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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Fruehauf trailer, International Harvesters construction devision, Terex (GM) and now in my industry , Coplay Cement and Hurcules are owned by the Italians, Keystone and Allentown Cement are owned by the Germans and Whitehall is now French owned. Essex Cement is owned by and imports there product from Greece! Go to Florida where Rinker ruled and you will see Cemex (Mexico), LaFarge, Heidlerg and Titan all of the big players are no longer U.S owned and although there is no price fixing in the U.S.... It doesn't stop them from sitting at a table in another County and setting a price on cement and concrete in the U.S! Now look at all of the quarry pits, most are owned by Tilcon and who owns them? Old Castle (Ireland) most of your block and concrete pavers and asphalt plants, are now owned by Old Castle. And as Kscarbl said about Vulcan and LaFarge, Lafarge just sold to Holsom (not sure of the correct spelling) and Old Castle took over most of there Canadian business and Holsom is going to take most of the U.S (La Farge assets) and as Mr Kscarbl stated........the list keeps growing!!! BULLHUSK
  2. There's also a couple of V8-53's out there, I saw one in a boat once (and NO FWD it wasn't the anchor) but never in a truck BULLHUSK
  3. Devino truck parts in Newark NJ had a couple of complete front ends for those A-Cars. I know it's far but maybe he could ship it to You? BULLHUSK
  4. This is very true about the 8-71! We had some at Colonial that had 305 hp? it was long ago, but the CCC with the R-700 cab and CCC frame and the long nose Internationals had 348 hp on the valve cover! When I asked a mac. from Bruce Diesel he told me that the piston as well as the injector where diff. then the standard 8-71 (Bruce diesel was on RT 17 at the time and did a lot of our work at Sand & Stone) they became Atlantic DDA and now S & S BULLHUSK
  5. Did water get into the motor at any time? (like open intake from air filter or in a flood?) Did you take the pan down yet and take the rod caps loose or check ithe main's? Did you take the valve covers off and try to push down on the valves that are in the closed position to see if they are stuck? When you had the bar on the crank did you try to rock the crank back and fourth, how do you know it's only one cyl. that is stuck? did you pull the pan down? I'm sorry if I am askin stupid questions but I'm just tryin to help if I can, I have not read any of your prev. posts on the engines post so I don't know if you did any of that stuff already BULLHUSK
  6. How about a commercial for Weight Watchers 'Driving to many hours? eating to much fast food or fried food at those truck stop's?? call us now!!! BULLHUSK
  7. I've never seen a 8-92 with the old style valve covers like that? Maybe it was a 8-71T they would be better off, cause if it was an early 92 it will blow up
  8. They made one hell of a bulldozer in ther day!! HD-20 & 21 come to mind, the 20 had a 6-110 Detroit
  9. L.J. Kennedy (Red Kennedy) From my home town of Kearny NJ had a fleet ov those IH's both tandems and single axels with the 549's As a kid I would ride my bike down to his shop and talk to his mechanics, I seem to remember them changing distributer caps on those V-8's for some reason or other? BULLHUSK
  10. Glider kits, it's the way to go today! Once you build one, the next ones are a piece a cake!! Go pre EGR power or rolling. Going forward for every one new truck I buy I'll try an buy 1 or 2 gliders BULLHUSK
  11. Life is like a roll of toilet paper... when you get near the end it goes faster! Yes Mark, I lost my Dad my best friend in 2004, I would call him just about every night to shoot the shit about how the kids and the trucks was doin!! When he died I had this empty feeling inside just knowing that the person that I would go to when I was in trouble or could not find any answer to the many questions that life would throw at you, he would always have an answer or a way around or he would say 'in the end Ernie it will all work itself out and if it hasn't ?? well it ain't the end yet' I still just want to go an give him a phone call!! I know it sounds crazy but but I guess it's just part of missing someone close BULLHUSK
  12. Thanks for that info I did not know that about the 16 V's blocks! BULLHUSK
  13. Well do you think the salesman are gonna tell you about any issues with the truck he's selling? I did the same thing with Western Star and Freightliner, I went right to te service Deptment and asked questions and thats why I will not buy there Cascadia cause it's a nightmare to work on! Also the service manager talked me into the DD-13 instead of the DD-15, why? cause the 13 was built for new emissions and the 15 only gives you 35 more Hp both have 1650 max torque and the 13 is 300 lb in change lighter and also cheaper to run! Most salesman won't tell you that. I just went through a big hassle with Freightliner about the 112 tractor with the Mercedes MB-4000 (JUNK) one big hole in the block @ # 2 rod!! The service Manager asked me why did I buy this junk? I said well your salesman told me this motor was the greatest think since Coke A Cola! His answer 'Come and see me the next time they try and change you up' and thats what I have been doin ever since! I'm tryin to work out a deal with Detroit now for a new 3/4 block (I have no core) that piece a s-it is well over 30-K and I'm told its a 400,000 mi motor at best! mine had 460,000 mi!! BULLHUSK PS I'm sure Comsumer Reports go to the people who own the product they are reviewing and not to the people who are sellin it? Thats why I will go to any service center to find out about the product I'm intrested in,cause thats were you will find the proublems weather it be Mack, IH, Freightliner, Pac car,or W-S. It just seemed like there were to many neg's and not many Pos.from the people I spoke to who owned or drove the newer Macks
  14. Joe they was 2-stroke, also you might have seen a 6-110 inline 2 stroke in the service?? They hade 110 ci per cyl and could put out well over 400 hp! GM droped them after they came out with the V-8 71! My uncle had one in his Lorine Crane and his HD-20 A-C Bulldozer, they started in the winter without any poney motor or gas, not like the Cat or Cummin's garbage motors that did not burn any oil cause they didn't start half the time!! BULLHUSK
  15. Well I hung around the Mack Truck service center office this past week in Pa.I spoke to many guys waiting for there new or close to new Macks..... I'll be buyin a new Western Star with A Detroit! Sorry Mack guys but the news was not good on any one that I spoke to about the trucks! But I will say this, the dealer was on top of things but was just as frustrated as the owners!! I gave It a shot BULLHUSK
  16. The 149's and 71's have a one peice block like the one on this post, on the other hand the V-12 92 had two blocks and the 16- 92's had two blocks and both had 4- heads! That did not work out to well for them! I'm not sure but I think even the crank was 2 peice? I have seen a lot of boat owners with 92's with crazy HP blow them up over and over again and then move on to the 149's or the 71 series and run 4-ever!! all of the V-12 71's had 2- 6-71 one peice heads but the 16-71's had 4- heads but the one block was bullet proof!! BULLHUSK DETROIT POWER!!!! PS each cylinder on the 149's had ther own head, it was round like a paint can and I think it had 8-bolts, so you could pull it out and change it and get back into action fast! and that my friends is how we win wars!!
  17. Last week 3 Muslim teens were killed in the Carolina's, so right a way here comes the Muslim's on how it's a hate crime!!! In the mean time there own kind are killing tens of thousands of them over seas and non of them are saying shit about it??? Are you kidding me!!! And also what about the Americans killed in this country and more so overseas by Musilms?? Maybe just maybe Americans have had enough! Was it a hate crime? I don't know. Maybe a revolt has started in this Country against these people??? Don't know, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. It is time that the good Muslims around the world start to condemn the radicals before it's to late maybe it's started with Jordan after they burned one of there pilot's alive BULLHUSK
  18. None of the people on the first 3 planes new that they were going to fly the planes into buildings!! Thay thought they were being hijacked until word got out to the plane over Pa. As to what the fuckin Muslim pigs had in mind, and that's when 'Lets roll ' went into action. So what did we learn from this??? Don't believe a fuckin word this pig vomit pigs tell us period! BULLHUSK
  19. I had a chance to bid on one last summer from a fire department but passed on it!! I don't really like the look of the 762 it just does not look right with that long nose!! I'm hopping for a 360U in my near future, I like the 300's better but I do like the 761's cool truck!BULLHUSK PS I do have a surprise commin up soon
  20. I don't thin so kimosobi!
  21. I drove two early Maxi's back in 71 one was direct with only first and reverse low-low and the other one was an overdrive that you would shift only in 5th (to the dash) and both compound sticks were next to the seat and the overdrive stick was shorter BULLHUSK
  22. Good point, and well taken but when ever I come to a fork in the road so to speak I always ask if someone has traveled either of the roads and then of course we put er in gear and go!! I stopped at the dealership today he gave me the name of another bulk carrier who is running a new one for about 6 months, BUT I will as him for a demo!! Thanks, BULLHUSK
  23. Looks like I'll be taking them to dinner at Texas Road House! I have enough things to worry about!! BULLHUSK
  24. Now if MACK had glider kits!!??
  25. So far just day cabs I will ask about the air ride as well, do they not use the Hendrickson style air ride any more? Can it still be ordered? No automatic here! Not yet anyway and I would go with Allison if it happens. The Trans would be Eaton 10-C thank you all for your input its not a done deal just a real hard look at tryin to show that I return a good deed! Bullhusk
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