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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. There's a co here in Jersey by the name of Vollers that had an RD Tri axel just like that one, they used to haul there PC-600 as well as all kinds of big stuff with her!! Some of these other guys would have these great big RW's and Large car Petes an K/W's But Voller's would do the same job with the RD BULLHUSK
  2. WOW!! You went from a V-12-71 to a slim and trim Series 60!! LOL Put all the kiddin aside, you look great !! Good job! An keep up the good work BULLHUSK
  3. How about LJ Kennedy? Does anyone have any pic's of his R-Macks?? The guy that owned the co was Red Kennedy, he was from my home town of Kearny NJ, they also had a big term there. He also ran a lot of Internationals with Detroits BULLHUSK
  4. Maybe It's me but I don't understand the question 300k to 400k?Or 60,000 for an 02-03?? BULLHUSK
  5. As a young kid back in the early 60's I do remember a guy by the name of Joe Yourkie that had bought a new H model 205hp turbo Mack brand new for 12,000 bucks in the late 50's early 60's He ran Stella D'oro Biscuits from NY to CA BULLHUSK
  6. There is a simple fix in this country... # 1 stop sending money to other countries # 2 stop givin money to non Americans # 3 start givin the TAX money that the older people paid into the system, back to the US people!! What in the HELL is so hard about that??? I'm sorry but we don't need these bleedin heart left people with big money invading the US tax payin coffers to take care of non US tax payin people!!! My family went through the same stuff as Paul's did, my Mom had Altzheimers and my Dad took care of here in his house for 11 years! yes 11 years! Why? because he was afraid of loosin everything he ever worked for (WWII Vet) !! Am I gettin to be an angry old white guy ?? YOU BET YOUR ASS I AM!!! I HATE EVERYTHING THE DEM. PARTY STANDS FOR !!! I AM FOR THE GOP THE PARTY OF LINCOLN!!...Just check out all the states that the Rep. Party controls, then check out the Dem. controled states, then tell me what ones are doin better??? Hows CA doin lately?? How ABOUT Texas, ya know that crazy stupid guy you Dem's called him!! BULLHUSK
  7. This IRS thing is just the start, what about when the JACK OFF DEM. Party in washington bailed out the Auto co and shut down all the dealerships that gave to the GOP. And I mean the Mom and Pop dealers and also the ones that just put tons a money into ther dealerships! Now tell me again..... How in the hell it would be a financial burden on the car companies???? These F_CKERS should all go to jail, From that lying Pres down to Billery Clinton!! These people are just evil, evil in every way and they must be thrown in jail! BULLHUSK PS IF Hillary Clinton's daughter was at the embassy with our ambassador do you think they would have sent help??
  8. Look like an early Cummins with the injector lines on the outside, maybe 195 (HRF) or a 220 (NH) or Iron Lung??? BULLHUSK
  9. There was a trucking co on my home town of Kearny NJ called Saratelli Bros who had about10 or 12 of those B-81's! Those trucks worked into the 1980's they were work horses BULLHUSK
  10. # 6 piston hit the valves! another A-Shit standard op. I had the top end done last year 100,000 mi ago, all new updates as per Cat!! Well the F_cken rocker shaft broke again and jammed the valve open and you all know the rest of the story! JUNK motors JUNK JUNK JUNK!!!! I'm only pissed off because Cat will do nothing for you!! NOTHING! this is why they pulled out of the market, because if they stayed in it may have taken them down BULLHUSK
  11. I don't know about about corp. greed, I don't think it has a lot to do with that, what I think the biggest thing in this country is the EPA and all the other restrictions put upon a company that wants to start up. I'm just trying to put up 6000 SQF Building and I have been on it for over a year already!!! Sprinklers or no sprinklers ?? Handicap ramps, how many people are going to use the rest room?? Water fountains two! One for handy cap and one reg. Now I could see all of this stuff if it was a public place, but it's my garage!! And it does not end there! St. Lawarnce tried to put a new cement mill in NY State, after 8 years and millions of dollars of legal fees they were turned down! So they build a mill in So America or Mexico and barge it to the US. I know of a lot of co's getting out because they just can not keep up with the GOV. BS and by the way we now have Obama care commin down the pike for these companies!!?? So what are they to do? BULLHUSK
  12. I don't get mail from them anymore,cause I used to send back all that Obama crap back to them marked 'return postage paid'
  13. WOW! Great info Paul! Fuel injection back in the 40's and the first jet! I also read about how Chrysler built there first Hemi for an aircraft engine but the jet engine was around the corner so they scrapped it, but I think Jay Leno has one of them ( V12) in a car Ernie DS
  14. DuringWW-II the US was takin our P&W or maybe Allison? motors out of our fighter plains and puttin those R/R motors in! I think they were intercooled so when they flew at high alt. thew wouldn't loose power like our motors would BULLHUSK
  15. LMAO!!! Now dat dare is funny!!Ernie DS
  16. THAT"S IT!!!! I'm gonna find me a nice nova a stuff a nice 383 Mother Mopar in her .............OH SH_T the late Jungle Jim already stuffed a Chrysler Hemi in a Nova! Come ta think of it??? I think Chevy and Ford Stuff Hemi's in all there fast cars DAM I thought I was on to sumpin Mopar Ernie AKA BULLHUSK
  17. Thank You And May GOD Bless all of you an your families Ernie DS
  18. I just run to the bathroom an tossed my breakfast!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE shame!! ARNIE.....I just can's do it!!
  19. I Just LUUUUUUUUVES that Cab Over .....WOW !!!! BULLHUSK
  20. Where's the big mouth Jimmy Hoffa JR now?? Ya know the guy who said 'We should take em out' (the tea party) Did he forget who took his father out?? let me see now..... was it RFK the REP.?? Let's just hope they keep it up Rowdy Rebel !!! BULLHUSK I'm not anti-union I've been a member of the Teamster in good standing for over 42 years, but the unions today don't care about the members anymore
  21. Happy M- day Mark, My friend Johnny Fresco had one and I even had the chance to drive it around Newark one Sat afternoon back in the 80's when John was still alive! I think Gary Mahan owns it now Ernie
  22. If it's a Navy truck I'll bet It's got low low mi's on her, I have an old Navy Brockway with 38,000 mi on her BULLHUSK
  23. Is the Mack JR and the PU one in the same? I always thought the JR was like a small 6 wheeler? BULLHUSK
  24. That is a nice RD I always liked the steel nose DM & RD Macks, they look tougher then the rest!! BULLHUSK
  25. Show us some facts on that... And not the the video where the producer of the film hooks the water line up to the natural gas line.......and got caught. Anyone who lives nere the swamps of NJ like I did knows that gas (swamp gas ) has been commin outa the ground 1,000 years before fracking BULLHUSK
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