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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Thanks! I think it's a 1984? I bought it from the orig. owner, he rebuilt the motor (DT-466) and just put a new Berco UC under her BULLHUSK
  2. wow, very nice machine!
  3. wow, very nice machine!
  4. That is the very best that I have ever seen! Just Be-ut-T full! BULLHUSK
  5. You are correct Sir, if you don't want them copied............Then secure the site!! BULLHUSK
  6. My uncle felt the same way about the cable blade, but on the other hand he hated Cat machines and loved the TD-24's I know I know!! 24volts to start on gas, and a shelf full of new or reman cyl heads! (anyone with a TD-24 had cracked heads or was gonna have a cracked head!) But the old D-8's would not push the heavy NY transfer trailer loads (you dumped per yd not wt) Those push out trailer's from Mt Vernon NY would dump there load an it would sink into the garbage! The IH 24's with the 2 speed steering could cut the load in half without loosing power to the track. Then came the TD-25 and today is still my fav. BULLHUSK
  7. KORN News! Was the only one with better ratings then FOX! LOL! BULLHUSK
  8. It was brought to my attention by a friend who is registered to use your site??? What the hell is that ? Whats next a warning from Pac Car holy cow!
  9. I stand to be corrected!!! I'll tell ya what, last year just before I bought the WS glider, I called Cambria Mack to get a price on a Mack Glider kit, I was goin to try and build a CL with a Series 60!!! .........................NO MORE GLIDER KITS FROM MACK!!!! So my head was in the right place BULLHUSK
  10. My favorite trucks in order Dodge (esp. the job rated ones of the 50's) Brockway (Detroit powered) Mack (esp. the Detroit V-12 ones) Diamond-T (I liked the big w-coaster's with the IH cab) Freightliner Detroit powered, I would buy a Mack but you can't get a Series 60 in one BULLHUSK
  11. My TD-15 Great Machine
  12. Delli Santi Bulk & Cemport Cement haulers
  13. Thats the way it used to be, peak torque between 18 & 2100 RPM'S............ And then came the constant horsepower Maxidyne 1200 to 2100 ! What a beautiful thing it was! Some of the new Detroit DD15's I have gives you peak torque off the clutch BULLHUSK
  14. Mark' Member that guy I told you that I would work for sometimes, Spiegel Trucking? (would buy all those old APA truck's)! Well he had one of those IH's with a C-180 Cummins motor! (Small motor with a supercharger on it) Ernie DS
  15. I would not want to be drivein this thing in a heavy snow storm! I guess a plow would be out of the question? BULLHUSK
  16. I think I read some place that it was a CCC cab (Crane Carrier) BULLHUSK
  17. He has a nice DM 800 with a 335 Cummins BULLHUSK
  18. I said I would take the heat, but as far as me being part of the problem? How can a co. in China make a tire with the same FET (tax on the rubber in the tire) with a better guarantee for $80. less then a US CO? Dayton tire (class 8 truck tires are now made in China) are they any cheaper? NO thay are not, the double coin is 70 bucks cheaper Theres where the problem's are, as well as D.C. US companies are going over to China to save money and put it in there pockets! Like I said I want to buy US products, I make sure all my cement hose an couplings are USA as well as my brake drums an bearings,all elct. stuff starters alt. but when your buyin over 200 tires a year it adds up. I would pay 20 to 30 bucks more for a US made tire and I do when ever they have a sale on them I buy them, all my steer tires are made in the USA . Like I said I know I'm gonna take some heat, but we del. cement an flyash to the NY LI NJ CT market, so I"m in the fryin pan every day any how!!! LOL BULLHUSK
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