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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. SHIT Mike that sucks!!! Get better soon!! BULLHUSK
  2. I've been lookin for a nice RW or another R-700 with a Detroit, Does any know how I could get in touch with the guy sellin the 700? I could not see the phone # on the for sale Thanks BULLHUSK
  3. Never ever eat a cucumber that smells like tuna!!
  4. Boy, As you said, this would make a nice truck to tow a car trailer!! But I think a nice Cummins with a 6 speed out of a Dodge 3500 would fit right in there, any way you skin this one, it still would make a cool runner!! BULLHUSK
  5. Old soldiers never die, they just fade away............ And like an old soldier CSM Basil Plumley will just fade away RIP to a great MAN an Soldier
  6. Ben, I don't know about the 8-92 up against the E-9 V8 Mack, and I am a die hard Detroit man, but with that being said, i think the V-12-71-TTA would be a better choice to go up against th Big Mack for torque and hp you have two inline 6's turning one crank!! and when you start puttin fuel to those 8-92's you better wrap em tight!! BULLHUSK
  7. WOW!! I just bought a Detroit 14 L- 575 hp Reman (non EGR) long block (turbo, bell, fly) with my core for $21,000, I also have 4 Cat A-Cert's, I don't even want to talk about! Now the one 3406-C mech. I have, run's every day like a fine Swiss watch!BULLHUSK
  8. Did I just see Obonehead hand Mitt the keys to the White House!?..............YESS!! BULLHUSK
  9. So I guess I'm not to far off base, we are in fact the USSR of the 60's and the 70's!! Look any one that votes for this guy is very misinformed or just ???????????????????????????????????????????????? BULLHUSK
  10. OBAMA 2012????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. Thay don't!! It's just a bunch of BS from NBC ABC & CBS and there all in the tank for Obonehead! I think back when I was in school back in the 60's and the teacher telling us how the USSR had one news net. ( I think it was Pravda or something like that) and it would only print and tell the people of the USSR what the Gov. told them to, well today in the good old US of A if it wasn't for FOX News we would be feed the same BS !!...............NO?? Just think about it BULLHUSK
  12. It's lookin like the joke is gonna be on us!!! Oh my dear GOD I hope that I am wrong and the people wise up!! BULLHUSK
  13. Class real class !! ......................... Now tell me again.......... Why should I vote for Obonehead????.......... OK OK I get it now, free shit from the workin tax payer!!... But wait just a minute!! I'm one of the workin tax payin guys!!................... so along with the phone, I'll be payin for her birth control pills and the abortion if she forgets to take the BC pill?? ...................... So tell me again..... Why should I vote for Obonehead?????????????????????????????? BULLHUSK
  14. There is one of those Sterling tandem dump trucks right here in Jersey with a Cummins Diesel, the truck is owned by Amaducie (I don't think I spelled his name right) over in Booton NJ, he also has a couple of nice A-Cars that he brings to the shows BULLHUSK
  15. Wrong side?? I guess It depends what side your on BULLHUSK
  16. Thanks my friend I was waiting for back up!! Thats why I put he reveloution line in my post, I could not find the article that you posted but I do remember the shit storm that took place down there, and how the USA helped them. That is exactly why I do not want to send our tax payin money to these MF'ers, I'd rather see them kill each other, It's not that I'm a heartless bastard, but you see the thanks that we get from these ungreatfull Mother F'ers BULLHUSK
  17. I think your opinion is well received on the Mack site and is well worth it!! I think all of us on this site agree to disagree so don't cut yourself short BULLHUSK
  18. Romney's free market 1 Amc Entertment 2 Burger King 3 Burlington Coat Fact. 4 Clear Channel Communications 5 Dominos Pizza 6 Guitar Center 7 The Sorts Authority 8 Staples 9 Toy's R Us 10 Warner Music Group Obama's Socialism 1 Solyndra BANKRUPT 2 Enter 1 BANKRUPT 3 Beacom Power BANKRUPT 4 Abound Power BANKRUPT 5 Amonix Solar BANKRUPT 6 Sprictra Watt BANKRUPT 7 Eastern Energy BANKRUPT All of these companies were OBAMA CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTORS!! So how could anybody Call Romney (Robme) ? It seems to me you have the wrong guy, It is in fact Barry Obama who is robbing you me and all the rest of us tax payers! Romney and his partners used there own money, not ours. So tell me again how anybody could vote for this guy??????????????????????????????????????????????????? BULLHUSK
  19. If the trailer you are going to use does not have really good brakes, it will push your 1500 into a jack knife, and or turn it over, I would not do this Ernie DS
  20. If you want to hear lies just listen to what your pres. and his boys and girls have been tellin the American People about the events since Sept 11 of this year, as for robme.... Well I'll take a guy who knows how to build things from the ground up, or can turn a Company from bad to good any day over this Pres. of ours who can't even run a lemonade stand. And by the way, how do you explain Barry jumping on Airforce 1 and going to Las Vegas on the very day that our Ambassador and 4 american's were killed on US soil in Libya? Do you think GW would have gotten a pass from the tanked media. It is a free Country, thank GOD! (oops did I just say the G word!) but it's just my opinion, and I do feel that every one in this great Country of ours has that right, thank GOD! OOPS I DID IT AGAIN!!!! LOLBULLHUSK
  21. I'm sure a flag of Lebia would be ok???
  22. CAN SOMEONE AGAIN, PLEASE TELL ME HOW OBONEHEAD CAN GET RELECTED??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? BULLHUSK
  23. Maybe us US People should stop handing out billions of our hard earned tax payin money to foreign countries who hate us, especially the ones who go through revolutions, me personally, I would let them kill each other and starve to death before I take any more money out of our great country,(and just let me remind you) the greatest country in the world and keep it right here in this great country of ours!!!! And then..................WE would have an economy BULLHUSK
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