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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Thats who we used at Colonial, the guy that came up to NY & Jersey's name was Marvin a good guy I think he's prob. ret. now BULLHUSK
  2. Just another reason why we should buy more guns an ammo BULLHUSK
  3. A very good (Irish diesel) North West used em in a lot of there crane's. They were a low RPM engine 900 to maybe 1000? We had them at Colonial S&S, they started in the winter (comp. release) no matter how cold and they ran for ever! Gerhard's in Lititz PA I think could help you with more info on these motors BULLHUSK
  4. Ya know thats a good question?? Dahn was the house trucker for Lime Crest in Sparta so I'm sure he did, I do know that he also hauled gas an diesel, as a matter of fact I think he rolled one on RT-80 back in the early 90's that caught fire and damaged the overpass and road way and shut down that section of 80 for a long time, and from what I been told the damage was far greater then his ins. could cover! So I don't think he ever recovered, so I've been told BULLHUSK
  5. I always thought that Bristol Donald tri hoist was one of the best D-B, the only thing about them is the body would always start to rust after about a year or so BULLHUSK
  6. I hope the deal is not done yet! BULLHUSK
  7. Well here we go again, Free F16's an 200 new tanks for the brother hood, but we need tighter gun control in this country! Please tell me what the hell I'm missin here? BULLHUSK
  8. The roof vent on the 700 Brockway is on the back of the roof not on the front like a Mack Bullhusk
  9. A waste of a good Brockway grill if you ask me, there are plenty of Mack grills out there, but not to many of those! BULLHUSK
  10. DAM IT!!!! GUNS KILL PEOPLE!!!!...........OK then Mr OBAMA then why the fuck did you send Eric to US gun store's and buy automatic weapons and then give them to the Mexie drug boys???? Have you a-holes answered that question yet?? NO!! Bloomberg and Homo from NY are another bunch of NO NOTHING A-HOLES!! A reporter asked Bloomshit yesterday if he was going to disarm his 5 or 7 body guards ? Do ya think thats gonna happen? NO!! Just take John Q Public's gun!! cause I'm rich! and I can afford an army "I Just want to keep all NYer"s safe, so no 16oz drinks no trans fat and no guns!" I would like to see what this dushbag eats a night!!... I just got up feelin pissed off about all a this shit today!! and no I'm not sorry! BULLHUSK
  11. What was the drive train in this truck? V-8? Ernie DS
  12. WOW that there is some heavy STUFF!!! BULLHUSK
  13. Anyone have any pic's of a co. in Newark NJ years back called Gross&Hecht they had all Brockway gas jobs an del. all of A&P stuff out of 22ft trailers with side doors BULLHUSK
  14. I know I'm gonna take a lota heat here but................. For the last year or so I've been using a tire from Mc Carthy Tire over in PA, It's called 'Double Coin'. It is about $80 per tire less then most top brands and is guaranteed in writing to cap 2X's as long as the casing is ok. The tire is wearing like iron.................BUT It's made in China! I know I said I would never do it !! But after your casing credit an the $80 bucks, it don't pay for me to run the caps Regards Ben Arnold
  15. Looks like a Hess Uniform? BULLHUSK
  16. I think I just wet my pants????????????.....................I did!! BULLHUSK
  17. You are right!! I just don't understand why this A-hole got elected again!! And on top of that the Rep. lost more seats in the house and congress! What are people thinking?? BULLHUSK
  18. Yes! John was a good friend of mine, he got killed in Newark when he backed into a cement block wall. with a Cat 977, the machine had no cab and the block fell on him. He was a real good man with a big heart! Gary Mahan bought all or most of his collection of old Macks, I did take some pic's at Mahan's place but I can't for the life of me remember where they are! BULLHUSK PS Devino Truck Parts in Nwk are his cousins
  19. Why have none of these Jackoff"s in DC said anything about the poor bastard who made the video?? Ya know the one they threw in jail and threw the key away! What about him, where are his rights?..............
  20. I'm from Readington NJ, but I used to haul Cement down to Burlington US Pipe and Foundry every night 2 loads between 10 pm and 5 am outa Bayonne NJ. Now I just head down 130 to Mastore's Diner!! It takes me about 45 to 50 mi from my house BULLHUSK
  21. HC Class act ! After all she had a good teacher, and then she gets more thank you's then Russel Crowe in The Gladiator movie!! What the hell was that all about?? BULLHUSK
  22. OK, I'm thinkin about sending it off to someone to finish the cab and int. I just don't have the time! I've done all the drivetrain work and power washed her clean! I still have the Superliner to get ready for the season, all that needs is a power wash and frame paint and then it's off to the paint shop. The RL needs cab corners (I have a new set) and some dash wirein an stuff, ya know all that time stuff! But thanks for askin! Ernie D
  23. If I'm down that way I will do that! BULLHUSK
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