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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I bought this last year and just got her yesterday!! Org. a 440 V8, now a 500, Nu-Way air and 10 Seed Mack 4:64 Mack rears
  2. Is it an older R model? Cause Mack also made a trans like that, with OD an could only shift the side stick in 5th for over drive
  3. WOW! an R with a steel nose! almost looks like a Brockway, boy ya don't see them anymore BULLHUSK
  4. I truly beleive it comes from Hollywood, just look at this new movie with Tom Cruise.........Come on are you kiddin me! this is crazy! I remember when I was a kid they took the three stooges off of TV cause they would hit each other with hammers an crow bars an stupid stuff like that!! It's all about what sells in Hollywood and screw the people! an then these far left loons point the finger at everybody else! I say stop all this crazy electronic games and over the edge movies! Just look what Hollywood did to Batman??? When I was a kid it was 'Holy ice-cube Batman It's cold in here!' today he's got a tank and Black Hawk Chopper for God's sake! Just look what they did with all the comic book guys we grew up with ?? I could go on and on here but I say PUT THE BRAKES ON HOLLYWOOD AND THE VIOLENCE I say you start right there! I'm sorry if I let my emotions get the best of me but I lost my 7 year old son back in 86 from heart disease, but we sort of new that some day we could lose him, BUT for parents to send there young healthy kids to school where they are safe, and then have this happen!! It just breaks my heart, I just hope the Good Lord gives these parents the strength to cope! BULLHUSK
  5. Nice truck Mike good luck with her!! I picked up my 83 Liner with the E-9 500 today! I didn't have my Kodak so I will take pics tomorrow and post them BULLHUSK
  6. I was listening to the news radio in my truck around 12 noon today when I heard that a principal of a school in CT was shot and killed, then I went in to have lunch with a customer, got back in my truck and saw that I missed my wifes call so I called her back and she told the update, I had to pull over and pull myself together! I just kept thinking about the parents! What a sad day in America. My prayers are with all of the ones lost and injured, and esp. the parents Ernie
  7. I'll bet you can pop a DT 466 motor in there, and I bet the bell housing would fit. I think they called there gas engine 'Red Diamond' or something like that? That would make a nice re-sto BULLHUSK
  8. We had the chance to save this country of ours, but people just don't think that things are going to go bad! You just wait and see what happens when the states start to take things into there own hands and the Obonehead voters don't like it (Like the right to work) and waving Oboma Care, this is where the revolution will start, cause as soon as they find out it aint all free it will be from his side, and Obama has divided this country like nowone has ever done before
  9. I was down in your old stomping grounds yesterday and stoped at Mastorii's diner in Bordentown on Rt130Ernie DS
  10. Ya know...The joke is not on us after all!! It's on the Obama voters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least we could hold our heads up and just look and see what happens in the next 4 years BULLHUSK
  11. Obama voter? Ya think???? Yes sir the joke is on us, the workin people that want to keep there hard earned money! BULLHUSK
  12. Ok folks, now for the after the election show!!!! We here at the Obama house are proud to present all the hidden suprises in the Obama Care Free Ins. Show!! (NOT) Yes ser reeee folks I am be gonna tax the St outa you all!! Don't you worry I just forgot to tell ya a few things, cause I thought Mitt done told ya!!!..... Soooooooooooooooo just bend over and touch your toes cause here it goes!! I am a proud American that was smart enough to see through all the lies and BS that the whole Dem. party was selling, it's just to bad that a lot of people bought it! So now what do the Obama voters have to say? BULLHUSK
  13. Yes but who are the wealthy? It's very E/Z for a small busn. owner to make 250,000 a year, so how is it that Obonehead thinks 250 is a million? How about GE coughin up some money? I say give this bum everything he wants so all the people that voted for him can't point the finger at the Rep. Party! And maybe then people will wake up BULLHUSK
  14. Paul, Do you remember the Roto-Pack made by City tank who went on to make the Load- Master? My uncle had a A30 Mack with a 15 yd Roto Pack BULLHUSK
  15. We had an old Dodge (Job Rated) 1956? maybe? Well it had a 413 flat head 6 with two carbs that used to do the same thing, (in cold weather) all we did was put 2 cans of dry gas in every time we gased her up and it did not do it anymore BULLHUSK
  16. I'm a Mopar guy myself, but that there is sharp Markie Mark!! Ernie
  17. There was a guy that pulled out of the Millington Quarry in Jersey not to long ago that had a truck like that with a single axel an a big 6 gas motor, and here's the kicker, he used to haul between 15 and 18 ton of stone! I'm told that the guy has retired but still has the truck. Anyone around that area would remember the truck, it had a short body with high sides and big rubber and the guy ran with the big dogs! BULLHUSK
  18. Mack also had a big place on Rt 22 in Somerville NJ
  19. Please send to 1600 PA. Avenue Washington DC, Attn. Mr. B.H Obonehead. To bad we have 4 more years of paying for his s%#t!! He has had a free ride all his life on OPM! BULLHUSK
  20. Reo had the Gold Comet engine that they called 'the Zero engine' cause the bore and stroke were the same, it was a dam good motor until they started putting it into trucks over 40,000 GVW, they would just over rev and blow apart BULLHUSK
  21. When I was a kid, my dad put a 673 Mack diesel drive train (dup. push pull) in a 50's 260 Brockway. The brock had a big Con. gas motor 572? with a two speed rear, he locked the rear in high range, and the truck ran fine!! He loved the Brockways but had oil press. prob's with the big Brockway Continental's he always liked the Mack 707's BULLHUSK
  22. Shawn, I wish I could get 4.2 with the 4- A-Cert crumypillars that I have in my F-Liners!! How about 3.5! I'm lookin into W-Star Power Glider's with non EGR Detroit's BULLHUSK PS good luck with the new one!
  23. I counted 5 Superliners!! WOW ya think any of them thar have V-8's?? BULLHUSK
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