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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. They were bolted to the top of the aux trans. With a drive shaft to the mixer trans.
  2. Paul, I used to del. to a concrete co out there in Glen Cove called Bona Fide and I think the guys name was Dominic and I do believe he had some Mopars?? Last I heard he was not there anymore, did you know him? He was a very nice guy to del. to and he helped me out with one of my trucks one day and would not take a red cent from me when I tried to pay him! Ernie DS
  3. I know a nice V-6-53 Detroit that would slide right in there, now rhat would make a nice truck! BULLHUSK
  4. Rudy, When I started working at Colonial Sand & Stone in 1971 I drove an International with a Rex horizontal mixer, mechanical drive. To shake down your load to get 12 yds in, you would have to put your 4 speed OD aux. (camel back trans.) in neutral and our 5 speed OD in third gear. Now when you put your hatch covers on and got to the job site you would again put your aux. in (N) and your main in 4th gear and mixed your load. Before you did any of this, there was a lever to engage the gears on top of your aux trans., I think it had 2 speeds BULLHUSK
  5. A guy who works for me (been with me 27 years) said he might have a picture of a brand new U-Model with a Mack V-8 that he had whe he worked for MTS haulin Cement, I hope he finds it, for Vinny's sake! BULLHUSK
  6. Yes it has dial-a ride marked on it, as far as parts go I havn't needed any yet but when I do I send it over to my spring guy (Jensen& Mitchel) in JC NJ and he knows all the parts places. As far as when they went out? I don't know. What the hell does dial-a-ride mean anyway??? BULLHUSK PS the truck is a 1971
  7. I always liked and ran Detroit power, but when ever I bought a Mack I always went Mack all the way. If you geared one of the older truck's with a Detroit 71 Series they would run and I have ran V12-71's with 4.56 rears and 13-overs and they ran just as good as any 1693 0r KT 450's of the day ! But with that being said...... ya had to know how to drive one and keep your RPM'S between 18 an 2300 if you tried to run them any lower you were cooked! I would think that Mack would farm out there rear end mfg. to there spec, it would be good busn. BULLHUSK
  8. John, Now I know how CCC got permission from Mack to use there there R-700 cab on a I- beam frame for our tractors at Colonial S&S thy must have traded off one for the other BULLHUSK
  9. Just get the F&%KIN big Goverment off of our Auto, Trucking and every other MFG. in this Country!!! That's where the core of the problem lies!! As long as Uncle Sam get's there money thats all they care about! BULLHUSK
  10. If it ain't broke why fix it???? Except for there power divider I don't think we have ever changed one! We always ordered them with the power divider lock out, as far as the other mfg.'s I don't know of any that make top loaders anymore they now make a double RR that is front mounted, and cost a lot more then a Mack rear when ordering a new Mack truck! Don't know why you would want to put other rears in a Mack anyway?? My RL700L with the V-12-71 is Detroit, Fuller, Page&Page, the only thing that is Mack is the Mack top loader rears, and for that I am happy!! BULLHUSK
  11. R.I.P. Johnny Fresco, I had the privilige of goin to his yard one day and gettin the tour of some of his stuff he had many old Macks as well as old cars! He was very proud of his Macks and loved to show other truck guys his stuff! He used to move his machines with that truck sometimes! I still go past his yard in Newark sometimes (now full of someones junk) John was a good guy who died to young. I think Gary Mahan wound up with his trucks BULLHUSK
  12. I used to like to drink Rolling Rock but then it was bought out by Budweiser and is no longer brewed in Latrobe Pennsylvania it's now brewed in Newark New Jersey and I don't even know if they make it anymore but it never did taste the same
  13. It almost looks like a 392 Chrysler hemi without the plugs coming out of the top of the head probably a V 53 they crank over about 3200 RPMs are so awesome.
  14. I still say it would have looked better with a husky on the hood. BULLHUSK
  15. Just a little something that works for me, Have your driver leave his company cell phone in an area that you have hidden in your truck every night when he parks it.. Now if your lucky and no one finds the phone you can ping it and find your truck BULLHUSK PS also have your charger plug hard wired into the pocket your phone will be in as to charge it at night
  16. Let me know when one of you guys run up against one of those new Detroit 16 Liter 600 plus motors? I should have that W-Star glider on the road this week, we took it around the block on Friday and It's a beast! 14-Liter 575 hp 1850 torque non EGR motor 13 double over with 4.10 rears 11R24.5 rubber. I will keep you guys posted BULLHUSK
  17. I rake it out and seed It, then roll it out sometimes I use pete moss after I roll it instead of straw, the straw sometimes screws up the lawn mower blades. But if It's a large area the hay/ straw is the E/Z way out! BULLHUSK PS If you are usin a Lawn Boy Mower you will have no prob with the hay, and of course use a good roller with a 3-71 Detroit as to wake up the soil (as well as the neighbors!)
  18. Mark, A lot of us guy's with PTO Blowers can't get the PTO's on the Pass side cause the big ass muffler is under the right side cab and is in the way. So know they are puttin them on the back (old style) if you order the truck with clear right side frame rail BULLHUSK
  19. How true! I don't drive every day but when I do It's the Brockway or the R or RW! I wouldn't have it any other way! Bulldog's & Huskies
  20. I had 4 of my 93 Petes an one 95 F-Liner with seres 60 piston trouble! two threw the rods out the side!! But I will tell you this........Detroit put new motors in all of them, one had close to 400,000 on it and was out of wrnt. no questions asked they just took it in and yanked the old motor out and put another one in! I'm still usin them today BULLHUSK
  21. I just fell off my chair !!! BULLHUSK!!!!!
  22. Boy ain't dat da truff! I sure could use a couple of good drivers for my Northampton PA location!! I have a lot of work and two new W Stars commin in! I would love to drive one of them myself but I just don't have the time anymore to drive and take yo-yo stuff just almost impossibleBULLHUSK
  23. WOW that's right!! Great movie LMAO!!!BULLHUSK
  24. Butch?
  25. Guys like myself are always lookin for drivers (Good drivers) Now with that being said, is there a area on the Mack site to do so? It should not be free and I would be very willing to pay for this advertising. Please let me know cause I would rather support our site then the local news paper please PM me and let me know Regards Ernie DS
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