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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I forgot are dogs automatic weapons? BULLHUSK
  2. Did anyone hear Mr "The Great I Am" today on the radio?? All Mr Obonehead kept sayin is 'We have to keep people with mental illness from getting permits to by guns to prevent this thing from happening again!'..... Will some one please tell the Great One that they were shooters mothers guns!!... And about the Hollywood thing? Well on Fox news tonight they talked about all the money the Great One got from his buddy's in Crazywood, I would guess that was his 'hush' money cause you won't be hearin anything about those guns now will we? I just can't understand this guy, not all of these poor children are burried yet, and the families are still in shock! An then reality still has to set in for these parents! So I think all of these bozo's in Washington should stop politicising this tragedy!! give it a break for about a month or so!! And then when all the facts are on the table, then we could all sit down and figure this thing out ! And not spent time on laws on stuff that won't work! This guy is always got the Cart before the horse! BULLHUSK PS .....I don't own any automatic guns, I have one Mossburg 12 - G that I keep as a house gun, and my two dog's
  3. No prob. I drive all the old ones BULLHUSK
  4. I'm a Cenent hauler out of the NJ, PA, NY,CT, area so I,m 80,000 one way and empty the other. Now we do have pump off time on an average of about 35 to 45 minutes @ around 1,100 RPM, if you know the area there are some hard pulls like Jugtown Mt on 78 an the West Orange Mt pull on Rt 280 6% also Rt 81 and the N-East Ext. in Pa. I also will be putting a wet line on to haul a dump trailer, but only for our own use Thank you all for your help Ernie DS AKA BULLHUSK PS I use ROTELLA 15-40 an change oil @ 12 to 15,000 mi and the trucks drive line an PTO shafts are greased every Sat. Fuel filters are changed with oil unless we get a bad batch on the road
  5. Ok guy's, I've been gettin a lot of flack from one of my shop guy's about this Mack with the E9!! All I keep hearin from this guy is what a junk they are!! Now he tells me he drove one and it kept blowin up and he new this guy an that guy who couldn't keep them together! Ya know I used to hear the same shit about the 92 Series and we had 6 of them Silvers in International Paystar 5000's that are still runnin today!! I have done my homework on these V8 Macks and 75% was all good, the other 25% was the nut that held the steering wheel! Now with that being said, could you guys tell me some does an don't an any thing that I have to keep up with? All the exh. and vent tubes are dry and very little blow-by if any, I left her out last night (about 29temp) and she started up on like a half a freakin crank! Thank'sBULLHUSK
  6. Funny all the people you mentioned have armed people around them 24-7. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO then gentleman why don't they disarm them and give them sling shots or pepper spray?? It's like I said the other day, gun controll should start in Hollywood but you know the left loon money machines won't touch it! Just look at what's commin at ya in the past month from CrazywoodBULLHUSK
  7. Macks an Brockways?? what da ?? KSUHLLUB
  8. I turned my office upsidedown today and for the life of me I can't find the paper work from Mack on the Superliner!!, I just got done lookin at home and can't find it!!!!!! I guess the oldtimers is a settin in BULLHUSK
  9. Was there not a guy on this site that took an old B fire truck and redone the whole truck using a DT-466?? I think he was going to use it to pull a camper maybe or a car trailer? I also think it was an allison automatic trans BULLHUSK
  10. Nice Superdog Mike! Good luck to you an the truck BULLHUSK
  11. I had those brakes on a new A-Car mixer (1979) an if you hit the brakes hard,,,,,,, you hit what ever you were hittin the brakes not to hit!!! The shop guys pulled them even befor the Gov. gave em the OK BULLHUSK
  12. I don't think it would even take a week to just stop haulin into that crazy state and then lets see what happens? BULLHUSK PS the state is just BE-U-T FULL but the people are fargen crazy!
  13. Not at all! But the paper work is at the shop, I do know it ws built for a cust. at Keystone Mack and I think it wound up pullin a dump trailer, so the truck was local. The funny thing is that I also bought my 89 Superliner new at Keystone Mack in Conshohocken PA. BULLHUSK
  14. Just like the PREVS 121 brakes back in the 80's They got people killed first...................and then they took them off?????????We are from the Fed. Goverment and we are here to help you.........................NOT!! BULLHUSK
  15. 66 Bel-V II 383 .60 over 11.0 on the pistons Duel carter 500's T-Flite from Mancini Racing 3.90 8-3/4 rear I also ported the heads to match all gaskets and put 1.88 exhust valves in (like the 426 super stock heads) she is a real sleeper and I have a lot of fun with the Mustang guys LOL BULLHUSK
  16. Yes I got the build sheet and history from Mack Mu.
  17. Thank you everyone, no Mike I had a 1999 with a 350-T2090 Trans that I bought new. I am sorry to say that it was one of the worst trucks that I have ever owned and I had to get rid of it before It took me to the poor house. The T 2090 trans. was trouble and Mack wouldn't stand behind it fan clutchs,(lost count) P7100 pump 3X's, it was just a bad truck I traded it in with 168,000 mi. I'm a hopin that this one will be better cause I do use all my trucks, I have no trailer queens, thay all have to work or they get no Alpo or Milkbones BULLHUSK
  18. Ithink an 83 Superliner I
  19. Detroit 575 & 13-00 goin in the W-Star Glider
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