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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Yes, back in the 60's they ran U's with V-8 NA's haulin cement out of the LHV area in PA. MTS also had the V-8 U's, as well as Cement Express BULLHUSK
  2. Maybe a site truck or worked in the pit haulin over-burden or stone?
  3. 41, Just picture this; Obonehead is in line at Mc Donalds, when asked 'So Mr. Pres. would you like to order? 'Well just give me one of everything, and give the bill to the guy behind me. Look at the way this guy and his wife have come up the ranks.........Do I smell some free shit?? And oh by the way all the bridges and roads that the Gov. built, 'Thats how people built there company's' NOOOOOOOOOOOO It's the FET and the road use tax and the fuel tax that us truckers pay that built the F-ing roads and bridges that get all you a-holes in Washington too an fro!! Give me a F&%kin break!! BULLHUSK
  4. Funny thing, if you talk to any old timer, OO or company driver, they all will tell you the same thing, and that is that since dereglation all the co.' listed in the article have destroyed the shipping rates, I just thank God that those guys arn't haulin cement! Mark nailed it, 'When you pay peanuts......You get monkeys!' BULLHUSK
  5. Looks like the mixer drum came off of the truck,WOW! BULLHUSK
  6. Oh Yah! Leeds-Fox was the 2 Guys trucking CO name as well as Vornado (remember the fan's), also there was a co. in Harrison NJ Liquid- Carbonic blue&white tankers that had a fleet of those day cab Brockways with 318 V-8's! The tractors were leased through APA and they had there own sound to them! You could tell they were L-C's trucks a mile away BULLHUSK
  7. Good news Mike!!! BULLHUSK
  8. Rob, As I have said, 'When I look At those ad's I think of my multi million dollar collection'.......OOOH YAAAAH...LOL!!BULLHUSK!
  9. Used to be that you went to the movies on a hot Sat. afternoon, nice cool AC, and every now an then maybe get hit with a spit ball or someone throwin popcorn ! What A Time It Was!!! OOOO MY GOD!!!!! What the hell is going on!!! Why?? With all the people around the world that want to kill us,we can't even go to the movies without being killed by some fuckin nut-case WHY!!! I just don't get it !! Your family goes to a movie house and they might not come out alive?? WOW!! ......What A Time It Is!!!...............Holy Shit! My prayers go out to the poor family's that have lost there loved ones, and to the ones that are fighting for there life because of some fuckin nut job BULLHUSK
  10. Joe, I have a new W-Star rolling glider commin in about 3 weeks, I'm powering it with a non EGR 575 14 liter S-60 DD. The motor will be a Detroit Reman, but the trans and rears will be new. This will be my first Glider and I hope all goes well with it , cause I will not buy a DEF tractor at this time, and like yourself, I'm 58 and I don't need to start learnin about cow piss at this time in my life !! Ernie DS
  11. Now dat dair be funny!!
  12. That is a nice lookin Brockway right there!! BULLHUSK
  13. Joe, I have 2 12.7's 470hp DD series 60's with over 1,000,000 miles on them and all I did was the bottom end @700,000 mi. and adj. the top end a few times, I have one 09 shaker with a DD 15-475 and so-far trouble free! I also have the 14 liter 515's that are monster pullers! I don't even want to talk about the Cat A-Cert 475's cause when I do I just want to blow my brains out!! BULLHUSK
  14. Is it not funny,..........How , here we have blue collar hard working truck drivers and mechanic's and auto and truck body repair people, and we all get it! I mean we know what the probem is, and it's a pretty simple fix !! SOOOOOOOOO why is it that all the Harvard an Yale and the so called intellectual's that we have in Washington do not?? Maybe someone should get Pres. Obonehead the movie Dave, Maybe he could learn something? BULLHUSK
  15. Roadway term. when I was a kid in my home town of Kearny NJ, i used to see those 700's everyday! I'll bet those are ,1,000.000 mi + trucks! BULLHUSK
  16. I think It's time for the pump to come off an get rebuilt, water is a big problem for those PT pumps, I would put a water sep. filter on the A-Car, a lot of those only had one fuel filter on themBULLHUSK
  17. OK.................SOOOOOOOOOOOOO.........now I get it!! It wasn't Henry Ford who built the Ford Motor co. It was Bozo the Clown!!! Oh yeah and Thomas Edison and Alexander Bell................. Was it NOTTTT Commander Cody and the lost planet airmen that slipped all of there know how under there door!!......... And I knew it all along that it was Fudgy The Whale that was helping Tom Carvel, behind closed doors!! Col. Sander's built KFC ? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH wait just a darn minute here!!!! you mean he was a real Colonel in the army? OK I could understand that!......Dang that Pres. Obama he sure knows what he's talkin about!
  18. When I was a kid I had a Buddy-L Mack dump truck with that cab, also I think Hoffman had a Mack like that one Ernie DS
  19. This is true, but Obama did say that he was going to change the way that past presidents handled stuff like this, as a matter of fact he said that he was going to go through spending,'line by line to stop wasteful spending' OBBIOUSLY, he did not do as he said, and the results are the complete shambles that he has brought this country to..................He has brought us to our knees and that is not GW's fault! BULLHUSK
  20. This is true, but don't keep passin the blame to the former adm. and keep tellin the people there your as kleen as kleenex!!BULLHUSK
  21. Why does this this man, never bring up all the shady back room deals, as well as the payoffs to the states that he needed for the Obamacare bill to get passed?? He creates the problems in Washington along with Eric Holder and the rest of the shady crew that he has!! He has a lot of ball's still blaming GW! I hope the voting people in this country arn't buyin this bullshit!! BULLHUSK
  22. I pray to GOD you are right!................Did you see Joe VP at the naacp the other day sayin 'just cover your eyes and think what it would be like with a Romney crew in charge', I say just cover your eyes and think what 4 more years of Obonehead will be like? you might not wake up!!
  23. I wish I had one of those TD 25's, or both (one for parts) BULLHUSK
  24. Romney better start manning up and start defending himself against all of these lies and bullshit commin at him from Obama and his crew, or he's gonna lose........ McCain was afraid to go after Obama and look what happened to him! No one has a more corrupt past then Obama, just reed his books and he'll tell you in his own words! BULLHUSK
  25. Paint strainers
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