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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. GMC big truck's!!! Once a great company with great class 8 trucks!!!....................... Then came Volvo and BANG!!! all gone now..White motors as well!!.......Mack??? BULLHUSK
  2. Bob Dylan
  3. OBAMA another guy who has his mouth in motion before his brain is in gear! (thas if he has a brain)
  4. Thats for sure, the Rev. AL Shit Head Sharpton is on the case.......... Tawana Brawley or how the hell ever ya spell it ring a bell?? Why has this man not been held accountable for the fraud and injustice that came out of all the lies and how about the people that they ruined?? How does this phony get off scott free?? MSMBC even gave this RACIST and he is a RACIST his own show?? Now do you see him or the other phony Jessie Jackson in Chicago where every single night there is black on black killing?? NO NO NO!!!! And this my friends is the place that the two of them should be!! Are they really worried about the young brothers being murdered?? NO!! and Why?? CAUSE THERES NOTHIN IN IT FOR THEM!!! This guy Sharpton could give two shits about these young kids gettin killed cause if he did we would see some acton in Chi-Town. He makes me sick, and the public that feeds into this guy should all have there heads checked!! The black folks in this country need someone today like Marten Luther King who fought for eveyone who was gettin a raw deal and wasn't in it for himself, but for the cause, even when he was killed I think he was tryin to help settle a union sanitation workers strike!! I'll tell ya what... If I was a black man in America today, I would go up to the Rev. Al and slap him across his face and send him home cryin! BULLHUSK
  5. There is no doubt in my mind that Zimmerman is not guilty! But that photo is not the Martin kid I think It's some rapper, there was some dispute over this photo and If I remember It was not him.... But please correct me If I am wrong BULLHUSK
  6. It just makes me sick to see Cat commin out with all this new garbage and all Accert owners are still holdin the shit bag and cat ran for the hills! I wouldn't give ya 2 cents for anything with a Cat name on it!! People talk about Detroit but they never ran from there problems they always took care of there mistakes! we had 6- OO-92 back in 85, one blew up, Detroit took back all 6- 335's and put 350 Silver series in them NO CHARGE!! Then we had 4 Series 60's3 were road tractors and 1 was a city truck at about 250,000 mi we were havin piston prob's with them, they took them and put new long blocks in NO CHARGE the city truck went 12 years without a prob. and then at about 300,00 mi the piston went, Atlantic DDA towed it to Lodi NJ and put a new motor in NO CHARGE 12 years later!.. I've got another Accert in the shop now with a sucked valve wiped cam and bent crank 480,000 mi still lookin for a motor to put in her and then gettin rid of all of them shit box's!! The prob is no dealer wants them on trade and if they do they don't want to give you anything for them BULLHUSK
  7. I think Chrysler was Air Temp BULLHUSK
  8. I think the B83?? was an old Houdale Concrete truck They had 220 Cummings engines in em cool trucks they were!! BULLHUSK
  9. This looks to me to be the NY Worlds Fair 1964-65 at the GM Pov. I could by wrong but they had a lot of trucks and even a train engine outside in there lot BULLHUSK
  10. By heart and prayers go out to the families of 19 fire fighters that lost there lives yesterday, My GOD what a bad day. It just goes to show you how brave these fire fighters are! We run from fire and these brave people run to it to save us.. So sad I saw some of the young children these men left behind, GOD bless there families Ernie DS AKA BULLHUSK
  11. Well if thats the best you can do, then I'm not gonna waste my time taken that one apart BULLHUSK
  12. No conspiracy theories, just the truth, and I ain't seem any of that (truth) out of your buddy Barack! And yes I am a big Fox news person, but every now an then when I need a good laugh I put on MSMBC and watch Rachel, Rev. AL and the rest of the cast of One flew over the cuckoos nest! As for the phone deal.... I did in fact know that GWB started the free phone deal.. But did anybody tell that lady on the video?? NO cause anything that these jokes get for free came from BHO..So how about listing some facts about how good your buddy Barack has done in the past couple of years??? And please don't tell me It's all of Bush's fault! BULLHUSK
  13. Let's see the IRS taken down the t-Party before the election.... Oh ya think that helped him get re-elected?? Your right I'll bet I can't cause there are not enough BS and lies that I could tell the people of this country over the past 4 years like Obama has! To be the kind of Pres. that this phony has been to the American people! (Hope and Change what a joke) He did not win this election fair an square and I hope that people start goin to jail soon. Now Lets see you state some of the facts on all of the stuff like guns to Mexico, Sep.11, IRS, wire tapping and the list of wrong goes on, so lets hear some of those facts?? And by the way, I'd like to see Barack' start out as a truck driver like I did and have what I have today! On my own just like many other people on the site have done! So It's not how many people can do his job, cause thats E/Z cause he does nothin anyway!! It's could HE..lets see do a payroll? or drive a truck and then get under it and fix it so he can put food on the table for his family or do anything without help from the GOV?? I'll bet not. So in the end It's not if me or any one hard workin person can do his job?? the real tell tail story Of Barack H OBAMA is could he do mine?? I think not BULLHUSK Oh by the way did you get your phone??
  14. Heres a fact for ya....Obama...Community Organizer, never had a real job Obama the worst pres. since Carter Older trucks without all the BS on them get better fuel mi then any new truck BULLHUSK PS As soon as some company tells Obama that they have a solar panel that straps to the top of your class 8 truck to power it with the sun, Obama will give tham a Billion dollars of our money and then???? Oh well I didn't say it would work!
  15. I'm waitin for the AX to fall on the glider kits! Ya know It's commin down the Pike! If they keep puttin more shit under these trucks I'll have to put pony motors on the trailers like the old days! I'm just about gettin the blower and PTO under these new trucks! I just had to buy a new W-Star cause I just didn't have the time to put together another glider, but OMG what we had to do to get around that muffler and shit !! I just ordered another Glider this time with a motor (no trans or rears) I'm goin with a Detroit 14 liter 575 hp non EGR. My son wants me to put a 12.7 500 hp motor in for fuel mi, but I did a fuel check this week on this new glider with the 575 and were up to 7MPG!! we were over 6 when it was new! I'll bet this new one with the DEF won't be that good BULLHUSK
  16. After what Cat did to all the accert owners you would have to be craaaazzzzy to buy one of those Cat trucks!! Think about it ...Maxforce..Acert???? Why would you not buy a Mack or a Western Star with proven drive trains in them? BULLHUSK
  17. I'll bet that 4-cyl Cummins turbo would be a perfect fit for the 1500 Ram (It was the same as there 6 with 2 less cyl) we had them in our IR SD-100 soil compactors,and they were a dam good motor (the SD 115 had the 6) plenty a power and torque for a 4-cyl. BULLHUSK
  18. Obama....................Loose Cannon...........An unpredictable person or thing, liable to cause damage if not kept in check by others...........Sounds right to me?? no? Ya think someone in DC is keepin him in check??? Maybe Nancy or Harry?? or good old Joe B.??? Ya think this guy even knows what a tail pipe is?? We all know he knows a lot about health ins. BULLHUSK
  19. One of my guys who is from Spain, told me that Scania is by far the best truck in Euro if not the world! I didn't believe him but when you talk to some of the guys that came from Europe they all tell me the same thing esp when it comes to heavy haulin. The guy who works for me used to haul bathroom tile and roof tiles, not light stuff! There was a dealer in Lyndhurst NJ Franks GMC years ago but they just never caught on for some reason? BULLHUSK
  20. Nice STUFFFF!!!!!! BULLHUSK
  21. I think a bum could do a better job...... I'm still lookin for the right word, maybe you guys could help me!
  22. You my friend have hit the nail on the head!!! Those are the more stupid people that said "I Just don't think Mitt knows what us working people are going through so I'm not voting" We are drowning stupid!! Are ya gonna throw back the life pres. Cause it's not your color?? Or would you rather drown!!!!$&?!/:;&$@BULLHUSK
  23. Well according to our fearless leader................ If your not on board with his Global warming kick and you think COAL is a good thing for America.................... Well your just one of those people that think the world is flat!!!! He said it It's been on the news all morning!! I feel sorry for all the coal people in this country but ya gotta get on your unions and stop this madness!! This will affect all of us, but this MORON has another 3 more years.................... So TELL ME AGAIN OBAMA PEOPLE.... WHY DID YA VOTE FOR HIM??????... I know Russia loves him!! BULLHUSK
  24. Wow what a mess!! Just glad it wasn't a Brockway!
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