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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Google Jensen & Mitchel in Jersey City NJ get the phone # and call and ask for Charlie, he will get you the parts you need. There are still plenty of A-Cars runnin around down here with the Timken style setup BULLHUSK
  2. And who was it that said M.S.G. was no good for us??? BULLHUSK
  3. I would love to have both tractor an trailer!
  4. Cat 1676 340 HP BAD NEWS, (1960's) I remember them as a kid! I think Cat replaced all with the 1693 & 1674's BULLHUSK
  5. Go to PA there is a lot a hyd fracking going on! I'll try an find some info fo you, also you can get a carry permit for a hand gun in PA if you like guns, in Jersey even a cop has a hard time gettin a gun!! LOL BULLHUSK
  6. There was a guy back in the mid 60's in my home town of Kearny NJ by the name of Peter Sabenjohn he had roll off's and some packer trucks. Well one of his accounts was USG tar paper and shingles (paid by the yd) so he would put 40 yr containers under the cut off belt and would pull those with a big ass Diamound T with 65,000 bucket rears 5X4 220 Cummins!! He picked them up with a 50,000 lb Dempster Dino. (no cable) What a monster truck!! But here is the best part, when he had to travel up north to other landfill's the D-T was slow on the hill's Soooo Mack sold him a new truck a truck no one ever had seen before (Gold Bulldog) a DM-600 steel nose Maxidyne 237 hp 6-speed with a side stick that would lock in (Lo-Lo) 1st and reverse only! 5.13 rears and would do just 60 mph 65 rears and a Dempster R/O!! This truck was the talk off the whole garbage industry! he would pull in the dump with 40 yds a shingles with the front wheels off the ground! He sold out around 1970 and my cousn wound up buying that truck so I got to drive it for about 6 months or so! The last 5 vin # on that truck was 00001 could it have been the first Maxi?? No one could understand........ HOW THE HELL CAN YOU PULL ALL THAT WEIGHT WITH JUST 5 SPEED'S???? And so as they say...The rest is history!! BULLHUSK
  7. Funny how back in the 80's most guys pullin out a the Jersey pits into Long Island at night with well over 100,000 gross used R's with EM-6 300 6 speeds with 4.17 rears on 24.5 rubber (pullin some big hills like 280 in W-Orange 6% pluss and Jug Town on the 78 side) and they did it all day every day! I had the same spec. but pulled 80,000 and did OK, we did put the fuel to them cause you had to BULLHUSK
  8. I have said the same thing today about Jimmy Carter....' OMG How could anybody be worse then Carter! ' Then along comes 'Cool Breezzzzz' B H O BULLHUSK
  9. Did you ever notice that who ever comes to this country from where ever in this world on the most part works hard and tries to get ahead? Italians Greeks Portugese Orientals even the freakin Mexicans come to this country and work!! And all of these people?they own diners resturants drycleaners produce stores gas stations truck stops tire business garbage co's an bordegas an so on and all without guys like Sharpton Jackson Obama and Holder tellin them that this no good country has done them wrong!! Well the problem as I see it is that the black's that buy into the Sharpton an crews bullshit should go to the countries that the above have come from and spend a little bit of time over there in Europe an SO America and then maybe then they will know why everyone else who comes here see's America as the land of opportunity and not how much can I get for free cause we be owed cause America is no good! And by the way Sharpton would not last 5 minutes in a place like Cuba or most other countries cause they don't put up with his BS!!! IT IS TIME FOR ALL OF US AMERICANS BLACK WHITE AND WHAT EVER YOU ARE TO STOP GUYS LIKE SHARPTON NOW!!! He needs to be put in jail and the Mayor of NYC needs to be replaced! BULLHUSK over and out!
  10. How the hell did he get one? must be a dealer car
  11. OK Mike!
  12. I think today these big co's buy whats on sale and flip it in 3 years, some are even leasin them,just look at JB Hunt he don't even paint there trucks the company colors any more cause they get a better deal in white so when they flip em they are E/Z to sell! Anyway who the hell wants to keep these new trucks more then 5 or 6 years, with all this new shit they will drive U broke! BULLHUSK
  13. You da man Mike!!! BULLHUSK
  14. What we need is cowboy by the name of Ronnie.. Thats why I like this guy Ted Cruz from Texas looks like anotherR/R BULLHUSK
  15. We all know who shoulda been in that car! and then most a this shit would be over once an for all!!
  16. AGREED!! I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6
  17. NYC mayor has gotto go! NOW! Heres what we all should do.. We should watch Sharptons show on MSLSD politics nation then write down all his sponsers and list them and not spend a red cent on anything that can bring this guy to TV! I'd say don't buy anything that supports MSLSD and maybe then we could wipe them all off the Cable TV! Now if I was a NYC Cop I would throw away my ticket book and take a couple a days off and the police com Bratton should slso bow out leaving this guy and his unholy crew holding the bag BULLHUSK
  18. Deblasio should be told to step aside, it is very clear who's side he is on (he's on Sharptons and Obama an Holders side) and Jesse Watters from O'Reilly said his office was very nasty to him after trying to get him on the Factor so it's not a shock to me that Deblasio's crew would try to mess with their benefit's!! These people are heartless evil bastards Sharptons crew marched yelling 'Kill Cop's' well they just did so he should be in jail right now! but he's in the Whitehouse sittin in Obamas chair while he's on va-ca BULLHUSK
  19. To the shit head mayor and his right hand man Sharpton THE BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!!! I have to stop here guys out of respect for Barry and the site! My daughter and her husband are cops and we are in fear now more then ever before for there lives! RIP To two of New Yorks Finest BULLHUSK
  20. Matlack had a shit load of those with VT 903's an with a Butler Alum. tank you could haul 54,000 and axel out OK! Plus with the V-8 and a stack blower you could pump off in 25 minutes! Was a dam good truck BULLHUSK
  21. Looks like a 1674 Cat, we had one in a K100 KW years back an we loved it, but some guys say they had trouble with them? Not the one we had! BULLHUSK
  22. Boiling water down the drain?? Shit that happens just about evey night in my house when we pour the macaroni through the colander! I guess thats why we Italians don't have drain troubles! And any oil left over I save in gallon jugs and burn it in my waste oil heater it burns better then motor oil! BULLHUSK
  23. Pa- Wv they all voted for the Asshole! Do you think the UMW will back the GOP this time? or maybe they just want to put the Coal Ind. outa business U just can't fix STUPID!!! PS Pa just voted in another Democrook as Govener!! There goes the fracking business
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