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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I bought my V-8 Superliner from Billy, he held that truck for over a year for me with no deposit! Stand up guy BULLHUSK
  2. My 361 Brockway has all the tractor stuff on the dash for that very reason, I brought her back from Northampton PA tonight in this freekin snow storm! M/T and she drove like a Jeep now I know why they were used for plowin an saltin!! Man what a truck! The first time she's seen snow with me BULLHUSK
  3. Strange I don't remember seein the rightous rev. Al standin up for the FDNY????????????????? By the way, he works for MSMBC now! what a joke!
  4. . LOL, And this one was the best ..... Ever since I gots my D Vorce I been payin this guy Al Mahony, and from what's I be knowin, so be everybody else?? Who an the hell is this guy?? LMAO
  5. Mark, We are in and outa there every day with cement!! But heres a few ! I can't stand on my feet to long cause I gots 'Very Close Veins' I don'ts want to get that 'Sick as hell anemia' ?? I stopped drinkin causea my ' Sir roaches in my liver' River crossings The Harlem Tunnel The Very Narrows Bridge into Brooklyn The Outter Ridge Crossing The NJ Turn Pipe The 69th street bridge BULLHUSK
  6. Rudy put an end to a lot of that shit when he was in office! We sure could use a guy like Rudy today in the Whitehouse! But instead we got a guy and his crew just like the ones steelin stripin the cars on the CBX in office!!! BULLHUSK
  7. 1987 2-V head an no inter cooler ? 237 hp? is that poss. in 87? BULLHUSK
  8. I wouldn't be to quick to sell those Detroit powered trucks just yet.................. Not when your new trucks have Cat A-Cert's God help Us!!! BULLHUSK
  9. A guy in jersey had that 864 twin turbo in a r700 pullin a dump trailer back in the early 70s holy cow what a junk motor ! That poor guy almost went broke, Mack went an put a Maxi motor and 6 speed in her before the guy went broke!
  10. Now if the people at the first place that this a-hole shot-up had a gun he would have never made it to step 2 now would he?? When will people learn that the only thing that stops bad people with guns is the good people with guns!! My prayers go out to families BULLHUSK
  11. He was from my home town (kearny nj) he did all of LJ Kennedy's trucks as well as any truck in kearny! He was good and I did like the way he would put his name and # into his work! I saw him letter one of John Hyde's truck's from kearny years back. There was also a guy frome So Plainfield by the name of RT Jackson that lettered a couple of trucks for me back in the early 70's he was also good BULLHUSK
  12. Why? Hell thats an E/Z one, if they put a sleeper on the big Mack, then it would out sell that gawd ugly Volvo sh-t wagon that they sell! and they know it will BULLHUSK
  13. My question is this, why are the big Mack fleets changing over to other truck mfg.?? and I know it's not price. I have talked to a couple of big Mack fleets guys and thay were not to happy with the newer Macks? BULLHUSK
  14. Ask any guy with a Detroit powered boat and they all will tell you the same thing, and that is 'The Detroit powered boats will always get you home' BULLHUSK
  15. LJ Kennedy from Kearny NJ had a couple of them years back BULLHUSK
  16. I like the Cat batteries I think they last the longest BULLHUSK
  17. Mark, Moran is from Kearny 07032 my home town, I think me and Tony Meola were the only two Italian's to make it out of Kearny ! LOL Ernie DS
  18. Thank You Brockway for the best lookin Mack ever, the Superliner! BULLHUSK
  19. WOW, nice Sterling sittin next to that B81!!
  20. I used to watch Cannon Ball onTV when I was a kid, Two guys drivin a CO GMC Cannon Ball!!
  21. Tell him (Obama) and his wife to stop taken fuckin VACATION'S over the next 4 years and maybe that will help???? Obama ; 'just do as I say an not what I do' BULLHUSK
  22. That pic looks like it was taken at US Pipe in Burlington NJ I used to unload next to a sand truck every night! sometimes twice 12 Mid and return from Bayonne NJ BULLHUSK
  23. Foundry Service maybe? hauls a lot of the sand in bulk tankers BULLHUSK
  24. I just hope all the people who loose there job's will send Gov. Homo an mayor Bloomdick a letter of thanks!!
  25. Is it a tandem or single?? Ernie DS
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