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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Well if she has a 12 bolt posi, then she has an all GM drive train!
  2. If you use a Detroit 6-V53 Diesel you can keep the the rear, I think they turn over 3200 RPM's and are compact enough to shoe horn into many diff. trucks I have seen many Diamond Reo Gold Comet gas conversons in the past using this motor and they worked well BULLHUSK
  3. Then and now, The best Diesel engine ever built ! without question. If any one has ever had there power go out in the dead of winter when the temp's went down into the single ## and your trucks were pluged in...... If you didn't have A 2 cycle Detroit in your fleet to tow your Big Bad Cat an Cummins???? The guy down the block with the oil leakers, no power, noise makers...... did your work!! BULLHUSK I had em back in hte 71 & 92 days and still run em today... and another word for boat anchor is A-Cert not Detroit
  4. Brian, Devino has a cab sittin on top of a box truck in Newark NJ and it looks real good, I don't know what year it is? BULLHUSK
  5. Call any Car or truck dealer and they will tell you, or better yet try the Pete dealer over at ex 16 by Great Adv. some one does put there bodies and stuff on there new trucks BULLHUSK
  6. I can't swear to it but that A-Car looks like an old Colonial S&S truck with those air cleaners on it, it would be far from home (NYC) BULLHUSK
  7. I have a couple of 14 liter Detroit's with the newer wing turbos that did the same thing your Mack is doing, we had to change the turbo's BULLHUSK
  8. I tried to order a Freightliner C-O just last month, to use out of our JC term. for del. into NYC and the boroughs, and was told just that 'We build them over here to export only'. At least the ships are bringin somethin back to the old country! BULLHUSK
  9. I my case I used a 1993 Pete as a doner truck, the Pete had a series 60 non EGR motor so I just up graded it with a 14 liter Detroit. Now 2003 is still pre EGR but I know of a few people that have put together many gliders with out doner trucks and used non EGR motors and no DEF just like I did. Freightliner does not make a truck that you can put a non polution motor in any more the last one was the Classic Glider which the discontinued as of 2 years ago, as far as I know the W- Star is the only on on the D-Benz side that gives you that option. One more thing; if you build your Glider and reg it in PA for your first registration you have to have it inspected by the PA MV. BULLHUSK
  10. It's been workin! The M/T wt. on the tractor alu. trailer is about 27000 in change! Not bad for 575 hp, a GD blower and a 13 speed trans. and a 4900 W- Star. So i'm gettin 26 plus tons on for payload! It just goes to show you how much weight there is in those EGR polution motors. I will get you some pictures ASAP, the truck gov. speed is 75 mph @ about 1600 rpm's (4.10 rears 11R 24.5 rubber) 13 OO I think It's .74 the driver said the truck goes over jugtown mt. very very good (I'm not gonna tell ya how fast he said untill I drive It myself) BULLHUSK
  11. Nice! Good Job on the buffer!!!! BULLHUSK
  12. Finally got the rollin Wastern Star glider done!! I took it over to Horwith Trucks last week to have them do some wiring that was not in the cab as should have been for the motor!! All in all though, not many snafu's. The 575 hp Detroit sounds and run's strong M/T I will have pic's on Monday for us and I have a nice load of brick to bring back to PA so I'll see how she run's with 79,000 gross Ernie DS
  13. A lot of IH Paystar 5000 came with duel box's
  14. You and I are on the same page as far as the Euro's commin in and takin over and it is sad! But heres how it goes, I've been followin the Detroit 4 Cycle. since it was a brain child of John Deer an Detroit. I have been to there factory in Detroit about 5 or 6 times since 1993 (That all stopped after DB took over) I have been watching and buying there motors since 1993 DD II, most of my trucks have the 12.7 and the 14 liter I do have one MBE4000 and 2 DD15's and all are working well. Now It's the Germans that are tweaking our design and not the other way around! so here we go, the block on the new DD 15 & 16 is not rifeled for push rods cause it never had any (Series 60) The heads (there so- called new design) has a overhead cam and the valves are front to back and not left to right like other Diesel Mfg's (intake man. an exhhaust man. on same side as the valves)....(Series 60). Where any Mercedes engines designed this way before buying Detroit?? I think the only thing that is Merc. on these motors is there common rail fuel system off of the MB4000! All those designs are born outa the good old USA via Detroit via American engineering!! BULLHUSK
  15. NICE!! RB 440?Ernie DS
  16. I have to disagree with you here number one , the MB 4000 engine came to the US it was badged as the series 50 or 55 I don't remember which one it was but it was loaded with problems it was Detroit diesel America that put that engine on the map by using USA DDEC Technology, and if the German engineers are designing these motors they are using our technology the technology that they stole from Detroit diesel if they were that smart they would've had the jump on Detroit diesel years ago but in fact it was Detroit diesel that showed them how to build that diesel no other way they took our technology and they took the credit for it plane and simple you can say whatever, for you to say that Detroit Diesel has not designed a engine in years is not true, where the men that I talked to paid actors? I put a call to my guy at DD today and asked him if Detroit America was still active in R & D and asked him about what you had said.... Well he said I guess the Germans are payin a lot of American engineers for nothin!!!
  17. Joe a V-53 Detroit with a nice 13 over would work well!! Ernie DS
  18. I was at a meeting with Detroit Diesel folks just before the DD13 thru 16 were to come to the market and was told by the German rep. that the motors were a joint venture including not only Detroit America engineers but mechanics as well from both countries. So I think that American engineering is to be respected as well. Now this is where Volvo need's to come down from there high horse and start to respect the American consumer, WE DON'T LIKE BEING PISSED ON AND TOLD THAT IT'S RAINING!!! Volvo never built a drive train like mack and never will but they are going to try and that will be the down fall of the greatest name in trucks! They keep pushing aside American Eng. an Tec. and think there engineers are the greasted thing since Ice cream and if you think thats not true? just look at the past couple of years BULLHUSK
  19. I talked to 2 guy's with CAT Trucks and the news was not good, one was a roll-off and the other was a cat dealer truck, motors junk and the hoods break. How true?? I don't know ?? I am no CAT fan so It's only speculation! BULLHUSK
  20. The best time to drive through Lakewood is on a Saturday....No one's drivin!! Ya just gotta make sure ya don't run one over!!!! BULLHUSKBURG PS They are all good Folks down there
  21. I loved it !! BULLHUSK
  22. I think the thing that pisses everyone off about Volvo is the fact that Volvo keeps replacing Mack parts with Volvo parts. Now on the other hand if you look at a company like Daimler who owns Freightliner and western star they have taken the Detroit diesel engine designed and built here in the USA and are using it in their own trucks in the USA as well as Germany . In my opinion Mack truck would have been a better company today if it was part of the Freightliner western star group they probably would still be using their own engine design as well as many other of their own designs from yesteryear
  23. The 331 Gold Comet is a good motor, the US Army called it 'The Zero Engine ' during the war, cause the bore and stroke are the same! I would just do like you said and you should have no prob. with it. I have never worked on one but my dad had a fleet of them in the REO's he had in the 50's they used them in stright trucks and light class 8 trucks and they would run for ever! But then they started to put them in 10 wheeler oil and garbage trucks and of course with a short stroke engine and all that weight, they started to throw rods out the side of them! But again it was no fault of the motor's ! call Adlemans truck parts in Ohio they handle a lot of army surp. stuff so they might point you in the right direction, Good Luck BULLHUSK
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