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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Power on every stroke!
  2. They shouldn't.... Find out who is paying for it? If It's commin from the tax payers or your union money, I don't think that they could do that legally. Back in 08 the Teamsters would send me all of this propaganda stuff to vote for Obonehead, and I would send it all back (return postage paid) I don't receive it in the mail anymore!! The Teamster's use an org. called 'Drive' to sell all of there BULLSHIT legally. As far as Juan Willams goes, he will never answer a direct yes or no question!! just like the two brain-less moron's Harry & Nancy! Oh by the way have you ever listened to her answer a question? esp. about Obama care??? how about those Met's?? BULLHUSK
  3. All Hoffa JR is, is a great big wind bag! And if the coal miners vote for this guy, then you know something is in the water that there drinkin!!! I have been a Teamster for 41 years and the pension fund is broke, so I guess I won't be seein any of that money! But I didn't expect to anyway, thats why I put my own money away. Every time I see these Dem's talkin about how rich Romney is? Well how about John Kerry or Jack Kennedy an that whole family???? Don't hear to much about them?? why?? Obonehead just loves class war fare," punish those rich bastards!!" Oh by the way, when are we gonna have another one of those 45,000 dollar a plate dinners?? BULLHUSK
  4. This one is my favorite, the B & the TD 25 Intrenational
  5. A pile of junk! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the first thing that comes to mind is Cat ...............so I guess the whole pile??? BULLHUSK
  6. It looks more like a early Brockway cab to me?? Maybe even an old Federal? BULLHUSK
  7. Rob, The thing that I worry about is, 'The free shit people', they are the ones that feed off of the hard workin tax payin people!!... Now the way I see it is that when the free shit people out number the workin people that are feedin the free shit people,,,,,,, then we have a problem, cause they won't want to give up the Obammy food stamps and the free lunch and free housing and the list goes on and on!! Now don't get me wrong here, I know there are a lot of people out there in big trouble, and I say we do all we can as American's to get them back on there feet, but there are a lot of people out there just for the free ride!! and those are the ones that I despise!! It's sort of like the guy on the street corner begging for money so he can put money in the parkin meter so he don't get a ticket on his new Caddy!! And then there are the stupid people@#$!^%&% they are the ones that tell you 'Well I don't like Romney so I don't know if I'm going to even Vote' ARE YOU F%$KING KIDDDDDING ME!!! you just fell over board, and you can't swim an someone throws you a life preserver, it's a blue one, but you don't like blue, so are you gonna throw it back and see if they have your color on board or are you gonna take the blue one or drown??? BULLHUSK
  8. Great pic.!! Thanks Mark I knew if anyone out there had that picture It would be you!! Thanks Ernie DS
  9. I don't think any of those Jersey Shore people are frome NJ, they are all NY wise guy wana bees!! I spent every summer at Toms River and SS Heights and Park as a kid back in the 60's and 70's, and it sure wasn't like that!! Those guys an girls should film at Coney Island or Jones Beach with the NY crew BULLHUSK
  10. PBR had a Brewery in Newark NJ off of Grove st. There water tower was a great big bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, you could see it from the Garden State Pky. When they took down the bldg. the demo guy kept the water tower and I think he still has it in his yard. BULLHUSK
  11. Tom, I'm also about an hour away if you need another set of hands, just email me ernie67rt@aol.com and i'll give you my cell# Ernie DS
  12. Mark, I had our family picnic yesterday, and only about half the people showed up cause of the heat! Everyone was in the pool, even the old folks had there feet in the water! I think today is even hotter ErnieDS
  13. Vinny some well said advice from randyp,Mark!! And always remember experience is the best teacher and one to receive advice from. Also there is this thing in life called (karma), and sometimes we never know where the path of life will take us.... and that my young friend is from experience. BULLHUSK
  14. Where the hell did that Shevy come from!!
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