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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. The one up front looks like an old A-C dozer My uncle had on of those also I think it was HD-20 (bucket loader) bigger then a 977 Cat with a big 6-110 GM Diesel BULLHUSK
  2. I guess it would be like a DM (dumper mixer) set up ! WOW! Whoda thought back then! BULLHUSK
  3. They were good trucks, how about those bubble cab Whites there must a been a billon a those!! Ernie DS
  4. Nice!! We had a 59Brockway with a fish plate frame that looked just like the one on your new Mack, no bolts it was riveted to the frame from the factory BULLHUSK
  5. Did the heads ever crack? Was a big prob. with my uncle's TD 24's but would out work any D8 back then (the 60's) He also owned a TD 30 for a short time, but couldn't steer the machine at full throttle or she would throw you out of the seat!!! I always liked to start the 24's when I was a kid, just to hear them start on gas and then push the rack in to trans. over to diesel was a thrill!! BULLHUSK
  6. White Motors made some realy great trucks! White ,Reo ,Diamond-T Autocar an Sterling and then Volvo destroyed them! Thanks again A-Hole Volvo! BULLHUSK
  7. But what happens if the Cat trucks don't work out? I just don't think they have been out in the field long enough to prove themselves? Look I'm sure that you know what your doin, and so did I when I bought those Accert motors, but they just were not out there long enough to see that the light at the end of the tunnel was in fact a fright train!! I have always been given good service as well as fast return with the Detroit powered F-Liners, thats all I'm sayin Good Luck BULLHUSK
  8. Yes, I do not like foreign co's buyin up our stuff but it would have been nice if freightliner DB bought Mack, then you might have seen Brockway reappear on the roster, but you'll never see it with Volvo! And I do know that DB would have let Mack redesign there own engine with a group effortBULLHUSK
  9. And now all the Macks are lookin like VOLVOS!! I guess there is a Brockway curse after all! Oh yah by the way,what kscarbel did not tell you in his post about the self-inflicted stuff is that the strike was called by there union rep and not voted on by the membership! Also the Brockway men were going back to work under a deal that they made with Mack I think it was April 29 or 30th but after the deal to sell Brock fell through mack walked away from there deal with the Brockway men! Also does anybody know who put the last batch of Brocks together tn Florida??????? ...... It was the loyal to the end Brockway guys! Yes the same ones that mack stuck it to!! Let the truth be told there Mr kscarbel it wasn't he union (and I have no love for unions) it was the fact that Brockway was starting to pass mack in the sales end and mack threw them to the curb and that my friends is why Brockway is no-more.......... Now lets see what Volvo has in store for mack?????.... BULLHUSK
  10. If your not gonna buy the Macks why don't you go over to Horwith Freightliner- Western Star and get a price on a truck with one of those new Detroits? I think they will meet or even beat Cats deal on a lease. Also they do a lot of dump truck work, maybe you could even get some more work as well? I have nothing to gain here as far as money goes, I would just be cautious about these new Cat trucks esp if you are under contract! A warnt. does you no good if the truck is broke
  11. I don't see too many of those Fords, but the ones that I have seen and talked to the people that own them.... Well they just love em! I wanted to buy a Ford tractor with a PTO grass cutter on it that a guy up here in Hunterdon county had, it was about 30 years old but real nice!! (like new) It didn't last one day ! SOLD befor I got there. I did get to see it, the guy had all the org paper work and all his own mant. records! BULLHUSK
  12. Do you think Cummins would let them do that??? BULLHUSK
  13. Cat trucks! They went from the fryin pan into da FIRE if ya ask me!!.............. How long do ya think the front end of that Cat truck is gonna last with his crew on those roads? So what's gonna go first the motor or the hood?? BULLHUSK
  14. Under the Autocar part of the site there's a Mack trailer A-Car, I'm not sure of the # but I think it was a 1466 Koehring with 2- V12-71 Detroit's?? I know it was one big monster machine (EE Cruz) and the driver of that Autocar brought that machine into the job site like it was 580 Case! He was a tall guy with coveralls on and was one hell of a driver! The Autocar had a series 60 Detroit with an Allison Auto and a aux. trans BULLHUSK
  15. My dad had a picture of a Mack like that one that he drove before he went into the army. He used to pick up at I think it was Freeport Brass on LI NY and bring ingots to the Blk. Navy yard, then when you were done with that you got a load of sugar bags in NY and brought them back to Jersey! NO forklifts back then 100 lb bags and heavy brass and a sore ass!! ... Did I just make a funny?? BULLHUSK
  16. Just take the pic. With your phone upside down this way when you post it will be right side up.....I don't know? ...third base......BULLHUSK
  17. Ya wanna find out what it says? Just call em and they will tell ya!
  18. I did not know that Liberache owned a Mack?? I thought it was only pianos candle li bra what the hell ever it's called!! BULLHUSK
  19. Mark, if you look a hanks pic's you'll see his Black Beauty DM 800 that I think he still has Ernie DS
  20. OK I still can't find a picture but the truck was donated to the SM by V. Ottilio & Son's Paterson NJ (A 1930 AC Restored) in 1963 BULLHUSK
  21. I'm not sure but I think that AC Mack was Otilleo and son's Mack from Paterson NJ, I am sure the truck was from Jersey. I was in his yard a couple a years back and he still had his DM 800 Black Beauty Cummins powered Mack in his garage. He had a lot of DM 800's with V-8's back in the day pullin large demo trailers BULLHUSK
  22. The last time I saw his B's was in his Far Rockaway NY yard where he had them lined up in his yard I counted I think 6 or 8 at the time (1990) I think he might still be runnin some of them, I know he still has some 15 yders and some of the older CCC mixers that he is still running. Good people an a good company! I did some haulng into there Far Rock location back then and was treated and paid well! BULLHUSK
  23. I was told about the 6NZ from a guy that builds his own Gliders out here in Jersey, but I just want to be done with Cat!! I never did have any luck with them even in there const. mech. I always bought Internationals. I just built a W-Star Glider with a 575 Non EGR Detroit thats gettin 6.09 mpg and thats with 4.10 rears and a 13 OO trans. All of my other Detroit powered trucks are all getting over 5 mpg and one guy is in the 7 mpg with a 09 15 liter Detroit 475 hp with a 10-C OD trans and 3.73 rears 24.5 rubber! Thank You for the info! BULLHUSK
  24. Do any of you guys out there know of anyone who has repowered a truck that had a Cat A- Cert motor?? I would like to take my Cat A- Cert's out and repower with a 14 liter Detroit?? Any help would bring me one more step closer to me dumping these motors on the cat dealers front lawn Thanks Ernie BULLHUSK DS
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