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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. THE OBAMA JOKE OF THE DAY!!Is it not funny that we help Libya and Egypt overthrow there Gov. and put the Broothhood it charge?? and now Isreal is being bombed with missles from Libia? And by the way, How and the hell does a US Drone fly into Iran without being shot down, not one shot? by us or them?? We didn't even attempt to blow it up?? So now they can build there own, and...this Pres. is not going to stop them from getting the A-Bomb! So today I think now that Barry will be in charge for another 4 years, Isreal is thinking..... Well I now know who's side B.H.O is on so we need to take care of this our self, and now the S&%t is gonna hit the fan in the Middle East as our own Country will fall deeper into hard times! I just thought it was gonna take a little longer....So this my friends is the Obama joke of the day Over and out BULLHUSK
  2. I hope you like Twinkes and Wonder bread!! BULLHUSK
  3. Obonehead was in NY yesterday, ya think maybe he could have went over there to talk to his great union friends?? I'll bet you dollars to twinkes that Romney would have saved them! Why? Cause thats what he does he saves jobs, the only job Barry knows how to save is his own!!
  4. I always liked Hoffa Sr. I thought he was a stand up guy, was he a crook? Sure he was, an so were all the rest of them including the Kennedy's! But for his son to back the the very party that took his father out, just shows what kind of a character this MORON is!! I have been a Teamster in good standing fo over 40 years now, but I do not stand with Hoffa Jr for this reason BULLHUSK
  5. The first 2-cycle style Detroit was built by the the Gray Marine Co using a GM cyl block, these engines were the first ones used in WW-2 by Uncle Sam to power there boats and Landing Crafts BULLHUSK
  6. I talked to a friend of mine yesterday about the 25yd C- Mack, He worked for the co. way back when and gave me some info about the truck. Well after two V-8 blow out's they put a 711 Mack motor in and the truck was sold soon after, he said with the cowboys that worked there, it was almost impossible to keep a motor in anything! Also he said the truck had a trans. (duplux) that you could not shift progressive you could only shift it into direct from low but could not down shift? ever hear of one of these? I know the Maxie's had the mud stick but this truck was before the Maxydyne engine trans combo BULLHUSK
  7. Yes I did see it,It's a good start!! BULLHUSK
  8. I lost out on a nice 700 Brockway with a Detroit V-12 about 5 years ago, I got lost gettin there and and the guy thought I wasn't commin so he sold it!! He said he did get his price of 25,000 cash! I don't think I would have paid that , but that is what we are up against The truck went to Jamaica, now why would they buy a truck that gets 3 mi to the gal? BULLHUSK
  9. Well Bloomdick just sent away donated food cause it wasn't up to his standards, to high in salt and fat!! I would like to see what he stuff's in his pie hole!!
  10. Calf. now has a Super Majority, that means Rep. have no say! so lets see where this takes the state? This should be interesting BULLHUSK
  11. We just state the facts, so maybe it's about time you stated some?....... So lets hear some of the goody good stuff that your boy has done for us, so we can maybe teach you what will happen in the real world. Oh by the way YOU should go out and get the movie 2016, and it is just true stone cold hard facts, again let me repeat TRUE FACTS about your pres. O ne B ig A ss M istake A merica for the 2nd time! But I'm sure you'll have a different story to tell us BULLHUSK
  12. Maybe thay should eat there Smart Car ?
  13. Is it true that all the big three muscle cars have to go away in a couple as well as the V-8? BULLHUSK
  14. How? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Thats how. Money is power! What a shame it is! Poor man wanta be rich, rich man wanta be King an the King aint satisfied till he rules everything!BULLHUSK
  15. I always liked those Macks, did they put V-8's in those? I think years back a garbage co by me had one with a V-8 BULLHUSK
  16. I say why fight Obamadick, just let him have his way with everything this way we will go down the tubes faster and then who is he going to blame? This way all the one's that voted for him and the one's that stayed home an did not vote, could all jump on the same sinking ship, cause the'll get no help from me!! Cause when all us so called rich folks (if your working hard to put food on the table an give your family a better life then you had this guy thinks your rich!) well we all stop workin cause there in no more work, then who is gonna feed the gravy train? Now all you out there tell me.... Why should I work harder and give more money to the Gov. (who just keeps spending more then we give them) instead of keepin it for my own family? I just love when this pres. get's on TV and tell us "Well rich people like myself should pay more taxes" them get's on a plane that we pay for, to go on vacation that we pay for???%#@&%$@# HELLOOOO!! Mrs Lubner, is anybody home! BULLHUSK
  17. I would bet my last dollar, that if Rudy was mayor of nyc would have power and gas! Mike bloomdick is a phony! One day he is a rep then a dem then a ind., he worries about how big your drinking cup is, but you guys have no heat? But just like obomadick, people would vote for him again!!Bullhusk
  18. Please send your post to your Pres. and Harry Reid BULLHUSK
  19. Paul, after reading your post and Roudyrebel, there is nothing more to say! Any one with true American blood running through there vains feels the same way! Break your ass, for what?? so the shit heads could live off of our backs? NO I'm F*&KING tired of it!! but as long as the Dem's can keep the under dogs under, they are going to win, It's just that, and for all you shitheads that stayed home and didn't vote cause you didn't like the rich guy cause he does not understand us workin people cause 'he's rich' ? well you will be in for the same old nothin!! Ernie BULLHUSK
  20. Barry himself is indeed a lazy dope doing nose candy man himself (in his own words by the way)!! And to hear slick Willy (Clinton) askin if you would want a Pres. who would lie to the people of America?? Are you kiddin me!! he wrote the book!! And by the way, it wasn't his hand and it wasn't a cookie jar and it wasn't his Mother who caught him!! All I could say is, we are in for one hell of a down hill ride for the next 4 years I just hope we as a country can make it BULLHUSK
  21. I hope everyone that voted for Obonehead is out of a job tomorrow!! Sorry but you can't fix stupid! I am going to stay home today, I just can't make it BULLHUSK
  22. Well like I said, the joke was on us.....Obama care is here to stay and the coal and gas ind. in this country is finished.... God what are we gonna look like in four years? BULLHUSK
  23. Just send it back 'Return postage paid' and I guarantee you won't be getting them anymore. Last election I was bombed with Barry shit every day from the IBT and the guy who's Father was brought down dy the Dem. Party in the 50's and 60's................ How soon some people forget! BULLHUSK
  24. Voting for Obama again would be like the Captain of the Titanic backing up and hitting the Iceberg again!! BULLHUSK
  25. Tom, Thats just the way Mike is, and it is bad buss! I've called many times without a call back, so I just get in my truck and go over there, It's the only way! But then again I'm only 20 min. away from my yard in JC. I've bought some nice stuff from them, like my 67 260 Brockway Navy truck with 38,000 mi and a couple of good motors, also he has a nice B-81 in his yard, but he does not sell a lot of his stuff today but..... tomorrow if you catch him right, he'll sell it !!?? BULLHUSK.
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