  19. My heart felt thanks to all of you Thank You Ernie DS
  20. NO but there were quite a few of them
  21. MTS A Cement hauler in PA had about10 of those U's with the V8's and a triplex trani back in the late 60's cool trucks! Also Wilson freight had a bunch with VT-903 Cummins with tag axel's back in the 80's just before they went under BULLHUSK
  22. Thank You
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