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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Mark, I hope he still has those wreckers?..............It would be niceErnie
  2. bullhusk


    Rob, If it was 30 years or so ago Colonial S&S. would rip out the 400 an put in a V12 Detroit an load em up with Port Washington sand an go down the road with em!!
  3. I googled Seagrave an got ahold of there office in NC, they tell me that the 5 diget # is the vin and the 4 diget is the model #BULLHUSK PS if you google Seagrave there site comes up with parts and service and a contact number for restoring older trucks
  4. Rob's right, the Mack T2090- 9 speed would be a good trans, just make sure if it's pre 1990 you might want to check an see that it has the up-grade on the top shifting cover (heaver forks) My 89 Superliner had a 2090 and I broke one of the main shafts twice, when the shifting fork would break and put the trans. between 2 gears and BANG!! That truck had 4.64 rears-24.5 tires and would run about 80 mph. I did in fact get a ticket for 77 mph an that was when the speed was 55!!BULLHUSK
  5. Mark, Who was the towing guy on RT130 in Bordentown NJ with the big yellow Army Sterling tow trucks? Was it Dunns Towing? I used to del. cement down to US Pipe and Foundry in Burlingtion an would pass them on 202-206 & 130 Ernie DS
  6. Ya It's me!!! I just got out of the wit-ness pre-tek-shun program with the feds!! oboy was that tuff, goin around with a funny name like louie, an livin out in the country an stuff!! I just couldn't wait till it was over!!... BUT I'M A FREE MAN NOW!!!!!!Thanks Louie
  7. I still don't get it?? I think I'll call my brother Teddy for help, I hate to keep botherin him !! I mean just last week I picked up my new Chrysler Town an Country and he helped me take it out of the wooden crate, WOW a lota work!!.......(ta tell ya the truth I think it looked better in the crate!!) Thanks Stash Dum.
  8. Rob, Can you post that joke again, I didn't get the first time?? Thanks Stanley Dumbroski
  9. WOW, I've never heard that one!!!... I just threw my Springsteen CD's into the fireplace..LOL
  10. Rob, I do this to all my trucks(baking soda) even my 05 Dodge 3500 with the Cummins which still has the orig. fac. batteries!! One other thing that I have found is that I have been trying Cat. batteries in some of the trucks that are at my Pa. location (a little colder up there) with good results!! I guess when you think about it, they do bounce around an take a lot of abuse in the heavy equipment no? I guess time will tell Ernie DS
  11. Paul, I'm always lookin for Mopar stuff, so if your lookin to sell, just PM me on the Mack site or email me!! Thanks Ernie DS
  12. Should we thank them for Autocar & GMC as well?? And maybe thank Mack for the Brockway guys?? BULLHUSK
  13. Paul, What happened to National Speedway (I think that was the name)on LI? We still have Island Drag up here in Jersey as well as Raceway Park just 40 mi south of me. I still take my 66 Plymouth an the SRT 10 PU out to Island, It's still a blast an makes you feel like a teenager all over again!! BULLHUSK
  14. A friend of mine had one in his Classic, I think they called it there Bridge Engine? He racked up over 800,000 m or so before trading it. However after seening what I was going through with the A- Cert motors he bought a Detroit. Look I've seen Detroit go through the 00-92 years that back in the day almost put Wilson Freight an Roadway out of business; but they didn't cut an run, they came out with the Silver 92's an started to repower there customer's trucks, on the other hand Cat who has a huge customer base in the NY-NJ area, you think would stand behind these motors? And It's not just me, just talk to any of the sand haulers out on the Island and they will tell you the same thing! All there new Petes an W900's have ISX Cummins motors and the guys that don't like Cummins motors by a Freight shaker with a DD-16, I must say, that these guys buy some crazy powered trucks!! These are the guys that years back had the 1693's 3408's V8 500 Macks and the Brockway V12-71's I guess when your grossin over 120,000 plus, a 238 won't cut it LOL BULLHUSK
  15. I know I gonna piss some a you Cat guys off, but here I go again with these 2007 Classic's with the 475 A-Cert motors. Between injectors an rocker's an water pumps and about 3 mi to the gal!!! thank Good God I only have 4 of these junk motors!! I call my PSR guy at Foley Cat today for some help, and got There standard answer 'out of warranty sorry'!! But here's the thing that gets me pissed offf, Cat sends me out a notice that there is a problem with the rockers, and you have a 1 year window to get them fixed free of charge P&L..... only if they break within that one year period, anything after that you own!! I've alway been a Detroit an Mack guy but back in 07 Robert from Brooklyn F-Liner talked me into ordering these 4 with Cats!! one big mistake!! Look I'm not throwin Foley Cat under the buss, but it is a dam shame that Caterpillar put all of these motors on the market, knowing after a year or so that they wern't workin to good. So what does Cat DO?? They get out of the truck engine market and left us to wolves!! So now they have there own truck.. Good freakin luck to anyone who buys one of those!! So when the time comes I will repower these trucks with 515 Detroit's and get excellent product support an 6-plus mi to the gal BULLHUSK
  16. Thanks Mike an Bollwevil, I'll see if new ones are available from Mack, if not I'll get back to you Mike Ernie DS
  17. Rob, if you buy this truck and it has the steel dash? I could use some interior parts... Let me knowErnie DS
  18. Mike I sent you a PM on the Mack site, anything on the fuel tank? Thanks Ernie DS
  19. I sure never took a ugly woman to bed...... But I sure did wake up next to a few!!... and sometimes with a hang-over BULLHUSK
  20. Maybe Barney Frank can tell us??
  21. With that being saidI could never figure out how an the HELL Harry boy kept his JOB!!!!! BULLHUSK
  22. I hear that they are having some paint problems over at Mack, any truth to that or just rumors? I do know that one of my Concrete customers had some paint prob. and Mack took care of them. The trucks by the way are running great an the drivers love em!! BULLHUSK
  23. bullhusk

    True Obama:

    I could swear that's the same guy that put gas in our car yesterday!!
  24. I have seen the future of rock and roll and his name is Bruce Springsteen..........I love ( Jersey's own) the boss's music and try to see all of his live stuff.... But I just wish he would shut up about the political s@!t.... BULLHUSK
  25. why did they do that?
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