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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Agreed, but sometimes people get pushed to far, and what I see commin down the pike is that we might not be able to better ourselves. I see what Paul has to do with his co. and I do agree with him, and quite frankly I might not be to far behind him! I have a 38 year old son that is full of piss and vinegar and he's got me puttin up a new term in Northampton Pa. Am I doin he right thing in this economy?? I don't know, and thats the first time in bus. that I am secound guessin myself! Because if it wasn't for him I'd be having an auction and goin to Fl.!! Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not bein a cry baby, but I'm worried about how these kids and grand kids are gonna make it in tomorrows world, just as I am sure you guys are worried about the same thing BULLHUSK
  2. paul, THE OPPRESSED AND AFFLICTED I was talkin about us, not him and that if we keep our mouths shut long enough we will be the ones led to the slaughter! I do know about his free ride and I don't think he ever had to pay his way, ever!! Maybe thats why we can't see his college records! I'm with you 100% on this guy, it's just that the hard workin people in this country are workin harder and harder for less and being taxed more, and the takers are getting more and more!! So what I'm sayin is when are we gonna start sayin enough is enough!! BULLHUSK
  3. bob, is this where we are headed? Obama The Pied Piper of the USA, for those rats who choose to follow him, and never to be seen again? I would say that his crew and his followers are the rats (as the story goes), and the never to be seen again part would be our great country as we all know it the USA. This is the way I see it, when are we gonna start to open our mouth? BULLHUSK
  4. I don't know if the Mack's work this way, but one of my F-Liners had a prob. like that and it was the A-C unit low on freon, even when the defroster was on and the A-C comp. would kick off an then the fan would kick off. But when the truck went up to temp. the fan would work OK BULLHUSK
  5. Can anyone one this site tell me why, why this guy will not release his school records?? What could be in there that is so-so soooooooooo not to be seen by the American people?? And why does he not have to come clean with it?? He holds the most powerfull job in the world, should there be any stone left unturned?? Even after Trump offered 5 million to any charity, he just laughted it off?? So again... How about you Obama supporters out there, maybe you could tell me; Ya know me J.Q.P. AKA the American tax payer, the one he works for!! I need to know what the hell is so dammm incriminating in the records the he does not want us to see?? And if his s&%t ain't right, then how could he legally be your C&C?? What the hell am I missin here?? I want to know who he is, and I believe we should have that right, no matter who holds the title of pres. of the USA!! Something is just not right here. BULLHUSK
  6. Ladies & gentleman ley me introduce to you the first R700 set back front axel!!! one of one ser# 0000-1 BULLHUSK PS any of you old timers will know that # from an old 50's Superman show
  7. Anyone out there have a list of countries that we give money to every year and the amount given?? By the way we borrow the money we give away! Could it be a very large part of our dept every year? And why is it not addresed as part of our prob.? BULLHUSK---------------------------$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  8. So when is all of this bullshit gonna come to a head in this country? Have we all lost our balls? When did those fargon icehole corksuckin bastages in Washington forget that they work for us? Does anyone remember what this guy said back in the day "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth. Like a lamb led to the slaughter and like a sheep silent before her shearers he did not open his mouth." BULLHUSK
  9. Ford had a lot of tandem dumps here in Jersey back in the 60's with the 477 & 534 gas motors, good motor if you kept the gov. hooked up, if not, don't drive behind one! Before heated bodies, in the winter they would turn the elbow's on the duel exh. up towards the body to heat the body BULLHUSK
  10. I'll take 4 to replace those hunk of GARBAGE Cat A-Cert motors!!!!!! I would prob. get better fuel mi with 24 holes then with 6 BULLHUSK
  11. Nice to hear from you rob, and a very Merry Christmas!! BULLHUSK
  12. I only wish he was usin his other four fingers and was wavin goodby to us
  13. The V12-92 was just two V6-92's bolted together with 4 cyl. heads, the cranks would break between th blocks, the best think to do would be to put a V12-71 with turbo's an aftercoolers. The 12-71's have a one piece block and two 6-71, heads a better motor
  14. It would be a nice glider for some one with a banged up Ford oil truck with a 3208 Cat motor BULLHUSK
  15. And how about those stock holders at GM? Barry and his boys don't say a lot about those poor people!! The UAW got the Mine and the stock holders got the SHAFT! Another free ride supplied by us, the tax payers! And you guys are right on about FORD, I bought there stock @ 1.50 when they were in the same boat as GM and Mopar, I took a shot and had faith in the Ford family to do the right thing, and they did. On the other hand the Fed's told them they better take the money or risk goin under and FORD told them to stick it where the sun don't shine! BULLHUSK
  16. Clearly a bunch of Fargon Iceholes in DC and they should all have there Bells in a sling, starting with our fearless leader BULLHUSK
  17. I hate when that happens LOL!!! When I was a kid my friend Lenny had a 54 Plymouth with a HI-Drive trany. (fluid drive) only down side was when you changed the engine oil, the torque converter oil come with it (also motor oil) 15 quarts! I did warn him, but he thought I was nuts!...............He wound up with the same results I LMAO!!!!
  18. Not gonna use her every day, but I can do that! Thanks, BULLHUSK
  19. Ditto BULLHUSK
  20. WE, the tax payers kept GM open BULLHUSK
  21. He couldn't keep an umbrella store open in a rain storm!! BULLHUSK
  22. Thank You guy's, I'm takin in all the advice, I will be torquein the heads and doin the valves just for hell of it, the guy I bought it from said the motor was done before they pulled the 440hp out and put the 500 in! He has a Superliner with a E9-500& 58000 rears for his lowboy and was gonna use this one for his dump trailer, but wound up buyin tri-axel's. I've known Billy Hiller for a long time and he held this truck for over a year and was offered more money but kept it for me! A stand up guy BULLHUSK
  23. Dam! I thought for sure Hillary Clinton was gonna get it
  24. Every time I see Joe B I think of a show I used to tune in to as a kid, It's called F-Troop, Ok well Joe is our Look-Out (Vanderbuilt) the blind guy!! And every time I see Obonehead I think of him as the Commander of F- Troop (Sjt. O'Rourke) and the Whitehouse is the camp, and if you look at all the guys in F- Troop you can see all of Our Pres. men BULLHUSK.....AKA, Wild Eagle # 1 Hikawi in charge!
  25. Mark, HOW DUMB????????? OBAMA WAS RE-ELECTED, now need I say more? BULLHUSK
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