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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. There's a MACK dealer in Jersey that did me a big favor last summer when I had break down on the road with one of my Freightliner's and he helped me get her up and running! Well I just might buy a new tractor from them and it's something that I often do to keep my dealer honest so it's not that I am unhappy with Freightliner or my dealer. So here is my question what MACK will be able to keep up with my 470 to 575 Detroit's and have a cab like the Coronado or the 4900-4700 Western Stars?? We still run my R every day and at one time I had 10 Mack's but have not bought one since 1993 (CH) so what motor, cab, trans, and also anyone with one of the newer Mack's can tell me how they are treating you? My transmission is mostly the Eaton 10-c thanks BULLHUSK
  2. The ol boy was right! If you kept that motor @ 18-2100 you could run with or pass just about any think! And let me say this, yes we put oil in the motor an maybe more than a Cat or Cummins, but on a Jersey night like tonight with a good set of battery's it will start!! An hell it had too cause that's what towed all of the non "jimmies "
  3. Any Brockway's Mike? BULLHUSK
  4. Mike, For some reason all those NY State tractors are short!! Even the Brockways 360U's that we had at Colonial Sand & Stone was so short that when you opened the door to get out you could step on the front drive tires!!BULLHUSK
  5. Been using Double Coins (China) for about two years now and had one fail and they replaced it! Still using US tires on the front's BULLHUSK
  6. Thank God the kid didn't say "Ha Dad, what are we gonna do with this 8-71 Detroit two stroke I just bought?? ".....
  7. I would love to see that Hell Cat motor in Dick Landy's light weight 65 Dodge AFX Car himmmm whata think Paul? About 3,000lbs lighter then the new Challenger BULLHUSK
  8. The new 767 maybe? Anyway the whole plane is made from Carbon Fiber makes Ya think? BULLHUSK
  9. The v6-53 was a good transplant for any old or newer truck with a gas motor, sure it did not have the power of a 318 or even a 6V-71 but it gave you the RPM'S and more power then the gas motor would give you, and that's a fact! It also gave you many more years of reliable service. BULLHUSK
  10. yes I see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Is thinkin White Road Boss
  12. So what ever happened to the Rep. party not funding Obammy care??????????
  13. Did Jimmy Hoffa's wife or a family member have a Mack dealership in Chicago or Detroit back in the 50's or 60's?? BULLHUSK
  14. OK glad I could help BULLHUSK
  15. come up and see for your self, I'll give U directions. Or better yet ask him on facebook to post pic's he's there every day, I might not get there for another month BULLHUSK
  16. Guess who's not on the front line today in France with the world leaders?? U guessed it Obama
  17. OK Mike maybe next week, I went there today to see an Autocar an he took me to see his new toy!! Was not prepared to take pictures!! He is a good friend an vender that I buy a lot of engines and transmission's from!
  18. I Don't know where this guy finds these trucks but there are realy nice units!!!
  19. I was at Devino's today and saw a nice LJXW !! WOW what a truck!! Sorry no pic's BULLHUSK
  20. You can put a trolley brake on the outside of the trailer so u can release the brakes on the tractor an trailer after u pull your cable tight, but u have to get back into the tractor to set your brakes after the box is on the trailer and then release the trolley Bullhusk
  21. You gotta drive one in a snow storm, an then u will know y the state and counties used them for plowing! I drove my 361 tandem dump M/T in a snow storm last year and that truck tracked and held the road like a summer day! A well balanced truck, not like the Autocars that were nose heavy when u went into a turn and the truck kept going straight Bullhusk
  22. This would make a good glider for someone with a beat up cab an frame! A nice 285Maxi with a 6 speed, it looks like 44 rears? I also think the ratio on those rears are very low they only did about 35-40 mph BULLHUSK PS that tank is alum. so you scrap that an thers 1/2 you cost
  23. I talked to someone this morning who does small dump truck work using a forklift, the first thing that came to mind was your crane! So is it still for sale? BULLHUSK
  24. There are two places that I know of that might have what u need, one is Devino truck parts in Newark NJ and the other is Adleman's truck parts in Ohio USA both ship over seas! Just Google them for info and ## I'm not sure but I think Timken and Rockwell are the same and now are Meritor BULLHUSK
  25. Elvis broke her heart
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