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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I just have to laugh when I see Hoffa JR. on TV rantin about about Bush and the Rep. party, and how the Dem's are our saving grace... Let me see now........ Was it not the Kennedy's that brought down his father?? Last time I checked they are Democrats no?? And I just love to hear the Rev. Al Sharpton on his view of the Republican party ( Oh by the way GOP the party of Lincoln) did anyone tell this lamebrain who now works for MSNBC that if it wasn't for the Rep. party back in the 60's that Pres LBJ's Civil rights act would never have come to be, because most of the dem. party was against it!! Look I am not very edgee-me- kated man and I am a high school drop out, but when these folks get on TV and start tellin us stories I sort of go and look em up...And guess what!!! most of the time they are tellin us all lies and bulls#%!!.BULLHUSK
  2. The fact is Mark, do you know when these SOB's get a job?? Just before the last U.P. check comes... And that my friend is a fact
  3. Thats funny you should say that, years back at Colonial S&S a driver backed into the back of another mixer with a 238 Detroit, the mixer was in gear well the truck started and took off!! If it wasn't for Maxie brakes, it would have gone into the Passaic River!! Ernie DS
  5. And the answer is........... HELL Yes!!! just email me with the info Thanks Rob Ernie
  6. AND when the hell are these union's gonna stop endorsing this GUY??? I send back all of my Teamster Obama stuff and mark it Return Postage Paid!! .... Don't get any of that anymore... AF of L Teamster's Coal Miners all in the tank for this guy!! I just don't get it?? BULLHUSK
  7. Price of gas goes over 4 bucks a gl!! Pres Bush orders all bans on drilling to be lifted, price goes under 2 bucks over night.. what a time it was! Yesterday Obama goes on TV and takes credit for all the drilling that Bush an even Clinton started!!,, The simple fact is that no more drilling is being done on Gov. land cause of his crew!! and the price of fuel is still on the rise!! What a time it is!!
  8. HA Rob, I guess our V12 Macks are gonna sound twice as good!! Ernie DS.... PS I just can't wait to paint "I coulda had a V8" on the hood LOL
  9. WOW, Vinny, Rob, Mopar guys!! My first car was a 67 Coronet R/T that I bought in '71', That car was Dick Landy Blue with a white vi top 4 speed 440 4.56 Dana and front disks! I sold that car, but I did get another one that I still have in my garage, thats a Turbine Bronze with a white vi top 440 727 auto 3.55 8-3/4 rear 56,000 mi car, I'll see if I could send some pictures. I have been buyin Mopar muscle cars since I've been 17 years old so I've got a few, BUTTTTTT I never sold another one of my muscle cars ever again, cause after I sold the Blue 67 Coronet I cried myself to sleep every night and vowed never to do that again! BULLHUSK
  10. Thats just about the way it is today BULLHUSK
  11. Bob, The new Rep. speaker of the house does fly this way, not like Nancy Polsi did, when she went and bought a new 737 and had it decked out to her likein with our money, so she could fly home to Ca. non-stop!!! BULLHUSK
  12. Oh how right you are my friend!!.......I wonder if she's eatin all that healthy stuff when her and the 300 people (all family of course) go on those tax payer Zillion Dollar Va - Ka's??.. Must be somethin in the DC water??
  13. A real downer reading about all of us guys with this hobbie of ours (trucks) and not havin the funds to go to shows because of the price of fuel!! I know about this first hand, tryin to keep 20 trucks running every day, tires going up, paint, parts, and so-on all related to the coast of rising fuel prices!! Now back to my point: How about we do this (so the big boys in Washington could get a tast of our world) First thing we do is ground Marine 1 helicopter and buy a Chevy Volt (stretched of course) for the Obama short trips. #2 Ground Airforce 1 and send the Pres. across this great country of ours on an Amtrac Electric train... This will save us a lot of fuel and maybe even boost the sales on that Chevy Volt that Obama want us all to drive!! And least but not least, take the Goverment fuel card from Secterary Of Energy Stephen Chu an let him and his family by there own gas!!! and let them all PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH!!!! AND LET THEM FEEL THE CRUNCH AS WE DO!! BULLHUSK
  14. Tom, What kind of rear suspension, air ride, or spring Hendrickson, Rayco? If it's Hendrickson spring, sometimes you could get away with just unbolting the frame spring flanges and moving the rear one up to the front frame holes. Then all you have to do is line up the front spring flange an drill
  15. I could do that!
  16. iIf you are tryin to sell a veh. never ever take a picture, either with a tow truck hooked to it or a chain hooked to the front bumper!!!.. What the hell if wrong with people??
  17. Teacher..''Sinclair, use the word before in a sentence please'' Himmmmmmmmmmmmmm......Himmmmmmmmmmmmm..2 plus 2 be 4??
  18. Rob, I think thay stopped ebonics class, that ended right after they wanted to have a Miss ebonics America Pagent but could only get 49 States??? OK here it comes................ No girl wanted to be Miss Idaho!! BULLHUSK
  19. YES I would be interested!! Thanks Ernie DS
  20. Mark, Next Wed. I get the cast off and they give me one of those boots that I'll have to use in the day time but I could take it off at night. I'll have the boot for 2 weeks, for a totel of 5 weeks in some kind of cast!! Ernie DS
  21. OK Trent, keep me posted!Thanks BULLHUSK
  22. I always liked the International 250 loader with tthe 4 in one bucket, the first time i drove one I was about 15 years old, my uncle Frank sent me up to the top of the bank and it bring it down to the front. Well about a 1/2 a mile walk to the machine, and I could not for the life of me find the freakin starter button!! I went all the way back down the ramp to find out that it was right next to my leg!! I mean come on who the hell would a thought!!! I did like the machine though and you don't see to many of them, you see a lot of 175's but not 250's BULLHUSK PS we did have an older Cat loader that looked like an old 977(pony start and clutch driven) I'm thinkin we called it a 20-A ? does that sound right? It was a very good old track loader that you couldn't KILL!!
  23. Good truck for an O/O to buy, It's a lot cheaper to run then a new one!! BULLHUSK
  24. It freakin hurttts, thank GOD for Percocet's!! I just got off of them from my other freakin shit and now this!! I go to my Doc. tomorrow and maybe by next Monday I'll be in a boot. This hard cast is a real pain in the foot!!Thank you for askin Dave Ernie DS
  25. Two Polish hunters got a pilot to fly them into the Canadian wilderness, where they managed to bag two big moose. As they were loading the plane to return, the pilot said the plane could take only the hunters, their gear and one moose. The hunters strongly objected saying, ''last year we shot two, and the pilot let us take them both...and he had exactly the same plane as yours.'' Reluctantly the pilot, not wanting to be outdone by the other bush pilot, gave in and everything was loaded. However, even under full power, the little plane couldn't handle the load and went down, crashing in the wooded wilderness. Somehow, surrounded by the moose, clothing and sleeping bags, Yanush and Stashek surived the crash. After climbing out of the weckage,Yanush asked Stashek ''Any idea where we are??''...... Stashek replied, ''I THINK WE'RE PRETTY CLOSE TO WHERE WE CRASHED LAST YEAR!!!''
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